Robotics (German or English)
Robotics is an innovative and fast-growing field of technology. Already today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and daily life and their importance is growing steadily.
Since their large-scale introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of such robotic systems requires a sound, academic education. For this purpose, THWS, in cooperation with industry partners, has developed an independent bachelor's degree programme in Robotics that is unique in Germany. The course prepares future robotics engineers for the challenges of tomorrow with a mix of theoretical and practical teaching content and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
TWIN Programme
At THWS, the Robotics degree programmes (German or English) form a TWIN Programme. Those programmes allow you to study both languages, German and English. Visit the overview page of THWS degree programmes to gain further information on TWIN programmes.
Links and downloads
Link to the website of the degree programme “Robotics (German)”
Link to the website of the degree programme “Robotics (English)”
Contact person for the degree programme
Robotics (in German): Prof. Volker Willert
Robotics (in English): Prof. Marian Daun
Programme offered by