FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Research at THWS

Applied research, future-oriented teaching, internationalisation and digitisation are the key topics at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. They also constitute an ever-continuing objective and a primary factor for knowledge and technology transfer into practice.

Through their interconnection, they are interlocked and support each other – and thus promote the intensification of the regional focus of the University in teaching and research, and assure quality in teaching, continuous education and research.

Not only do companies, institutes and associations benefit from this but also our students, who thus share in state-of-the-art technology and science.

The University currently focuses on three key research areas: "Energy technology and energy efficiency", "People and mobility" and "Digital and intelligent systems".

In addition to research activities of individual professors of the faculties, the research activities of THWS is bundled in eight application-oriented institutes and conducted in over 90 laboratories. There is also an ombudsman for safeguarding good scientific practice and the guidelines for scientific practice are always adhered to.

Contact persons

Your direct contacts in all matters regarding knowledge and technology transfer:

Vice President for Research

This position is currently vacant.

Head of Campus for Applied Research
Dr. Christian Lengl
Room T.0.09
Phone +49 931 3511-8898
E-mail: christian.lengl[at]thws.de

The deans act as contact persons for the faculties.