FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Applying for higher semesters

Did you earn credits during previous studies which could be transferred into your desired programme at THWS? If yes, you can apply for studies in a higher semester. This is possible in the winter and in the summer semester. However, the same application procedure applies as for applications for the regular 1st semester. The examination committee of the respective degree programme will decide whether you earned enough credits for being admitted into a higher semester.

For some bachelor’s programmes, there is a predefined sum of credit points which are needed to enter the 2nd semester or a higher one.
In general, the following ECTS credit points must be earned to enter the stated semester:

  • For the 2nd programme semester: minimum of 23 ECTS credit points
  • For the 3rd programme semester: minimum of 53 ECTS credit points
  • For the 4th programme semester: minimum of 83 ECTS credit points
  • For the 5th programme semester: minimum of 113 ECTS credit points

Values for orientation only. If you are not sure whether you have enough credits to be admitted into a higher semester, we recommend to submit in addition a regular application for the 1st semester, if the offer is suitable.

Information about application for a higher programme semester is available as download the form centre.

Application deadlines

Winter semester: 2 May through 15 July

Summer semester: 15 November through 15 January


Changing to THWS is possible as long as the general admission requirements are met. For further information, please note the general information about applications. Some degree programmes require a pre-study internship of at least 6 weeks before students can start their studies - also in the case of entering the programme in a higher semester. For more information, please note the information sheet about pre-study internships.

Mostly there is no 2nd semester during winter semesters. Thus admission to the 2nd programme semester of most programmes is not possible; this applies in particular to admissions restricted programmes. When changing to THWS from another higher education institution or within THWS from another degree programme, periods of study, study achievements and credit points will be transferred as long as the module rates do not differ significantly. The applicant is required to present all documents necessary for the transfer of credits/periods etc. The examination committee makes the decision about credit transfer together with the responsible representatives from the individual degree programme.

Therefore, THWS is not able to tell applicants in advance into which semester they will be admitted or which credits will be transferred.

We would like to point out that the differences in the structure and content of degree programmes at different higher education institutions can be considerable - even if transferring within Germany. Due to this, transferring to THWS from another higher education institution often leads to a loss of time, as studies cannot be continued smoothly. 

Required documents

For a preliminary decision about your application, please upload the Application for the Transfor of Credits Earned in Higher Education with all relevant documents to the application portal. Documents include in particular:

  • Certificate of enrolment or a confirmation of your completed periods of study (preferred) issued by your current higher education institution.
  • Study achievements earned so far (certificate or transcript of record with signature/stamp by your current higher education institution including all exam results and also failed exams)
  • Study and examination regulations including curriculum and degree programme’s module handbook (preferrably as PDF file) - depends on requirements of the faculty (please note the information in the application portal)
  • Certificate of de-registration (if already available; if not, please bring it for the enrolment)
  • Proof of pre-study internship (if required)

Admission requirements

Admission can be granted if there are no obstacles to enrolment in accordance with Art. 91 of the Bavarian University Innovation Law(BayHIG) and if places are available in the higher semesters. In admissions restricted programmes, admission into a higher semester is also dependent on capacity utilizations. Admission can only be granted, if the total number of students enrolled in the chosen degree programme is lower than the stipulated maximum of students. The maximum number of students are stipulated by statute.

Admission is subject to the condition that the student has submitted a formal application for credit transfer no later than when commencing studies at THWS, and that the examination committee responsible approves the credit transfer.

The application for the transfer of credits has to be uploaded to APPLY already after you accepted the place via APPLY; please make sure to submit it no later than one month after commencing studies at THWS.

After a check for completeness, your application is forwarded to the responsible examination committees or the person responsible for the chosen degree programme. A formal notification will be issued with the examination committee’s decision about accredited modules and an information into which semester you are placed depending on the number of CP you have previously earned.

For more information about the procedure, please refer to our pages of trensfer of course credits.