FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Walter Ell Foundation

To Promote Science and Education and to Realise the Idea of Europe

Walter Ell-Stiftung
Schultesstraße 23
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 716120
Fax +49 9721 716111

Donations Account
Dresdner Bank Schweinfurt
IBAN: DE28 7938 0051 0400 5533 00

Members of the Foundation Committee
Board of Managers Hannelore Scheuring-Ell, Schweinfurt
Michael Glos, Prichsenstadt
Board of Advisers Gudrun Grieser, Schweinfurt
Sabine Wenz, Arnstein
Lawyer Bärbel Magers, Arnstein
Accountant Gerd Weisenberger, Schweinfurt

About Walter Ell

31 Oct 1919 - 09 Aug 1996

Walter Ell was born in Nuremberg, Germany and also went to school there. Shortly after he finished school he was called up for military service and got badly injured in the military campaign in Poland very early on in the war. Once he recovered from the injury, he started studying law in Munich but was called up once again for military service. In North Africa, he got badly injured for the second time. At the end of the war he was taken prisoner by the Americans and was freed in 1946. He then completed law school in Erlangen. He and his colleague, lawyer Dr. Rudi Koch, founded the law firm Dr. Rudi Koch-Walter Ell, which he lead on after Dr. Koch's death in 1993.

The well-being of the young generation was always of importance to him. During his lifetime he discreetly supported social institutions, e.g., nursery schools, schools etc. His main objective was, however, to provide young people with the possibility to work on their career with an open mindset and in a multilingual atmosphere, namely a united Europe. This is why he wanted to give young people the chance to go abroad to another European country and get to know the country, its language and its people. In his will, he devised that a foundation should be established in his name and appointed his wife Hannelore Scheuring-Ell as lifelong member of the board of managers.

Walter Ell Foundation, Schweinfurt

Students of the following degree courses are eligible for funding:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Business and Engineering
  • Business Administration

at the department in Schweinfurt of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

After successful pre-examination, scholarships and travel expense allowances will be awarded for semesters and internships abroad within Europe.

Foundation grants will be awarded according to the following criteria - especially to students and pupils from the city of Schweinfurt and the administrative districts Schweinfurt and Kitzingen:

  • Financial need
  • Performance

Students and pupils must apply for the foundation grants prior to their stay abroad. The application deadline ends on 15 January (summer semester) or on 15 July (winter semester) of each year. 

Application form (in German only)