Business Information Systems
In today's society, the interaction of people with information systems is in the foreground. Therefore, the educational goal of the bachelor's degree programme in Business Information Systems is to enable graduates to solve complex problems for operational information processing and supply. Business informatics is the crucial link between modern information and communication technology and their efficient use in businesses. Today and in the future, our graduates look forward to various tasks in different specialist and management areas of businesses. Our comprehensive academic education provides skills to methods solve problems and to quickly familiarise with the numerous application areas of business informatics, comprehensive basic knowledge as well as interdisciplinary methodological and social skills.
Contact person for the degree programme
Prof. Dr. Eva Wedlich
Room I.3.35
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8865
E-mail eva.wedlich[at]
Consultation hours by arrangement (e-mail preferred)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems