
News from WSOM+ 2024


This week, some CAIRO team members and MAI students are at WSOM+ 2024 conference!A special shoutout to Bangguo Xu, who has presented both a poster and a paper, in collaboration with Simei Yan, Liang Liu, and Prof. Dr....

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CAIRO Team Semester Wrap-Up


As the summer holiday approaches, we wrapped up the semester with a fantastic garden party!This event provided a wonderful opportunity for all CAIRO team members, including friends and family, to reconnect, reflect on the...

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AI Camp Würzburg: A fantastic success!


We are pleased to announce that the first AI Camp Würzburg was a fantastic success! The event brought together AI enthusiasts and professionals.A special thanks to Ute Mündlein and Franziska Raupach from Wuerzburg Web Week for...

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CAIRO Team at the Schweinfurt City Run!


On Saturday, the CAIRO team participated in the Schweinfurt City Run.While we didn’t take home any prizes, we had an incredible time together.The highlight? Crossing the finish line with our spot robot! Although it only joined us...

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Another great publication!


We are happy to announce a new publication!Toni Fetzer, Markus Bullmann, Steffen Kastner, Frank Deinzer, Marcin Grzegorzek. "Advancing Smartphone-based Indoor Positioning through Particle Distribution...

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Season's Greetings & Current Newsletter


Dear CAIRO friends,Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 

As 2023 draws to a close, we wish to give you a little insight into our journey through the year and share with you a couple of achievements that make us proud and happy:...

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New professor – Prof. Dr. Pascal Meißner


The Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems (FIW) warmly welcome our new colleague Prof. Dr. Pascal Meißner. He will start his research professorship in Robotics...

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Transparenz schlägt Vorurteile

| CAIRO, Pressemeldung

Für viele Menschen gleicht KI und deren grundlegende Funktionsweise noch immer einer Blackbox. Das CAIRO will Licht ins Dunkel bringen – Die Institutsleiterin Prof. Dr. Magda Gregorová im Interview mit Sebastian Human,...

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