Students in park (c) Jonas Kron


Validation of additive manufacturing techniques for application in metalworking

Short Facts

  • Duration: 01 Oct. 2019 to 30 Sept. 2022
  • Funded by: BayVFP line of funding “Digital transformation” / R&D programme “Information technology and communication engineering” by the Free State of Bavaria (IUK-1905-0013)


3D-printed components (ball, chain, ball within a corpus)
3D-printed components

As part of the advancing digitalisation in the metalworking industry, different additive manufacturing processes become increasingly available. The advantage is that complex structures can be produced layer by layer in one process step, saving costs and weight. However, the mechanical properties and surface structures depend on the process. Within the VALIDAD project, a targeted selection of processes is made possible according to the predefined component requirements. In addition, measures to improve the quality assurance and process capability of different additive manufacturing technologies will be validated. 

Project goals and contents

In modern metalworking processes, customised individual solutions increasingly have to be implemented. Additive manufacturing processes are ideal for this purpose. This technology allows the economic realisation of complex, weight-optimised components. In order to be able to implement the desired requirements for components, a suitable process must be selected according to the properties. A lack of resources makes it difficult to integrate additive process technologies within SMEs. The VALIDAD project aims to support SMEs in the selection of additive manufacturing processes through a regional communication network. Further contents of the project are research measures to improve process capability and quality assurance with a focus on sensor development, online data acquisition and science-based evaluation algorithms. The developed process technology and the achievable component properties are tested using business cases as examples and made available to the communication network.

Project contact

Kira Kristin Wehnert, M.Eng.