Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Healthcare Management

This full-time programme equips students for general management or lead department roles in healthcare facilities. Therefore, students are taught technical-methodical, but also social-personal management skills. The programme uses an interdisciplinary business- and behaviour-oriented approach. Among the topics is not only the management of organisations, groups and personnel, but also reflecting one’s own role in management. To be able to also apply knowledge acquired in a theoretical way, students can gain multiple experiences from healthcare facilities by working on a practical project, by an internship and a practice-oriented final thesis.

Healthcare Management at THWS

Your questions to students about the degree programme

A glance into student life and university buildings

Structure and degree programme info

The videos are currently only available in German.

Contact person for the degree programme

Prof. Dr. Holger Truckenbrodt
Room T.1.06
Tiepolostraße 6
97070 Würzburg

Phone +49 931 3511-8420
E-mail holger.truckenbrodt[at]

Consultation hours by arrangement

Programme offered by

Faculty of Applied Social Sciences

Do not hesitate and visit the website of the Healthcare Management degree programme directly!