Excursion to Hitachi Energy
Doctoral centers at universities of applied sciences
The state government of Bavaria announced on October 4th, 2023 that universities of applied sciences and technical universities would also be granted the right to award doctorates. This will be possible at the THWS.
From the ministry announcement: “Big boost for practical research”: Eleven doctoral centers are being set up at the universities of applied sciences (HaW) and technical universities (TH) in Bavaria. This means that young scientists can now also do their doctorates directly at these universities. Science Minister Markus Blume announced this at the beginning of October.
Energy supply: The future is the storage systems no matter what kind
A specialist presentation in front of the municipal council of Geldersheim dealt with modern hydrogen and battery technology (not only) for the local building yard.
GELDERSHEIM There was a touch of spring with a pinch of hydrogen in the most recent meeting of the municipality council. The new municipal building yard, that is supposed to be built next to the Würzburger Straße towards the Conn Barracks, might use "H2" as a climate-neutral energy source.
Mayor Thomas Hemmerich had invited two top-class experts of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt to present a background report. Professor Dr. Winfried Wilke represented the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Professor Dr. Markus Zink the area of Electrical Engineering. ......
Read the complete article in German: Main Post
Aiwanger: "We need more storages - Energiegenossenschaft ÜZ demonstrates how"
LÜLSFELD/MUNICH The questions of expansion of renewable energies, and of feeding energy into the system or storing green energy are at the top of the Free State's agenda.
"We are accelerating everything at once: Expanding photovoltaics and wind power plants, strengthening the power grid, creating energy storages, and setting up the hydrogen economy", Hubert Aiwanger, the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy explained. On Friday, he followed the invitation of Anna Stolz, who is State Secretary and member of the Landtag for Lower Franconia. He was invited to visit the Energiegenossenschaft ÜZ Mainfranken in Lülsfeld in the district of Schweinfurt. "All these tasks are on your agenda, and you are doing an excellent job to promote the energy transformation", the State Minister determined. Especially storage systems are an important factor for the State Minister to be able to use green energy in the medium term that is not used right away or fed in the grid. "Throughout Germany we need much more storage capacity, and this open to all technologies. The green energy is supposed to go into batteries, be converted in hydrogen, or used in pumped storage plants – anything is better than spending a lot of money to limit wind power and PV plants in case of over-production. What is built in Lülsfeld is put to the test and, if successful, should be used in many other Bavarian regions as well......
Read the entire report in German:
Also see the German article of Main-Post
ICDL 2022: PhD student of the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and High Voltage Technology honoured
The objectives: better understanding of properties and operating behaviour of isolation under DC voltage load
"Award for best oral communication" – M.Eng. Lisa Roth was honoured with this award, doctoral student at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and High Voltage Technology (IEHT) at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. She was given the award in Sevilla, Spain, in the course of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL 2022), one of the most important conferences on liquid insulating materials. At the conference, her contribution "Investigation of Charge Carrier Transport Processes in Transformer Oil-Pressboard Barrier Systems by Simultaneous Kerr-Effect and Polarization Current Measurements”. The Chairman of the ICDL, Professor Pedro A. Vázquez, awarded the prize. ......
Read the entire article in German: THWS-News
1st VDE Bavaria Zukunftsforum at FHWS devoted to transformation of energy and mobility
With its format, the VDE Baveria (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) especially appeals to students and junior engineers
Energy and mobility – these most current topics were chosen by the VDE for the two-day "VDE Bayern Zukunftsforum" on the topic "Energy transformation: Chances and challenges for Bavaria". 130 participants used this opportunity for further education, discussions and networking. Ten specialist presentations, panel discussions, and six pitches by speakers from the industry, from science and research were on the agenda of these two days. The VDE had invited to the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. ......
Link to the full article (only in German): THWS-News

