Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Promoters at THWS

Promoters are THWS professors and THWS teachers who support the founding of a business and who provide consultancy.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand

Profile of Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand

Faculty: Business and Engineering
Phone: +49 9721 940- 8419

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Cost and benefit accounting, controlling and management reporting, business planning
Function as promoter: Information transfer, function as an expert for controlling and business model innovation

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Baumgarten

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Stephanie Baumgarten

Faculty: Economics and Business Administration
Phone number: +49 931 3511-8248

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Financial management, Lean Start-Up, Design Thinking, business model development, Corporate Entrepreneurship
Function as promoter: Mentor, coach, consultancy

Prof. Dr. Harald Bolsinger

Profile of Prof. Dr. Harald Bolsinger

Faculty: Economics and Business Administration
Phone number: +49 931 3511-8944

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Business ethics, development of organisations & value management, Ethical Leadership, Sustainability Competence
Function as promoter: Expert for value management, sustainability management, business ethics, and Christian spirituality in management

Prof. Dr. Christian J. Bauer

Profile of Prof. Dr. Christian J. Bauer

Faculty: Economics and Business Administration
Phone number: +49 931 3511-8981

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: IT-based innovations, digital business models, e-commerce, organisation and business information systems
Function as promoter: Passing on information, function as mentor & coach

Prof. Dipl. Ing. Walter Baur

Faculty: Plastics Engineering and Surveying
Phone: +49 931 3511-8414

Function as promoter: Passing on information and function as expert

Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbeck

Profile of Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbeck

Faculty: Economics and Business Administration
Phone number: +49 931 3511-8034 (E-mail contact preferred)

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Marketing, sales, business development, strategies, entrepreneurship, founding a business, media management
Function as promoter: Function as expert for marketing & sales

Prof. Uli Braun

Profile of Prof. Uli Braun

Faculty: Visual Design
Phone: +49 931 3511-9302

Function as promoter: Passing on information

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Bräutigam

Profile of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Bräutigam

Faculty: Business and Engineering
Phone: +49 9721 940-8595

Function as promoter: Passing on information, function as mentor & coach, consultancy, first contact
Industry contacts: Design Thinking and lean start-up, expert in lean management, intralogistics and RFID, function as consultant for support and optimisation projects

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gartzke

Profile of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gartzke

Faculty: Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Phone: +49 931 3511-8907

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Financial management, HR management, social management and organisation, project management, IT applications/digitisation in social work, Economy for the Common Good (ECG)
Function as promoter: First contact, supervision of final theses in the field of entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hube

Profile of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hube

Faculty: Economics and Business Administration
Phone number: +49 931 3511-8873

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Management, investment management
Function as promoter: Passing on information, function as mentor & coach, first contact

Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst

Faculty: Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Phone: +49 931 3511-8830

Function as promoter: Passing on information

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Müller

Faculty: Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Phone: +49 931 3511-8186

Subject Areas: Socioinformatics, social aspects of digitalisation, human-computer interaction, smart city

Function as promoter: Passing on information, function as expert, mentor & coach

Prof. Dr. Michael Müßig

Profile of Prof. Dr. Michael Müßig

Faculty: Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Phone: +49 931 3511-9402

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Business management and organisation, innovation management and founding, team management, social and leadership skills, innovation and business model development
Function as promoter: Passing on information, function as expert, mentor & coach

Prof. Dr. Tabea Schmitt

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Tabea Schmitt

Faculty: Business and Engineering
Phone: +49 931 3511-8538
E-mail: tabea.schmitt(at)

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: SME management, succession in SME management for family businesses, start-up management

Function as promoter: Mentor, coach, consultancy

Prof. Dr. Uwe Sponholz

Faculty: Business and Engineering
Phone: +49 9721 940- 8409

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Innovation Management & Design Thinking, Strategic Management, B2B Marketing and Sales.
Function as promoter:
Passing on information

Prof. Erich Schöls

This is a profile image of Prof. Schöls

Faculty: Visual design
Phone: +49 931 3511-8805

Teaching areas: Digital media/interactive media

Research areas: Applied, interdisciplinary research and development in the field of digital information and communication media (Steinbeis Research Centre for Design and Systems)

Function as promoter: Mentor, coach, consultancy

Prof. Dr. Alexander Versch

Profile of Prof. Dr. Alexander Versch

Faculty: Mechanical Engineering
Phone: +49 9721 940-8716

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Production engineering, manufacturing automation
Function as promoter: Expert in the field of managing SMEs in the mechanical engineering industry
Consultancy role: Intelligent, mechatronic components and elements

Prof. Dr. Mark Vetter

Faculty: Plastics Engineering and Surveying
Phone: +49 931 3511-8249
E-mail: mark.vetter(at)

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Project management

Subject Areas: GIS, geovisualisation, cartography, Virtual Reality

Function as promoter: Information transfer, function as an expert for controlling and business model innovation

Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner

Profile of Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner

Faculty: Economics and Business Administration
Phone number: +49 931 3511-8836

Teaching in the field of entrepreneurship: Business planning, accounting, taxes, strategic management
Function as promoter: Information transfer, expert (in the field of accounting, taxes), mentor, coach, advisory function (in the field of business planning, choice of location and legal form), initial contact

Prof. Dr. Georg Wimmer

Profile of Prof. Dr. Georg Wimmer

Faculty: Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Phone: +49 9721 940-8998

Consultation hours during WS 2017/2018:
Thursday 14:15 to 15:15 h, Room 7.E.03 Dean’s office of FANG, please register in advance by e-mail

Areas of activity: Internship coordinator of the Industrial Mathematics degree programme
Function(s): Internet Coordinator of the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities, Manager of the Lab for Numerical Simulation (Schweinfurt), internship coordinator for the Industrial Mathematics bachelor’s programme