Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Equal Opportunity Officer

Gender equality and equal opportunity is very diverse and impacts all areas of living and working at the University. Equally great is the importance of the leading principle Equal Opportunities. The implementation of this responsible task falls on the equal opportunities officer, who promotes the implementation of the Bavarian Law on Gender Equality (Bayerisches Gesetz zur Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen), and who is the competent contact person for non-scientific staff.

Tasks of the Equal Opportunity Officer

The equal opportunity officers promote and monitor the implementation of the equality law, which University-internally applies to the (female and male) non-academic but science supporting personnel.
The fundamental objective of this law is the realisation of equality between women and men working in the public service sector (while respecting the priority of ability, qualification and professional performance). This objective is to be achieved by:

  • increasing the share of women in areas in which they are significantly under-represented compared to men, and thus achieving a more balanced participation of women;
  • securing equal opportunities for women and men (e.g. by means of training measures);
  • improving the reconciliation of family and working life for women and men (by part-time work models, telework, childcare offers);
  • working towards the equal participation of women and men in committees.

As part of their responsibility, the equal opportunity officers are involved in all affairs which are of importance for gender equality and its insurance as well as the compatibility of family and work. Moreover, the equal opportunity officers are responsible for advising people on questions regarding gender equality and, in individual cases, supporting employees. Employees can directly contact the equal opportunity officers.

The equal opportunity officers have direct right of recitation at the head of department, which supports them in accomplishing their tasks. They can also directly contact the Bavarian Federal State Commissioner for data protection. In order for the equal opportunity officers to do their job, they must be informed in time and in detail. Necessary documents must be presented to them in time and they should be provided with requested information. Please involve the equal opportunity officers in gender-related projects at the earliest possible convenience. If requested by persons concerned, the equal opportunity officers can be included in personnel matters and job interviews and - provided that there is substantial evidence - in case the equality law was not observed. The equal opportunity officers and the employees, who have been assigned to them for support, are obliged to discretion regarding personal data and other confidential matters even beyond their term in office. Personnel files may only be consulted with consent by the person concerned.

The academic institutions of THWS support the equal opportunity officer in fulfilling her tasks, inform her of gender-related processes in time and in detail and involve her in the processes.

Contact person

Equal Opportunities Officer of THWS
Katrin Krammer
Room I.0.11 (please register in advance)
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg

Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of THWS
Christian Scheuermann
Raum Z.E.06 (please register in advance)
Münzstraße 19
97070 Würzburg

Phone +49 931 3511-6097 
E-mail gleichstellungsbeauftragte[at]

Office hours by appointment