Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Transfer of Course Credits


In general, you can transfer previously earned course credits or credits for recognised vocational training/internships to modules of your current degree programme.

However, the transfer does never happen automatically, but always on your application either in the application process or as a student.

The examination committee of your degree programme will decide which course work or activities can be accredited and how many ECTS credits and what grade they earn you.

In the course of the accreditation procedure, a fundamental distinction is made between

  • the transfer of credits earned in higher education.

      This applies to work done

    • either in your current studies (e. g. during a semester abroad)

    • or before your current studies (e. g. if you transfer from another higher education institution or have changed your degree programme) at a state-recognised higher education institution in the Federal Republic of Germany or at a higher education institution abroad


  • the accreditation of competences acquired outside higher education

    This applies to skills and/or competences you acquired, for example, during a vocational training or in continuing education.
    Note: Accreditation is possible up to a maximum of half of the ECTS credits to be acquired in the respective degree programme.

Further information can also be found on the website AN! - Anerkennung und Anrechnung im Studium (only in German).

The procedure

The procedure towards a transfer of credits will only start on application by the student or the applicant.

Please use the corresponding application form, if you want to transfer credits earned in higher education. There is a different form, if you want to apply for the accreditation of competences acquired outside higher education. Both forms are also available from our form centre. The respective application form also indicates which supporting documents must be enclosed in each individual case.

The application is generally required, if you apply for admission to a higher semester. Please upload it to the online application portal APPLY. For 1st semester students and in all other cases, the deadline for submitting an application is set out in the General Examination Regulations of THWS (Section 43 (7) APO).

After we checked your application for completeness, it will be forwarded to the examination committee or the person(s) responsible for the module(s). They will then decide about your application.

The consequences

If your application for the transfer of credits is approved, the relevant modules will be credited with the ECTS credits specified in the study and examination regulations of the degree programme. As described on the page about applying for higher semesters, this may lead to the crediting of study periods or semesters. As a result, changes in the standard course of studies are possible and examination-related effects on the standard deadlines in your degree programme cannot be ruled out. In the latter case in particular, you will receive an official letter from us, the Department of Student Affairs (HSST). Otherwise, you can see the extent of the credit transfer from the grade information in the THWS CampusPortal.

If your application for the transfer of credits is not approved and you have applied for admission to a higher semester, this application is also not approved and you are not allowed to enter studies in a higher semester. In all other cases, you will receive an official letter from us, the Department of Student Affairs (HSST), in accordance with the provisions made in the General Examination Regulations of THWS (Section 43 (7) APO) containing the reasoning.