Sports at THWS
Sports programme in Würzburg
Members of THWS (full-time enrolled students and full-time employees) can use the sports programme of the Julius Maximilian University Würzburg (information in German only).
Sports programme in Schweinfurt
Sports offers for students in Schweinfurt (valid until Easter 2020): Participation is subject to fees that must be paid. You can book in via Würzburg University. Please follow the link for terms and conditions.
Wednesday, 20:00 - 21:30
Gym of Gartenstadt-Volksschule
Instructor: Tobias Dembenski
Monday, 20:00 - 21:30
Gym of Olympia-Morata-Gymnasium, upper gym
Instructor: Mathias Geyer
Monday, 20:00 - 21:30
Gym of Friedrich-Fischer-Schule/FOS
Instructor: Albert Sehringer
Thursday, 20:00 – 21:30 Uhr
Gym of Walther-Rathenau-Realschule, lower gym
Instructor: Paul Pflüger
Wednesday, 18:30 - 20:00
Gym of Olympia-Morata-Gymnasium, upper gym
Instructor: Michaela Weis und Jack
THWS Sports coordinator in Schweinfurt is Prof. Dr. Jörg Spielfeld
E-Mail thomas.felsner[at]
Please note: There is no training during Bavarian school holidays.
THWS is a "Partner University of High Performance Sports"
THWS helps students with an outstanding athletic performance in the A-, B- or C-class (German classfication system for students, who are sponsored by sports associations) combine their studies and high performance sports. Students can, e.g., request a semester on leave of absence as "tournament semester". Moreover, students will be accommodated in case exam dates collide with tournaments or in case regular attendance at a seminar is not possible.
For this reason, the University of Würzburg, THWS, the Studentenwerk Würzburg, the German University Sports Federation (adh), the German Fencing Federation and the German "Olympiastützpunkt"/Fencing-Club in Tauberbischofsheim have reached a co-operation agreement in October 2002.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Felsner
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Phone +49 9721 940-8777
Email thomas.felsner[at]