FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg


Studying at our university features a high share of practice.
One part is the practical or internship semester.
All information about this mandatory internship is made available by the internship office within the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).

Most Information on the internship office of our university is currently only available in German. Please use the language button above to switch between languages.

We're working hard to provide this page as soon as possible in English and want to apologize for any inconvenience.


Jürgen Bender
Room S.2.09 (Münzstraße 12, Würzburg)
Phone 0931 3511-6134

For questions or other messages use the contact form of the internship office.

Financial support

Our International Office offers comprehensive information about financial support during internships abroad, e.g. Erasmus+, Promos, grants/scholarships.

You can also visit the Stipendien-page (In German only) which offers help when looking for financial support. This project, however, mainly concentrates on students in Germany (not on funding of, for example, internships abroad).