FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg


Interactive, collaborative assembly of complex components

Short Facts

  • Duration: 01 Feb. 2020 to 31 July 2021
  • Funded by: Bavarian Research Foundation - AZ-1401-19 


Hand gripping a small load carrier and a light projection provides markings
Image of assisted manual assembly

Complex or individualised components produced in small lot sizes often lack economic efficiency and thus, it is not worth to automate their production. One solution to increasing the efficiency could be intelligent assembly work centres. Within the “InKoMo” project, AR applications and collaborative robots (CoBots) are tested for their possible use in assisted, intelligent work centres. The objective is to develop a tested, universal method for creating intelligent, manual assembly processes through use cases.

Project goals and contents

In industrial manufacturing, there is a clear trend from mass production towards individualised mass production. This means that the products to be produced are manufactured in personalised variants desired by the consumer and in small batch sizes. In such cases, a high degree of automation is seldom economically efficient, being the reason why the assembly is often carried out manually. To rise to the increasing competitive pressure, it is necessary to exploit productivity potentials in the production of complex components. Especially in human-robot collaboration for increasing the degree of automation, potentials were detected. Enhancing assembly work processes with new technologies like AR applications creates intelligent work centres.

The project aims to tap the reserves in productivity with the help of assisted manufacturing workstations and through human-robot collaboration. Within the project, feasibility studies will be carried out in the assembly of complex components using AR applications and collaborative robots. The findings are to be used to develop a sector-independent guideline that contains generally applicable recommendations for the development and integration of intelligent assembly workstations.

InKoMo film

Project contact

Markus Wilhelm, M.Eng.