FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Becoming a doctor at THWS

More than 70 young researchers are already doing their doctorates at THWS under first-class supervision as part of a doctorate in cooperation with a university. THWS is a member of 7 Bavarian doctoral programmes for cooperative doctorates and works with over 40 cooperating universities - both nationally and internationally. THWS offers doctoral candidates a comprehensive programme for networking and qualification.

From 2024, doctoral procedures can also take place without cooperation with a university in the ‘Sustainable and Intelligent Systems (NISys)’ doctoral center. We have compiled further information on this on a FAQ website.


A doctorate is the highest academic degree in Germany. You work on a research topic over several years. In contrast to a Master's thesis, research work during the doctoral period is carried out as independent academic work. The results must significantly extend the known state of science or technology.

The research results are presented in a written doctoral thesis ("dissertation"), documented and discussed against the background of the international state of science. The dissertation is defended orally in the so-called disputation before the doctoral committee (and the departmental public). Afterwards, the dissertation must be made publicly accessible within a certain period of time ("publication obligation").

In contrast to a doctorate that takes place exclusively at a university, with a cooperative doctorate you will be jointly supervised by one professor each from THWS and the cooperating university.

What are the advantages?

  • The possibility of completing a doctorate in an application-oriented research area at THWS.
  • Diverse, professional perspectives through the joint supervision through a university and a university of applied sciences.
  • Options for extracurricular qualification in two institutions.

What is similar to a conventional doctorate?

  • The actual doctoral graduation takes place at a university. You will receive your doctoral degree after successful examination at the university.
  • The formal admission requirements are regulated through the university’s doctorate regulations.

At the "Sustainable and Intelligent Systems (NISys)" doctoral center, you can do your doctorate without cooperating with a university. The doctoral project can be supervised by professors from the three participating universities: THWS, Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences and Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

The specialist focus of the doctoral center lies in the three fields of application:

  • Energy and infrastructure systems
  • Mobility
  • Production and materials

The engineering doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) can be obtained.

Further information can be found on the website of the NISys doctoral center.

There are hard and soft requirements for a doctorate. The most important ones are: Meeting the formal requirements, organising supervision, and personal motivation.

The formal requirements for admission to doctoral studies are regulated by the doctoral regulations of the respective faculty or graduate school of the cooperating university. Generally, master’s graduates from universities of applied sciences and regular universities having an above-average degree can start a doctorate. If you wish to change from a different higher education institution to a university for your doctorate, additional requirements may apply. These may include, among others, the completion of certain courses, e.g. modules on specific scientific methods, or an even better average grade. In rare cases, an aptitude test may be required.

It is also of great importance for a cooperative doctorate to find your two doctoral supervisors, one at the university of applied sciences and one at the university. For a cooperative doctorate at THWS, it is recommended to first contact a THWS professor that is competent in the corresponding subject. In consultation with the right professor, a possible counterpart at a university is then selected and contacted.

This soft, but by no means minor requirement, cannot be proven through a certificate: Your motivation! Working on a doctoral thesis for several years requires a lot of perseverance and enthusiasm for the topic. During your doctoral studies, you are responsible for your own (semester) schedules. Supervision ensures that you become more and more self-sufficient. Motivation is one of the most important success factors for a successfully completed doctorate!

During a doctorate, you are often both – student and employee. However, it’s important to know: Even if some graduate programmes offer a structured programme and even require credit certificates, a doctoral programme cannot be compared to a Master’s programme.


  • There is currently no doctoral programme, so you don’t have to – and should not – enrol as doctoral candidate at THWS.
  • The doctoral candidates in the graduate programmes are not students either.
  • The great majority of doctoral candidates supervised by THWS professors are employed at THWS. They are employed as research assistants as part of a research project. Unfortunately, it is often only possible to work part-time.

At the cooperating university:

  • The doctoral regulations there regulate whether and at what time you have to enrol in a doctoral programme. Enrolment might be a requirement to be accepted to doctoral studies.
  • If you are already employed at THWS, you might not be employed at a university as well.

Surely, during your doctorate you have to make a living.

Currently, in most cases, doctoral students at THWS are employed as research associates. Please take note of job advertisements by THWS and talk with the supervisor of your choice regularly. Actually, most jobs are not posted.

A further source of financing are scholarships. Via the THWS scholarship guide, you can search for the scholarship suitable to your doctorate, provided by German sponsorship institutions for young talents. In addition, students and research associates at THWS will find a detailed overview of scholarships and awards in the corresponding e-Learning course. These are also available for externals at request (simone.stork[at]thws.de). The scholarship programmes of the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers at Bavarian Universities (LaKoF) are also attractive for women; they support doctorates of women with professional experience and of UAS graduates.

If you are already working in practice, a part-time doctorate may also be an option. In these cases, it is advisable to discuss with your employer to what extent you can be given time for the doctorate (e.g. reduction of hours, fixed working hours for the doctorate).

A graduate programme for cooperative doctoral studies, serves to jointly supervise doctoral researchers by a UAS and a university, offers doctoral candidates the opportunity for inter-university professional exchange, a more or less structured programme and often special funding opportunities. On our websites you can also find an overview of all graduate programmes in which THWS is a member.

Membership can bring many advantages, but is also associated with an investment of time and does not always make sense. In addition, not all doctoral candidates at THWS can become members of such a graduate programme, as the number of memberships is limited.

To prepare for a doctoral project, we recommend that you first find out what a doctorate is, how long it takes and what carrying out a doctoral project would mean for you over the next few years. If you can imagine carrying out a doctoral project, you can take the next steps:

  • Consider a topic or subject area
  • Think through funding options
  • Research suitable professors at THWS and contact them

Focus on the topic together with a professor who could consider supervising you, decide on the type of doctorate (cooperative doctorate or at the doctoral center) and discuss funding.

Once the important questions have been clarified, the concrete preparation of the content of the doctoral project can begin.

You can find and overview of contacts and further offers on our Support and Contact website.

Additional Information

For THWS students and employees interested in a doctorate

In our e-Learning course you can find information on how decisions are made and on how to prepare:
  • Event programme for prospective doctoral candidates
  • Doctoral canvas and explanation of individual preparatory steps
  • Glossary and links
  • Ways to fund your doctorate

For external prospective doctoral candidates

If you are interested in a cooperative doctorate at THWS, please refer to one of our contacts. After an initial conversation, we will happily provide you with the e-Learning contents.

For doctoral candidates

If you are already doing a cooperative doctorate at THWS, there are various services available to you, for example for networking or further qualification.

Research at THWS

If you wish to complete your doctorate at THWS, conduct your research with us! But first, you should know about the research fields at THWS. Research at THWS is organised in three research focuses:

Through a selection of current research projects you can gain insights into our research activities. Thanks to financing received through the Bavarian Hightech Agenda, THWS is currently strengthening its focus areas of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.