Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein


Resource-efficient recycled dry-wall construction boards

Short Facts

  • Duration: 01/10/2022 – 30/09/2025
  • Funded by: Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection
  • Project partner(s): Knauf KG, Bavarian Centre for Applied Energy Research (ZAE)


Development of a specific, automatable characterisation process using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the industrial-scale, environment-friendly recycling of gypsum from construction waste. This requires the development of a method combination for detecting mineral fibres in recycled gypsum (e.g. from gypsum cardboard) for a recycling management that is sustainable both economically and ecologically. For this purpose, a qualified initial inspection is to be developed and validated, which enables to introduce recycled gypsum to the production.

Project goals and contents

Within the GIPScycle project, an innovative validation process is being developed and tested which is able to harness Artificial Intelligence, as well as other technologies, for the detection of impurities in gypsum cardboard. The goal is to close the materials cycle of gypsum cardboard, as these are currently mainly disposed of in landfills at the end of their product life. In theory, if the recycling succeeds, gypsum can be recycled infinitely and be re-used in the production of new gypsum cardboard. This topic is especially relevant due to the drying up of a significant source of gypsum material, which is currently obtained as a by-product of flue gas de-sulfurisation in coal-fired power plants (so-called FDG gypsum). Through a successful recycling of gypsum products, the increasing demand for construction material can be met and at the same time, the natural sources of the material can be conserved.

Project contact(s)

Markus Wilhelm, M.Eng.