Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

Studying with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses

Our University offers advice for disabled or chronically ill students and prospective students to enable their academic success. The individual student’s situation is always taken into account in order to overcome possible impairments and balance additional expenses or other disadvantages.

Contact person

Officer for Disabled or Chronically Ill Students
Vice President Prof. Dr. Achim Förster
Phone +49 931 3511-6096
E-Mail studierenmitbehinderung[at]

Academic Advisory Service
The Academic Advisory Service of THWS also offers advice for prospective students and active students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. An appointment is absolutely necessary. Additionally, you can arrange an individual appointment by e-mail. We happily invite all students to contact us.

Programme advice

Advice related to your specific degree programme is offered by your faculty’s programme advisors.

Making contact

Active involvement of students promotes participation and contributes to everyday academic life at THWS. We therefore welcome every idea and will include them in our considerations and planning! Disadvantages or discriminations in everyday life at our University can be reported easily and, as an option, anonymously via the contact form below. The information is treated confidentially and processed, if necessary, in consultation with the person concerned. 

Contact details

Personal details (optional)

Your ideas, problems, complaints, compliments
Please click on 'send' to submit your message