FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Contacts for cases of discrimination

With the aim of general equal treatment, THWS is committed to eliminating discrimination in any form. It is our aim to prevent or to stop discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation (see Section 1 General Act on Equal Treatment, AGG).

Therefore, we have established contact points for our students and staff to turn to for advice and support.

Often, in the context of discrimination, harassment, bullying or other stressful experiences, it is difficult to classify what has happened. If you are unsure, but feel uncomfortable with an incident or a persistent situation, contact Professor Neuderth in her role as contact person for anti-discrimination. With specific concerns, you are also welcome to directly contact one of the THWS-internal contact points listed below. You decide who you would like to speak to and when, and how anonymous you would like to remain.

Activating the element will open your e-mail programme to send an e-mail to the Contact person for anti-discrimination and protection against sexual harassment and sexualised violence
Prof. Dr. Silke Neuderth

Professor Dr. Silke Neuderth

Officer for anti-discrimination and protection against sexual harassment and sexualised violence according to Article 25 of the Bay. HIG.

Officer for the prevention of antisemitism.

Professor Neuderth is happy to help you clarify your concerns and classify what has happened. Upon request, you will receive information on other internal and external contact and counselling centres.

E-mail: antidiskriminierung[at]thws.de

If you are suffering from unequal treatment on the grounds of your gender, sexual orientation or you are subject to sexual harassment

THWS Women’s Affairs Officer

Faculty members may contact the faculty-internal women’s affairs officer or the THWS Women’s Affairs Officer and her consultant:


Phone: +49 (0) 931 3511-6095
E-mail: frauenbeauftragte[at]thws.de

THWS Equal Opportunities Officer

The Equal Opportunities Officers support and monitor the implementation of the General Act on Equal Treatment, which applies University-wide to the (female and male) staff supporting science, i.e. the non-scientific staff.

Equality concept of THWS with Gender Equality Plan (As of 08 March 2023, German only)



Katrin Krammer
Phone: +49 (0) 931 3511-6097
E-mail: gleichstellungsbeauftragte[at]thws.de

If you are suffering from inequality due to your origin, religion or belief

International Office (HSIN)

Students suffering from discrimination and inequality on these grounds may contact the International Office (HSIN):



Aylin Chaban
Phone: +49 (0) 931 3511-8569
E-mail: aylin.chaban[at]thws.de

Staff Councils

Members of the science-supporting (non-scientific) staff, but also members of the scientific staff, may contact the local staff council at any time:


For Schweinfurt:
Staff council members and contact details on the THWS intranet
E-mail: oepr-sw[at]thws.de

For Würzburg:
Staff council members and contact details on the THWS intranet
E-mail: oepr-wue[at]thws.de

If you are suffering from unequal treatment on the grounds of a disability

Officer for Disabled Students

Disadvantages or discriminations in everyday life at THWS can be reported easily and, as an option, anonymously via the contact form found on the page of the officer responsible. The information is treated confidentially and processed, if necessary, in consultation with the person concerned.


Professor Dr. Achim Förster
Phone: +49 (0) 931 3511-6096
E-mail: studierenmitbehinderung[at]thws.de

Representation of Severely Disabled Members of Staff

All employees may contact the Representation of Severely Disabled Members of Staff.


Manuel Mauer (Chairperson)
Phone: +49 (0) 931 3511-878
E-mail: manuel.mauer[at]thws.de

THWS Complaints Office

THWS has set up a complaints office for THWS employees (see Article 19 (1) BayHIG) to contact to pursue discrimination and harassment. Once you file a formal complaint with the complaints office, the complaints office will examine the case and will, depending on the circumstance, pass it on to the university board of management to impose measures and/or sanctions against a committed act of harassment and/or discrimination. The complaints office also acts as complaints office in accordance with Section 13 (1) General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG).

THWS Complaints Office
Stefan Hartmann
Sandra Müller

Contact: beschwerdestelle[at]thws.de