FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Caring for relatives

Relatives being dependant on care poses particular challenges to the reconciliation of work and daily life organisation. If a family member (suddenly) cannot care for themselves anymore, there are a million questions – and at least as many contact persons.

Local counselling and exchange offers in person



Rights for caring relatives


  • Up to ten days off work with acute situations of caring for relatives to ensure or organise care
  • Pflegeunterstützungsgeld for up to ten work days per person dependant on care, to be applied for with the nursing care insurance of the relative to be cared for
  • Up to six months of leave of absence for caring for close relatives in a domestic environment
  • Up to 24 months of partial leave of absence for caring for close relatives in a domestic environment (reduction of working hours to as little as 15 hours) if the six months of leave of absence do not suffice
  • Up to three months of leave of absence for accompanying close relatives in their last life phase

Regulations and deadlines can be found in the German Flyer zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Pflege und Beruf des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.

Civil servants

  • Unconditional requested part-time work (“voraussetzungslose Antragsteilzeit”) in accordance with Art. 88 BayBG: upon request reduction of the working hours to half if the regular working hours
  • Family-political part-time work (“Familienpolitische Teilzeit”) according to Art. 89 BayBG: upon request part-time work (at least 8 hours per week) when caring for or nursing at least one child under 18 or another relative dependant on care according to a medical certificate
  • Family-political leave of absence (“Familienpolitische Beurlaubung”) according to Art. 89 BayBG: upon request leave of absence without salary when caring for or nursing a  child under 18 or another relative dependant on care according to a medical certificate
  • Release from service in accordance with para. 10 UrlMV.:
    - upon request one work day in case of severe illness of a relative living in the same household.
    - up to nine days off work to care for a care-dependent relative in an acute care situation within the meaning of para. 2 and 7 of the Nursing Care Period Act (Pflegezeitgesetz) for organising needs-oriented care or to ensure care in this period. There is entitlement to another day according to para 13 UrlMV

For requests and questions, please contact the competent contact person of the Personnel Department.

Offers and support for students

Where organisationally and didatically possible, there are the following offers:

  • Preferred choice of courses upon proof of caring activities (obtainable from the nursing care insurance of the person to be cared for)
  • Digital teaching offers (E-Learning, hybrid teaching)
  • Deadline extensions due to caring activities (Request for extension to be directed towards the competent examination commission)
  • Holiday semesters