Involving educational components to derive adaption concepts for (manufacturing) businesses.
Short Facts
Funding code: 67DAS216
Duration: 01 Apr. 2021 to 31 Mar. 2023
- Funded by: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Saftey
- Associated project partners: Industrial Union of Metalworkers Schweinfurt (IGM), Chamber of Industry and Commerce Main-Franconia (IHK) and the Chamber of Crafts for Lower Franconia (HWK)
- Amount of funding: 193,512.25 EUR

Due to expanding value-added chains, German (manufacturing) businesses are strongly dependent on their suppliers spread across the globe. Hence, the flow of production is prone to external disturbances that are, for example, arising from climatic changes. The development of strategic measures to adapt to the climate is imperative to anticipate and minimise the business-specific risks of climate change. The project intends to develop the elaboration of involving educational components which enable and motivate stakeholders to derive individual strategies and measures to adjust to climate change.
Project goals and contents
With the MainKlimaPlus project, the current challenges of climate change are addressed and three educational components are being developed to sensitise (manufacturing) businesses for their responsibilities and to support them in deriving individualised measures to adjust to climate change.
The basis for this is a regional study that depicts through various dimensions (e.g. industry, scope, anticipatory/reactively) the extent to which business already initiate or take adjustment measures. For a thematic introduction and sensitisation, this is followed by creating the concept of a video teaser. By means of the main component, a simulation game, businesses shall simulate various climatic influences and test the effectiveness of strategies to address them (measured using KPI). In the context of climate change, thematic sensitisation and the change of thought patters, the game-based learning approach promises higher chances of successfully imparting contents and relevance in a sustainable and practice-oriented way.
The partners associated, IG Metall Schweinfurt (IGM), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Würzburg-Schweinfurt (IHK) and the Chamber of Crafts for Lower Franconia (HWK), all support the orientation towards the target group and the widespread dissemination of the educational components developed.
About the funding programme
The Federal Environment Ministry has been funding innovative projects since 2011 via the DAS programme (funding of measures to adjust to the consequences of climate change) to make regional stakeholder organisations rethink their positions and raise awareness for the effects of and new challenges imposed due to climate change. With the research focus 2 (development of educational modules on climate change and climate adjustment), funding recipients are to develop effective communication and education concepts with “multiplicative effect” (BMU 2021) that shall enable target groups to derive measures to adjust for climate change and to continuously integrate this requirement into their strategies.
Find more information here:
Link to the project sponsor Z-U-G
Teaser video
Link to the regional study

Due to expanding value chains, Main-Franconian companies and crafts enterprises are in a strong dependency relationship with their globally distributed suppliers. Hence, the value-added chain is prone to external disturbances that are, for example, arising from climatic changes. Additionally, the warming rates in the Bavaria region are significantly higher than the national average. Thus, the development of strategic measures to adapt to the climate is imperative to anticipate and minimise the business-specific risks of climate change. Adapting to climate change is one of today’s greatest challenges in many municipal, economic, and social sectors. This regional study therefore intends to delineate the circumstances and interactions of global climate change, the impacts in the Bavarian region of Main-Franconia and the emerging needs for change for social, political and economic stakeholders. A comprehensive basic theoretical overview first serves to classify important starting points from a political perspective and presents offers for economic actors. Furthermore, the economic characteristics are differentiated according to craft enterprises and other businesses, and their role for growth and innovation in the region, as well as in relation to climate change and the necessity to adapt to it, is shown. The results of a quantitative study illustrate that besides economic efficiency and physical resources, the human factor plays a role in increasing the resilience of organisations against climate changes. If organisations of the economy are to find ways of handling climate change adequately, it is - first and foremost - the task of the executives to develop a systemic approach with extensive measures for climate protection and adjustment, test their effectiveness and integrate them at full scale. Through the present regional study, it becomes apparent that besides climate protection and reducing climate-harming greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change is an unavoidable aspect for maintaining or even increasing economic efficiency, by recognising the changed requirements as opportunities for development.