FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Feasibility study “scan-free order picking using smart wearables in shelving racks”


The project focuses on the process step of identifying storage positions that ensures and documents that an order is really picked from the specified storage position. This process step is needed, however, it does not add value. A feasibility study is to be conducted to clarify how storage locations in shelf racks can be reliably identified without barcode scanning during order picking. Personal smart wearables and sensors are to be used as a priority, with warehouse-based sensors only being used if absolutely necessary.  

The technical basis is an indoor positioning system that is based on ultra-wideband and promises an accuracy of 10 cm in all dimensions. It is yet to be clarified

  1. if this accuracy is achievable in an order picking environment,
  2. which technical measures can improve the accuracy and if this requires personal sensors, and
  3. how the “right” time can be identified to isolate the specific data set from the stream of positional data that indicates the positions of the storage space from which the order is picked.

For the purpose of visualisation, the stream of positional data is transferred to a 3D simulation system.

Project contact(s)

Professor Dr.-Ing. Peik Bremer