Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Release of Information Concerning Students Records to a Third Party

The release of information regarding student records is subject to relevant data protection regulation. Therefore, these records are typically released only to the student concerned. THWS is under no obligation to provide information to a third party. Such information may be released to a third party only in accordance with the Bavarian State Law for Data Protection and Privacy (Bayerisches Datenschutzgesetz). The following further conditions must also be met:

  1. The third party must request the release of records in writing, in either German or English, and mail it to our university. The third party must clearly state their contact information, sthe student’s contact information as well as the intended purpose for the request. The third party must personally sign the request.
  2. The informal request must be submitted along with the original Declaration of Consent Form personally signed by the student.
  3. In accordance with the Bavarian Cost Allocation Law (Bayerisches Kostengesetz), issuing the appropriate certification constitutes an official act and carries a fee in the amount of € 30.00.
    This amount is due at the time your request is submitted. It is therefore necessary to send the exact invoice address to which the payment request can be addressed.

Please note: The original request must be mailed to THWS. A request which is faxed, e-mailed, scanned or copied does not meet this requirement.

Please mail your request along with the Declaration of Consent Form to the following address:

For degree programmes in Würzburg:

Technische Hochschule
Hochschulservice Studium
Münzstr. 12
D-97070 Würzburg
- Germany -

For degree programmes in Schweinfurt

Technische Hochschule
Hochschulservice Studium
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
D-97421 Schweinfurt
- Germany -

Please note: Your request will not be processed unless all requirements are met. THWS may consider your request withdrawn if the fees due are not paid within the time frame given in the invoice.
Please understand that due to other priorities your request may take several weeks to be processed. In the meantime, please refrain from calling regarding the status of your request.

Please note that only the official German-language version of these terms is legally binding.