Student at machine (c) Stefan Bausewein

Administrative departments

All administrative departments of THWS provide various services for students as well as for all other members of THWS.

The Department of Student Affairs (HSST) handles all official matters related to studying - from enrolment and internship to graduation and degree certificates. International students coming to THWS as well as THWS students who want to go abroad for a semester should contact the THWS International Office.

Facilities Management (HSGM) and its Service Centres in Würzburg and Schweinfurt are taking care of all matters related to university buildings or building technology. Budgetary matters are taken care of by the THWS Department of Finance (HSFI). All working members - administrative/academic employees, student assistants, professors - are administered by our Personnel Department (HSPE).

The Department of Public Affairs and Communications (HSK) pools various services - from the Academic Advisory Service and the THWS Career Service to marketing activities for various target groups and web editing services/support.