Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Early study programme at THWS

PDF download: Important information on the early study programme

In Article 77 (7) Sentence 1 of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG), the Bavarian Higher Education Act allows especially well-performing pupils to already start their studies before completing their university entrance qualification (German Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Fachgebundene Hochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife; or general higher education qualification, subject-specific higher education entrance qualification, or advanced technical college certificate). Possibly completed examination achievements can be accredited for later studies. Legally, the pupil keeps their status as pupil of a Gymnasium or Berufliche Oberschule; they are not enrolled at the higher education institution.

The early studies programme at THWS is aimed at motivated, high-performing advanced-level pupils of advanced level of local Gymnasien (from year 11 of G 9), and of local advanced vocational schools (FOSBOS) or vocational technical colleges.

Currently, the following degree programmes offer early studies:

at the Schweinfurt location:

Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Logistics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Sustainable Energy Systems, Robotics, Hydrogen Technology, Business and Engineering

at the Würzburg location:

Plastics and Rubber Engineering, Computer Science, Information Security, Business Information Systems, Digital Societies

Generally, the lectures of the lower semesters are particularly advisable for early studies. That way, motivated high-performers can be promoted according to their interests.

The above-mentioned early studies programmes can be commenced with winter semester (start: 1 October). Hydrogen Technology and Mechatronics can additionally be commenced in summer semester (start: 15 March).

Admission to the THWS early study programme

The following process is intended for early studies programmes:

  • Applicants for early studies in Mechanical Engineering and Plastics and Rubber Engineering first need to submit a letter of motivation to the programme advisor indicated below.
  • For all other programmes, the applicant must participate in an orientation interview with the competent programme advisor. This interview allows to select individual lectures according to the pupil's interests. Please arrange an appointment well in advance of the semester start on 1 October.
  • Applicants must submit the "Application for Admission to Early Studies" to the Department of Student Affairs. The following signed declarations must be submitted with application:

    1. A signed declaration that the applicant accepts the conditions of participation.
    2. A declaration of consent of the legal guardians (only for minors).
    3. A declaration of the head of school

    Link to the application forms

Your contacts for early study programmes at THWS

For information and questions on early studies, please contact the Academic Advisory Service of THWS and/or the programme advisors:

Academic Advisory Service 
E-mail studienberatung[at]

Programme advisors in Schweinfurt: 

Applied Mathematics Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
E-mail: michael.bodewig[at]

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Prof. Dr. Markus Mathes, e-mail: markus.mathes[at]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Mühlfeld, e-mail: florian.muehlfeld[at]

Logistics Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt

Mechanical Engineering Prof. Dr. Stefanie Retka
E-mail: stefanie.retka[at]

Mechatronics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Hirn
E-mail rainer.hirn[at]

Sustainable Energy Systems Prof. Dr. Markus Zink
E-mail markus.zink[at]

Robotics Prof. Dr. Jean Meyer
E-mail jean.meyer[at]

Hydrogen Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Wilke
E-mail: winfried.wilke[at]

Business and Engineering Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle
E-mail: ulrich.deutschle[at]


Programme advisors in Würzburg:

Digital Societies Prof. Dr. Nicholas Müller
E-mail: nicholas.mueller[at]

Computer Science Prof. Dr. Arndt Balzer
E-mail: arndt.balzer[at]

Information Security Prof. Dr. Kristin Weber

Plastics and Rubber Engineering
Prof. Dr. Marcus Schuck

Business Information Systems Prof. Dr. Eva Wedlich
E-mail: eva.wedlich[at]