Excellent Paper Award goes to doctoral student at the Institute of Energy and High Voltage Technology
“Excellent Paper Award” – This was awarded to M. Eng. Lisa Roth, doctoral student at the Institute for Power Engineering and High Voltage Technology (IEHT) of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. It has been awarded in the background of the 22nd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH2021) in Xi’an, China. On the symposium, her contribution “Combined Kerr-Effect and Polarisation Current Measurements in Oil-Pressboard Barrier Systems” was highly appreciated. As one of four award-winning participants, she received the “Excellent Paper Award” by ISH Prof. Shengtao Li.
Full article:
Transfer forum II: Applied research by THWS from the region, for the region - and beyond!
"Companies are very interested in sharing in the knowledge of the universities of applied sciences," said THWS President Prof. Dr. Robert Grebner at the opening of the Transfer Forum, which the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt hosted for the second time this year in a virtual conference together with Region Mainfranken GmbH and the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce. In four short presentations, the heads of the Institutes of Energy and High Voltage Technology, Medical Technology, Applied Logistics and the Technology Transfer Centre for E-Mobility presented their research focuses with examples of their current projects.
Full article:
Studying is silver, networking is gold
From now on, specially appointed liaison lecturers will be supporting the VDE's promotion of young talents at German higher education institutions on a voluntary basis. Not only students benefit from the new concept.
A professor you do not only meet for a colloquium but who you can approach easily during a bowling night. Study and career advise by someone who knows your name and knows what is actually right for you. Student life with fellow students and professors, that are passionate about electrical engineering and information technology, and who you also get to know outside the lecture room. Not only does this sound nice, it has also proven to be successful – and was turned into a concept by the VDE: the honorary position as "VDE liaison lecturer". ......
Read the entire article in German: Kompakt VDE Young Net
Source: Dialog VDE
Climate protection and energy: Alumnus Markus Hümpfer visited THWS as a member of the German parliament
As a member of the Committee on Climate Protection and Energy he visited the MAVEL Lab and learned about the new bachelor's degree programme "Sustainable Energy Systems"
"The best way to predict the future is to create it" – the quote of the former federal chancellor Willy Brandt guides the business engineer (B. Eng.) Markus Hümpfer, alumnus of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and member of the German parliament. As a member of the Committee for Climate Protection and Energy, and rapporteur of the SPD Bundestag group for energy grid expansion and regulation, among others. The man born in Schonung was also interested in the topics of bioenergy and geothermal energy as well as the MAVEL Lab (Mixed Augmented Virtual Experience Learning) and the new bachelor's programme "Sustainable Energy Systems", that will initially be offered at THWS in Schweinfurt from the winter semester of 2023/2024. ......
Read the entire article in German: THWS news article

FHWS Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink is appointed the first liaison lecturer of the VDE for students
Zink promotes and advises young FHWS academics on a voluntary basis
Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink was appointed the first liaison lecturer of the VDE Bavaria. The head of the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and High Voltage Technology of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt carries out this task for the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) as an honorary position. He advises and promotes young academics from 2022 to 2024.
Zink has acted as a mentor and supporter of the VDE higher education group at FHWS. ......
Read the entire article in German: FHWS-News
VDE Bavaria appoints first liaison lecturer
Liaison lecturers represent the VDE and its goals at higher education institutions in Germany. By the appointment of professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink, this position at VDE Bavaria was now filled for the first time. ......
Entire report in German: VDE Bavaria
THWS student of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology finishes his promotion to become a doctor engineer (Dr.-Ing.)
A doctoral degree for conducting research at THWS: With Andreas Reumann, a further, former research associate of the Institute for Power Engineering and High Voltage Technology (IEHT) and graduate of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology programme at THWS has achieved a doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) in the context of a co-operative doctorate with the Ilmenau University of Technology.
Full article: THWS News

Teaching comes from the net, practice from the lab.
Full article: Mainpost

IEHT graduate researches components for an effective electricity infrastructure
Due to the energy transition, electricity must sometimes travel longer distances than before. Instead of coming from the nearest energy plant, for example, wind energy from the North Sea now has to reach Bavaria. However, our electricity infrastructure does not yet allow for this and causes high losses in electricity transmission. For her doctorate, Dr Isabell Wirth researched electrical feedthroughs, i.e. high-voltage components that are intended to enable reliable power transmission over long distances.
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A doctorate with future prospects: Scientific, further qualification at THWS
With a graduation at THWS, many doors are open to its former students. Here, there is definitely an alternative route to a path into the economy. The prospect of a long-term career in research and science makes further academic qualification an interesting interim goal for many graduates. This usually means: Several years of work invested into answering an independent, scientific research question, based on scientific standards that are generally accepted by the scientific community. Despite a lot of work and prospects that can only be planned with in the medium term, interesting fields of work, inspiring research environments and long-term career paths in science and the economy are attractive. Increasingly, therefore, students are taking advantage of the opportunity to do a co-operative doctorate at THWS.
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