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The THWS identity

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Our vision

The Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) is guided by the vision of networking. Through systematic networking and connections, we aim to create ideal, inspiring, and prosperous prerequisites  in order to be able to contribute to the future challenges at THWS, of the region, the society and the economy.

THWS effects this on three levels by:

Connecting regions and countries

We are firmly rooted in the region of Lower Franconia. Our University is a strong partner and momentum creator. We connect regional science and economy with each other and with Europe and the whole world. Through our close cooperation with regional companies, we position ourselves as an essential intersection to connect students with the economy and industry by training and further educating national and international skilled workers for the region.

Connecting disciplines and knowledge

We cover a wide spectrum of disciplines in order to study, teach, work, and conduct research in a multidisciplinary way. We connect our disciplines and thus the people who work, teach, and study at THWS. We create THWS-internal networks and initiate partnerships with society, politics, and the economy. We tackle challenges of digitalisation and climate change from different perspectives.

Connecting people and cultures

We create and pass on knowledge. Connecting inquisitive and curious people enriches not only the individual's life but also society. In this, we equally value connecting students, lecturers, employees in administration and science with people from the industry.

Our mission

We provide excellent education and continuous training in a didactically challenging, curiosity-awakening, personalised and forward-looking environment.
Our highly qualified teaching staff develop innovative teaching and learning formats with the aim of training our graduates as opinion-forming, professionally and socially competent people fir for the society of the future.

Our highest goal and at the same time the highest mark of quality is the integration of our graduates into the labour market on the basis of academically sound, application-oriented study and further education programmes characterised by the exchange of knowledge and competences.

In order to reach this goal, all THWS areas including teaching, research, and administration must aim for the highest quality standard.

We therefore practise integrated, process-oriented, and systematic quality management in order to develop continuously and verifiably and to consolidate THWS as an attractive place for studies and employment.

Our strong and professional networks enable supra-regional and international exchange. We connect people with different perspectives and intellectual approaches through THWS-internal and cross-university networking.

Hence, we enable all THWS members to exchange experiences and knowledge. We encourage dialogue and thus create inspiring and creative spaces in which we offer the opportunity to broaden competences, perspectives, and horizons.

As an institution of teaching and research, we perceive ourselves as a workshop for innovation and with our insights, we spark important impulses for the region, the society, for politics and the economy. With our faculties, institutes, laboratories, and cross-university competence networks, we can offer application-oriented and practical solutions based on scientifically sound knowledge and continuous exchange and transfer of knowledge.

We teach, conduct research and work in a multidisciplinary way, out of conviction. We achieve progress and further development through the plurality and diversity of people, perspectives, and competences. We pave the way for the enriching process of understanding and exchange across disciplines, teaching, research, and administration. We approach new ways of thinking and acting openly and curiously. We are also willing to meet each other halfway and listen actively.

As a scientific institution and hotbed of innovation, we see it as our duty to take responsibility for the future social, economic, and ecological challenges as a tribute to future generations.

We are called upon to deliver viable and sustainable processes and results. All THWS members strive to internalise and apply these themselves. In doing so, we always try to unite ecological aspects with society and the economy.

Qualified, satisfied, and motivated employees work together to achieve our vision and mission. Through a common and modern understanding of leadership, we strengthen the cohesion of the various THWS levels and departments.

As a future-oriented employer, our higher education institution offers meaningful activities, ensures work-life balance, and supports all employees in their professional and personal development.

Our values

WE are ONE higher education institution and create an environment for studying, research and work,

  • ... in which we value each other and treat each other with respect and fairness,

  • ... which focuses on cohesion, promotes mutual support and facilitates collaborative solutions,

  • ... which is characterised by mutual trust and open, constructive and lively communication,

  • ... in which tolerance and openness are practised and in which there is no place for any form of violence, harassment, discrimination or disadvantage based on gender, sexual identity, origin, religion or belief, age or disability,

  • ... which ensures equal opportunities and enables the diversity of lifestyles and family forms,

  • ... in which the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men is a guiding principle,

  • ... which takes into account economic, ecological and social aspects simultaneously and in a balanced manner,

  • ... which awakens curiosity, joy and passion at work.