FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Officers and coordinators at THWS

Contact person for anti-discrimination and for the protection against sexual harassment and sexualised violence

Contact person

Contact person for anti-discrimination and for the protection against sexual harassment and sexualised violence
Prof. Dr. Silke Neuderth
Phone +49 931 3511-8312
E-mail antidiskriminierung[at]thws.de

For more information on the contact persons for cases of discrimination, please see https://www.thws.de/en/about-the-university/anti-discrimination/

Anti-corruption officer

Contact person

Anti-corruption officer
Claudia Hahn
Phone +49 931 3511-8123
E-mail claudia.hahn[at]thws.de

Officer for the prevention of antisemitism

Contact person

Officer for the prevention of antisemitism
Professor Dr. Silke Neuderth
E-mail antidiskriminierung[at]thws.de

For more information on who to contact in case of discrimination, please see the website Contacts for cases of discrimination

Contact persons

Cooperative studies coordinator in Würzburg
Professor Dr. Sebastian Leitsch
Phone +49 931 3511-8954
E-mail sebastian.leitsch[at]thws.de

Cooperative studies coordinator in Schweinfurt
Professor Dr. Ralf Christel
Phone +49 9721 940-8626
E-mail ralf.christel[at]thws.de

Information on cooperative study programmes at THWS

Contact person

Information security officer
Professor Dr. Rolf Schillinger
Phone +49 931 3511-8373
E-mail isb[at]thws.de

Information on the responsibilities of the Information Security Officer at THWS (in German)

Contact persons

Vice President for Internationalisation and Teaching
Vice President Professor Dr. Achim Förster
Phone +49 931 3511-6010
E-mail achim.foerster[at]thws.de

Scientific director of the Campus for Language Proficiency (Campus Sprache)
Professor Dr. Claudia Wunderlich
Phone +49 931 3511-8583
E-mail claudia.wunderlich[at]thws.de

German academic exchange service representative
President Professor Dr. Jean Meyer
Phone +49 931 3511-6001
E-mail praesident[at]thws.de

Dr. Daniel Wimmer
Phone +49 931 3511-8173
E-mail daniel.wimmer[at]thws.de

Contact person

Representative for doctoral procedures of THWS graduates
Vice President Professor Dr. Jürgen Hartmann
Phone +49 931 3511-6030
E-mail juergen.hartmann[at]thws.de

Contact person

Occupational health and safety officer
Vice President Professor Martin Naumann
Phone +49 931 3511-8467
E-mail martin.naumann[at]thws.de

Contact person

Large-scale equipment manager
Vice President for Research and Entrepreneurship

Contact person

Officer for disabled students
Professor Dr. Achim Förster
Phone +49 931 3511-6096
E-mail studierenmitbehinderung@fhws.de

Information on studying with disabilities or chronical illnesses

Contact person

Authorised representative for radiation protection
Professor Dr. Christian Motzek
Phone +49 9721 940-8449
E-mail christian.motzek[at]thws.de

Fire prevention officer Würzburg

Fire prevention officer Schweinfurt
Matthias Gehrig
Phone +49 9721 940-8819
E-mail matthias.gehrig[at]thws.de

Downloadable version of the fire safety regulations of THWS: Fire safety regulations

Contact person

Data protection officer
David Veit
Phone +49 931 3511-6094
E-mail datenschutzbeauftragter[at]thws.de

Deputy data protection officer
Professor Dr. Oliver Ehret
Phone +49 9721 940-8799
E-mail datenschutzbeauftragter[at]thws.de

Information on the responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer and on data protection at THWS

Contact persons

Didactics mentor in Würzburg
Professor Dr. Rebecca Löbmann
Phone +49 931 3511-8471
E-mail rebecca.loebmann[at]thws.de

Didactics mentor in Schweinfurt
Professor Dr. Thomas Blotevogel
Phone +49 9721 940-8661
E-mail thomas.blotevogel[at]thws.de

Contact person

DIZ coordinator
Professor Dr. Achim Förster
Phone: +49 931 3511-6094
E-mail achim.foerster[at]thws.de

Contact persons

First aid coordinator at THWS Schweinfurt
Lukas Kröckel
Phone +49 9721 940-8989
E-mail lukas.kroeckel[at]thws.de

First aid coordinator at THWS Würzburg

Stefan Schäfer
Phone +49 931 3511-8129
E-mail stefan.schaefer[at]thws.de

Information on first aiders at THWS

Contact person

Women's affairs officer of THWS
Professor Dr. Christina Völkl-Wolf
Phone +49 931 3511-8923
E-mail christina.voelkl-wolf[at]thws.de

Additional contact persons, responsibilities and offers of the women's affairs officer and further information

