Degree programmes
All degree programmes at THWS
Bachelor's programmes
Applied Mathematics (B.Sc.) [German] - Applied Mathematics (B.Sc.) [English]
Applied Mathematics (in German) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: Allgemeine Zulassungsvoraussetzungen (siehe unten)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real-world problems from practically all areas of our highly technical society based on the division of labour: The spectrum ranges from technical problems from the engineering sciences to business management topics such as the simulation and optimisation of production plants to the analysis of financial markets. Applied Mathematics is characterised by the combination of mathematical models with modern computer-based methods, especially from the fields of machine learning and data science. This combination enables the solution of increasingly complex problems. In addition, the programme of Applied Mathematics trains key competences that are of decisive importance in today's constantly changing job profiles: The ability to abstract, a structured approach and analytical thinking.
Programme StructureModulplan: PDF-Download
For the Applied Mathematics degree programme students choose from two application-oriented focus topics:
- Technologies
- Business
The study programme includes the areas:
- Mathematical foundations and specialisations
- Computer science (object-oriented programming, databases)
- Application-oriented focus topics (physics and engineering sciences for the Technologies focus topic, a focus on business administration for the Business focus topic)
- Practical work (mathematical software, simulation modelling, programming)
- Practical phase within a company
- Job-related English classes and soft skills, e.g. communication and presentation competences
The programme roughly comprises of
- 60 % maths
- 20 % computer sciences
- 20 % application-oriented focus topic (Technologies or Business)
There may be slight shifts in the proportions, depending on the electives taken.
Career PerspectivesApplied Mathematics offers excellent career prospects, e.g. in the manufacturing industry, engineering offices, telecommunications and transport companies, energy suppliers or banks and insurance companies.
Depending on the focus topic chosen and the electives taken, the possible career profiles range from classic engineering jobs to the new job profile of data scientist to a career in auditing and consulting.
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office. Programme advisor
Programme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
E-Mail michael.bodewig[at]
Applied Mathematics (in English) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real challenges from basically all areas of society, engineering, and business.
Applied Mathematics is about solving complex problems by connecting mathematical analyses with modern computer-aided methods like machine learning and data science.
The degree programme Applied Mathematics is conceptualised as a TWIN programme, which means that there is a German-taught counterpart to the English-taught course. These programmes allow students to complete modules in both German and English. The TWIN programmes are complemented by cultural and linguistic training. In addition to bilingual teaching, the TWIN programme also offers students the opportunity to connect with students from different cultures. That way, linguistic skills and intercultural competence are being promoted which is especially important for companies operating globally.
Programme StructureThe programme contains modules from mathematics and computer science, and depending on the chosen specialisation, engineering or business modules:
Mathematics: In addition to the foundation modules Analysis and Linear Algebra, fields of applied mathematics, among them Numerics, Optimisation, Stochastics, Statistics, and Differential Equations are covered.
Computer Science: The programme includes procedural and object-oriented programming in several programming languages (e.g. C/C++, Python), database systems and programming in mathematical software like Matlab and R.
In addition to expert knowledge in the fields, the degree programme also offers courses in professional English, soft skills like communication and presentation skills, and key competencies that are essential for matching the continuously changing candidate profiles: abstraction abilities, structured approaches, and analytical thinking.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of Applied Mathematics have excellent future-proof career perspectives, e.g. simulation specialist, data scientist, consultant, machine learning engineer, software developer, or as finance or insurance manager.
The degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) also qualifies graduates for consecutive master’s programmes in related areas. One of the options at THWS would be the master’s programme Artificial Intelligence (MAI).
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
The sixth semester is the internship semester and is completed in a company. Students generally also complete their bachelor's thesis with this company.
This programme is optionally also offered as “Academic study with intensive in-company training”. For this, the students spend the lecture-free period and the internship semester working in a company of their choice.
Contact personProgramme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
Email michael.bodewig[at]
Architecture (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Architecture
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; aptitude test (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 8 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
...developing, projecting, designing, drafting, calculating, managing, organising, constructing... Architects’ activity profiles are highly diversified, their tasks varied, and they can work regionally and internationally. Therefore, the programme’s objective is to be able to solve diverse planning tasks with creativity and professionalism after having earned the degree. The degree programme teaches theoretical and practical knowledge, creative and design abilities as well as it offers interdisciplinary insight into the closely related subject areas of the planning and executing process. In present legislation and as the programme takes eight semester graduates are entitled to register with the German Chamber of Architects after two years.
Programme Structure
During the first semester, or orientation semester, and the following three semesters students learn about designing at all scales. Among planning and design-oriented subjects, there are technical and organisational basics taught as well as the basics of construction economics. Tutorials and workshops serve to train interdisciplinary thinking and necessary abilities. To do so, the model-making workshop, photo and film lab, energy and lighting lab as well as a CAD-Pool are an important basis for contemporary teaching. Field trips, excursions to construction sites and companies are an important part of the training that is closely linked to practice. During the fifth semester, or practical semester, students are required to make their own practical experiences. The following project studies focus on working in an integrative manner by solving complex tasks. To complete the degree programme, a bachelor’s thesis has to be written on a given or freely chosen topic.
