FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg


Start-up Guide

Start-up Guide

As a start-up personality, you should know what drives you from the inside in order to bring your idea to the streets with sufficient drive. The GRÜNDUNGS:leitfaden (Start-Up Guide) Part#1 is an interactive workbook that helps you to identify, explore and develop your purpose as well as your personality.

If you are thinking about starting your own business, but are still looking for clues to help you find ideas, the GRÜNDUNGS:leitfaden will help you identify the topics you are passionate about.

If you are still unsure whether you are a founding personality, the GRÜNDUNGS:leitfaden will help you to recognise, strengthen and expand the relevant personality traits of a founding personality in yourself.

If you are in a phase of discovery and want to reassess yourself, the GRÜNDUNGS:leitfaden will help you to find out what your purpose is.

What are you waiting for? Find what drives you!


The Start-up Guide is available for download (German PDF) for all who are interested.

Start-up platform

The construction kit for your future


The start-up platform is your free tool for implementing your business idea. You can put your business idea on paper in many clearly structured steps. From the creation of the business model to the business plan, you have the opportunity to advance your idea of tomorrow and finally get started.
The start-up platform also offers numerous examples and information that will help you on your way to founding a business and give you the best possible start. 

We are partners of the Founder’s platform and are looking forward to your ideas. Share your projects with us, easily via the Founder’s platform.


Just get started, let yourself be inspired and create your business idea on the website of the start-up platform.

Idea scanner

Would you like to have your start-up idea, which you are working on at THWS, analysed, checked for marketability and feasibility and have your business model checked for its weaknesses - and all this without really having to reveal your idea? Then you've come to the right place in our start-up consultancy. With IDEASCANNER, we have licensed an AI-supported tool we can use to analyse your challenges and potential.

As a result, you receive an up-to-date overview of your idea and learn how you can improve your idea including the IDEASCANNER score.

Scan your idea and claim your IDEA SCANNER certificate as badge. We look forward to hearing from you!

You will receive the link to the tool at ulrike.machalett-gehring@thws.de - just send us an e-mail.
As THWS member, scanning your idea is free of charge.

Here you can download the Ideascanner flyer.

Idea scanner Logo

Founders for future - Bernd Hanheiser/Harald J. Bolsinger

“Leaving visible traces with your own business”:

Our world is facing major economic, ecological, cultural and social challenges, which can only be overcome through new and innovative action! The brand-new German/Engl. publication by Prof. Dr. Bolsinger and Bernd Hanheiser supports the development of young start-up teams into Founders for Future with an easy-to-use Deep Impact Lean Start-up Model. Meaningful entrepreneurship, responsible corporate culture and a visionary set of values form an inspiring orientation for the Founders for Future and their sustainability-related business models. 

The book is available for download for all interested parties.

Robust business models in times of a crisis

Crises challenge our companies again and again, as the Corona pandemic showed to a high degree. With this Excel-based tool, you can check your business model for robustness. Discrepancies in your assessed actual state in contrast to our target recommendation are clearly presented in a matrix. This tool also offers recommendations for action you can use to make your company more robust.
Do not hesitate and use this free tool, which was made available for you by students from the Innovation in SMEs course.

Get more information on the i2m website.