Contact person

Equal opportunities officer of THWS
Katrin Krammer
Room I.0.11 (please schedule an appointment)
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg

Deputy equal opportunities officer of THWS
Christian Scheuermann
Room Z.E.06 (please schedule an appointment)
Münzstraße 19
97070 Würzburg

Phone +49 931 3511-6097 
E-mail gleichstellungsbeauftragte[at]thws.de

Office hours by appointment

Gender equality and equal opportunity is very diverse and impacts all areas of living and working at the University. Equally great is the importance of the leading principle Equal Opportunities. The implementation of this responsible task falls on the equal opportunities officer, who promotes the implementation of the Bavarian Law on Gender Equality (Bayerisches Gesetz zur Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen), and who is the competent contact person for non-scientific staff.

The Equal opportunities officers support and monitor the implementation of the Bavarian Law on Gender Equality (Bayerisches Gesetz zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern, in German), which applies University-internally to the (female and male) staff supporting science, i.e. the non-scientific staff.

The fundamental objective of the law is the realisation of gender equality of women and men in the public service (respecting the priority of aptitude, qualification and professional performance). This objective is to be achieved by:

  • Increasing the share of women in areas in which they are significantly under-represented compared to men to achieve equal participation of women.
  • Securing equal opportunity of women and men (e.g. by training activities);
  • A better reconciliation of family and working life for women and men (by part-time work models, telework, child care offers);
  • Working towards equal participation of women and men in committees.

Within their area of responsibility, the equal opportunities officers are involved in all subjects relevant to equal opportunity of women and men, reconciliation of family and working life and which ensure equal opportunity. The responsibilities of the equal opportunities officers include counselling on equal opportunity matters and support of members of University staff. The staff members may contact the equal opportunities officers directly.

The equal opportunities officers have a direct reporting right for the head of service, by whom they are supported in the execution of their tasks, and they can directly contact the Bavarian Data Protection Commissioner. In order to be able to perform their duties, the equal opportunities officers must be informed comprehensively and promptly. Required documents must be submitted early and required information must be given. The equal opportunities officers must be involved early in all equality-relevant projects. Upon the concerned person’s request, the equal opportunities officers can be involved in personnel matters and in job interviews, and, if there is sufficient evidence, in cases of non-observance of the purpose of the Bavarian Law on Gender Equality.  The equal opportunities officers and the staff assigned to them to perform their duties are obliged to observe confidentiality regarding personal data and other personal matters, even after their appointment has ended. Personnel files must only be inspected with the approval of the concerned persons.

The institutions of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt support the equal opportunities officer in the performance of their tasks, inform them comprehensively and promptly about equality-relevant processes and involve them in these processes.

THWS concept for equal treatment, including gender equality plan (updated: 08.03.2023, German only)

Contact person

Sustainability officer
Professor Dr. Ulrich Müller-Steinfahrt
Phone +49 931 3511-8479
E-mail ulrich.mueller-steinfahrt[at]thws.de

Contact persons

Ombudspersons to safeguard good scientific work
In the framework of her legal commission, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt is responsible for the organisation of teaching and research and must ensure good scientific work and practice. For this, the following ombudspersons were employed. The “Rules of good scientific practice and guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt” (Rules of good scientific practice THWS, based on the Code of Conduct of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)), acts as basis.

Professor Dr. Silke Neuderth
Phone +49 931 3511-8312
E-mail silke.neuderth[at]thws.de

Professor Dr. Kai Diethelm
Phone +49 9721 940-8581
E-mail kai.diethelm[at]thws.de

Professor Dr. Stefanie Retka
Phone +49 9721 940-8771
E-mail stefanie.retka[at]thws.de

Professor Dr. Thomas Wosch
Phone +49 931 3511-8481
E-mail thomas.wosch[at]thws.de

Contact person

SAP coordinator
Professor Dr. Karl Liebstückel
Phone +49 931 3511-8363
E-mail karl.liebstueckel[at]thws.de

Contact person

Representative for severly disabled members of staff
Manuel Mauer
Phone +49 (9721) 940-8787
E-mail manuel.mauer[at]thws.de

Contact person

Sports coordinator
Professor Dr. Thomas Felsner
Phone +49 9721 940-8777
E-mail thomas.felsner[at]thws.de

Contact person

Speaker of the deans of studies
Professor Dr. Thomas Blotevogel
Phone +49 9721 940-8661
E-mail thomas.blotevogel[at]thws.de

Contact person

vhb officer
Professor Dr. Achim Förster
Phone: +49 931 3511-6094
E-mail achim.foerster[at]thws.de

Contact person

Dr. Christian Lengl
Phone +49 931 3511-8898
E-mail christian.lengl[at]thws.de