FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Exam registration

For examinations (particularly written and oral ones) that must generally be taken during the official examination period, exam registration is binding in accordance with section 32 of the General Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (German APO).

Exception: For examinations that start or are completely taken outside of the examination period (e.g. portfolio examination), exam registration is officially effected with the start of the examination the latest or with research projects and papers/theses when the topic question or the task are issued.

This means that, due to the binding nature of your registration, each examination for which you registered via the THWS CampusPortal, but fail to take part will be awarded the grade "non-sufficient" (=grade 5 or "failed"), unless

  • you cancel the exam via the THWS CampusPortal no later than two days before the start of the examination period which is determined by the examination board and communicated through the academic calendar or
  • you apply for cancellation of the exam registration and provide one of the following documents:
    • Specification of the relevant examination day to prove that your cancellation is within the stipulated 2-day period before the relevant examination day (for this, the day of receipt of the application by HSST ist decisive!) or
    • A medical certificate or other documents to prove that you are not responsible for the reasons that prevented meeting the 2-day period

The application for de-registration/deadline extension must be made immediately with the Department of Student Affairs (HSST) via the contact form. De-registrations that do not adhere to the 2-day period, must be approved of by the examination committee.

Registration period

For the winter semester 2023/2024 the exam registration in all bachelor’s and master’s programmes takes place online from 01 May 2024 to 15 May 2024.

In accordance with the THWS Examination Board’s decision, applications for the compensation for disadvantages as well as applications for grade improvement (only for bachelor’s programmes) are accepted by HSST no later than 15 May 2024.
For general electives (AWPM), there is no registration necessary, if the elective was assigned.

In cases of disagreement (e.g. missing examination ID or with master’s students who have to take exams from the corresponding bachelor’s programme) please contact HSST immediately (contact persons).

Important information regarding exam registration

When taking exams, please note the general information in the section "General examination deadlines for studies at THWS" as well as the standard dates and deadlines according your programme’s study and examination regulations of your degree programme.

Take into account that you must fulfil all particular admission requirements (besondere Zulassungsvoraussetzungen, bZv) by the examination date. Particular admission requirements must be fulfilled within the periods determined by the lecturers.

For exams graded with “non-sufficient”, the following periods for re-sitting exams apply:

  • First re-sit: within one semester
  • Second re-sit: within one year

If you cannot register for exams within these periods, you have to apply for de-registration from exams / deadline extension with the examination committee via HSST. If you apply for the extension of deadlines due to health issues or withdraw from exams, please consider the information given on the application form.

Please note:

Students with a start of studies from winter semester 2023/2024 in the bachelor's degree programmes and the consecutive master's programmes must adhere to ECTS-limits from their 2nd semester. Failure to complete this ECTS-limit, leads to immediate de-registration at the end of the semester in question. For further information, please see the paragraph "General examination deadlines for studies at THWS", as well as the study and examination regulations of the degree programme.