Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

THWS Career Service

The THWS Career Service is the central interface between students and the professional world. We support students in launching their careers through customised events, individual counselling and targeted information on starting a career.

For THWS students most of our offers are free of charge.


Personalfoto Aileen Heid und Kathrin Fiedler

THWS Career Service

Aileen Heid
Phone: 0931 3511-6410
E-mail: careerservice[at]

Kathrin Fiedler
Phone: 0931 3511-6410
E-mail: careerservice[at]


Our workshops and lectures give you the opportunity to acquire career-relevant skills and at the same time come into contact with interesting companies and organisations.
You will meet HR managers, decision-makers and employees from various industries and professions. Our formats will show you different paths and support you in making the right career decisions.

Our program is usually in German. Just a few workshops are also offered in English. For more English-language workshops, check out the International Career Service.


Dates and Times

Business Knigge – Mit sicherem Auftreten punkten
mit der sThree GmbH (Online)

Vom ersten Kennenlernen, über das Verhalten im Vorstellungsgespräch oder bei Meetings, bis hin zum richtigen Outfit: Wir verraten euch was wichtig ist.

This workshop is cancelled.
Finanzworkshop: Die Kunst des intelligenten Investierens
mit Prof. Eichhorn (Hybrid)

Erfahre in diesem Workshop, wie du durch kluge Entscheidungen und langfristige Investitionen dein Vermögen aufbaust und deine finanziellen Ziele erreichst.


Die Welt der Versicherungen: Risiken minimieren, Zukunft sichern
mit Prof. Eichhorn (Hybrid)

Mit den richtigen Versicherungen kannst du nicht nur unvorhergesehene Risiken minimieren, sondern auch Fehler vermeiden, indem du die richtigen Produkte bei den richtigen Anbietern wählst.


Consulting offers by the THWS Career Service

We advise interested students on all questions relating to applications and entering professional life. In addition, we offer personal coaching in German and English and will also analyse your application documents with regard to criteria for applications in Germany. In order to raise your chances in job interviews, we offer mock interviews in German to train your interview skills.

Visit the THWS Career Service on E-Learning where you can book yourself an individual appointment (login required).

Do you just need a little advice, have a specific question, or would you like to find out in a personal conversation whether one of our consultations is the right offer for you? Then you are welcome to visit us during your open office hours. Prior registration is not necessary.

  • Würzburg: Every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Tiepolostraße 6, T.1.03).
  • Schweinfurt: Every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Campus 1, 7.E.12).

Tips on job search and applications

In the Guide to starting your career in Germany by the Federal Employment Agency, you will find useful information regarding job search and applications in Germany. You can also make an appointment there for individual advice.

For searching jobs online, you may use, for example:

You can always search for a job and show your availability by creating your personal profile in an online job portal or professional online networks.

You should also make use of job fairs or trade fairs to get into contact with companies. Since 2020, THWS participates in the job fair JOBMESSE study&stay, which takes place each year in November.

For starting a career, information is also provided by the International Career Service.