Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

General information regarding your application

Basic information about studies

On this page you will find all important information about your application. At the end of this page, we compiled some information about important topics you may find helpful at the beginning of your studies at THWS.

The overview of all degree programmes at our university offers a profile of each programme.

Start of studies and application period

For most degree programmes, enrolment for the 1st programme semester is only possible for the winter semester (start: 1 October)! The application period for the winter semester is usually from 1 April through 15 June for non-restricted English-language courses and otherwise from 1 May through 15 July (Exception: For the bachelor's programme Communication Design the application deadline is 31 May, for the bachelor's programme Architecture the application deadline is 8 July, and for the master's programme Electrical Engineering the application deadline is 15 June!!!).

For further informations please refer to the information provided in THWS CampusPortal.

For some individual programmes, the start of studies can also or exclusively be the summer semester (start: 15 March). For these cases, the application period is from 15 October through 15 December (in non-restricted English-language degree programmes); otherwise the deadline is 15 November through 15 January.

These dates are cut-off periods!

Please note that different deadlines apply to some degree programmes even before application
(e.g. submitting the portfolio for the qualification test in Communication Design)

Information about applications and application procedure is also available as PDF from the form centre page.

Admission requirements

Educational Requirements

Requirements for admission to THWS are a valid general higher education entrance qualification (“Abitur”), a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (“fachgebundene Hochschulreife”) or advanced technical college certificate (“Fachhochschulreife”), or a general/subject-specific entrance qualification for qualified professionals.

The following cannot be recognised as advanced technical college certificates:

  • Certificates of passed qualification tests after attending a preparatory course at a university of applied sciences in the Federal State Baden-Württemberg
  • Certificates of the 12th grade of a German secondary school
  • Certificates of 12th or 13th grade of a German secondary school without having passed the school leaving examination.

In this context, please note the special nature of admission to higher education for working professionals.

Practical training (pre-study internship)

For some degree programmes, applicants have to complete a pre-study internship.
Please note that THWS does not arrange internship placements.

Degree programmes with particular admission requirements

In addition to the general admission requirements, there are particular requirements for the degree programmes Architecture and Communication Design.

Applicants for the Architecture programme have to prove their creative talent and a programme-specific qualification in addition to meeting the general admission requirements. The qualification test must be taken at the university at which admission to the programme is intended. Independent from an average grade, admission is solely dependent from the successfully passed qualification test.
Note: The application deadline is 08 July!
For more information, please refer to the applications’ page on the Faculty’s website (available in German only).

In addition to the general admission requirements, applicants for the Communication Design programme have to prove their creative talent by passing the chosen programme’s qualification test at THWS.
Note: The application deadline is 31 May!
For more information, please refer to the applications’ page on the Faculty’s website (available in German only).

Application and admission procedure

Online application

The THWS CampusPortal is where you can apply for admission to a degree programme at THWS.

Starting on 1 April each year (for non-restricted, English-taught degree programmes) or otherwise on 1 May each year, you can apply for the year’s winter semester; applications for the summer semester start on 15 October of the year before (for non-restricted, English-taught degree programmes) or otherwise on 15 November of the year before. Please upload all documents/certificates required for your application. Only this online application together with the data you provided will be processed. Therefore, please check your data and all files before submission for correctness. Only applicants whose documents have been uploaded completely to the application portal can take part in the admission procedure.

Please note the specifics when applying for a master’s programme. The general prerequisite for being admitted to master’s studies is a first academic degree qualifying to take up a profession (usually a Bachelor’s degree). For more details about master’s studies at our university, please refer to the Information for applicants for master's programmes.

Admission and enrolment

If you have been admitted to THWS, the letter of admission will be available as download in the THWS CampusPortal. The letter will not be sent by e-mail or mail. If you want to accept your place at THWS, register for enrolment via THWS CampusPortal - don't forget to keep the given deadline for this. At the same time you have to provide required information and declarations in APPLY as well as upload the documents necessary for the enrolement procedure as soon as possible.

It is generally possible to enrol for a higher than the 1st semester. The examination committee of the respective programme decides upon enrolments for higher semesters.
For more information, please refer to the page on Applying for a higher semester.
Please also note all other information about the application and admission procedure on that page.

Admission restrictions

If and for which degree programmes admissions are restricted is decided each semester. The decision is usually made not before April of the year concerned. Which average grade you need to have the chance to enrol for an admission restricted degree programme is not predefined. It depends not only on the number of applications received during the application period, but also on existing capacities. Our university cannot answer questions about your chances of admission.
Application, even for degree programme with restricted admissions, is carried out exclusively via the University to be admitted. For bachelor´s degree programmes, registration via hochschulstart is also necessary.

Details on the registration an admission procedure for bachelor´s degree programmes can be found in the information sheet Information about assigning procedures in bachelor´s programmes with restristed admission

Practical or internship semester

In bachelor’s programmes at THWS, practical training is conducted in general during the so called practical or internship semester. Dependent on the chosen degree programme, the internship comprises a block of 20 to 26 weeks.

As an exception, periods of previous vocational training or professional work can be accredited in full or in part dependent on the respective faculty’s stipulations.
For more information, please refer to the General Examination Regulations (APO) or the study and examination regulations (SPO) of the respective faculty.

Student life

Financial support and accommodation service

For questions related to possible financial support during your studies or for accommodation services, please contact the Studierendenwerk Würzburg, Am Studentenhaus, 97072 Würzburg, phone +49 931 8005-0.

Health insurance

All students must have health insurance. Further details you can read in our information about health insurance. For more information about fees or waivers, please contact a statutory health insurance company like AOK.

Accident insurance

During their studies, university students have accident insurance. Each accident must be reported to the Department of Student Affairs (HSST) immediately. For internships abroad, please take out private accident insurance.

Pension scheme

Interns are no longer automatically subject to compulsory pension insurance.

Costs of studying at THWS

There are no tuition fees, but only an administrative fee to be paid for the Studentenwerk at your study location.

Academic Advisory Service

For more information and actual office hours, please visit the page of the Academic Advisory Service.

Women’s Affairs Officer

Female students can always contact their faculty’s women’s affairs officer or the women’s affairs officer of our university, Prof. Dr. Völkl-Wolf, if they experience sexism or related disadvantages.

Semester or internship abroad

There is the possibility to spend a semester abroad at a university or for an internship and transfer the credits earned to our university. There are also several institutions/organisations offering financial support for students during their stay abroad. For more information related to a period abroad please refer to the pages of our International Office.