Career Perspectives
Professional tasks of architects are
- creative, technical, and economical design of new or existing buildings
- coordination and supervision of building implementation
- advising and representing owners in all questions related to construction projects
- creation of urban development plans
- participating in state-level and regional planning
Additional Information
In addition to regularly applying for a study place, an aptitude test is required to study Architecture. The registration form for the aptitude test as well as further information (schedule and location) are available from the Faculty’s website (currently only in German).
Please upload the registration form together with your application documents!
The one-day aptitude test aims at proving your artistic talent and programme-specific aptitude for studying Architecture at THWS. The test result is decisive for admission to the degree programme.
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Karl Zankl
Röntgenring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-Mail karl.zankl[at]
Consultation hours by appointment
Link to programme page Architecture
Programme offered by
Business Administration (B.A.) [German] - International Management (B.A.) [English]
Business Administration (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Business Administration
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admissioin requirements
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Bachelor Business Administration has the objective to offer a broad and practice-oriented training with a modern academic basis. On graduation, students are able to assist the management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to start their own businesses. Furthermore, due to its academic and quantitative approach this bachelor's programme entitles to take up master’s programmes at all higher education institutions. During the second part of their studies, students concentrate on a specific combination of subject areas; they are thus given the opportunity to intensify skills and knowledge identified and worked on during the first part of their studies.
Programme StructureThe programme is characterised by a broad basic training during the first part of studies followed by a specialised focus on the subject area. During the first part of studies, students are taught the skill to identify, understand, and work towards an solution for complex relations and interdependencies not only within the actual subject area. This is followed by two areas of specialisation so students are able to further improve their knowledge and their problem solving competence in the chosen subject areas. This structure is the theoretical foundation on which students can start building their professional careers in companies.
Career PerspectivesIn contrast to many other degree programmes with a broad approach towards their subject area, our students are being prepared for their future tasks by an extensive hands-on approach that involves project work in cooperation with companies. By order from external companies and especially in the chosen areas of specialisation, student project teams work on real-life questions. Networking is highly encouraged to enhance their professional expertise even further; therefore, students write their bachelor’s theses in colllaboration with companies.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue in our online application portal.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Christian Kille
Room S.3.14
Münzstraße 12
97070 Würzburg
E-Mail: christian.kille[at]
For office hours please visit the Faculty's Website
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business Administration (German)
Programme offered byInternational Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme International Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants, N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme “International Management” takes 3.5 years (seven semesters) including one practical semester (usually the fifth semester). Within a modular structure 210 CPs (approx. 30 CPs per semester) can be achieved.
The modules can be assigned to the following topics:
- General basics
- Economic basics
- Business functions
- Subject related specialisation
- General studies
- Specialist modules
The structure of the bachelor’s programme taught in English is similar to the German taught bachelor’s programme Business Administration (following the TWIN concept of FHWS). During the first two semesters, the internationally standardised basic modules are almost identical to the ones in Business Administration. In the 3rd and 4th semester, modules like Intercultural Management or Organizational Structure prepare students for the particularities in international business. An optional semester abroad during the 3rd or 4th semester and and optional internship abroaud during the 5th semester is an opportunity to get to know cultures and subject-specific perspectives of and in other countries. To make credit transfer easier, the subjects of the 3rd and 4th semester are designed and compiled similar to those at all partner universities. Two German or English taught specialisations have to be completed in the 6th and 7th semester.
Career PerspectivesOn graduation, students are able to assist management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to set up their own business. For their personal development students also acquire social and intercultural skills as well as language skills. Classes taught in English, an optional semester abroad, and the integration of international students (mobility at home) are designed to improve students’ competitiveness in the labour market.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Raum Z.2.09
Münzstraße 19
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8836
Email rainer.wehner[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website
Programme offered by
Business Analytics (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Business Analytics
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admissioin requirements
Language of Instruction: partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The integrated degree programme in Business Analytics is oriented towards persons who wish to learn and understand how (micro-)economic challenges can be dealt with and solved by means of modern data analysis. Over the course of your studies, you will gain a deeper understanding for both economic relationships and scientific, data-based analytical methods. The bachelor’s programme in Business Analytics offers the ideal combination of economic sciences and methodically suitable subjects from the STEM areas (mathematics, statistics, business information systems), with the addition of interdisciplinary modules important for working in an increasingly digitalised economy.
Programme Structure
The programme in Business Analytics is divided into three phases. The first half of the programme is the foundation phase (1st to 4th semester). Here, fundamentals from the areas of economic sciences and STEM subjects, as well as interdisciplinary competences, are taught. The 5th semester is the practical phase, during which students will work in companies to gain real-world experience. The programme is concluded by specialisation studies during the 6th and 7th semester. Here, the specialisation modules are selected from the subject catalogues of Business Administration or International Management. The specialisation studies over two semesters are complemented by a Business analytics project, where students will also specialise accordingly. The two semesters end with a final bachelor's thesis which will lead to a Bachelor of Science degree upon successful completion.
Career Perspectives
In the Bachelor’s programme in Business Analytics, students will learn how to take on challenges and find solutions to problems from the business world by means of state-of-the-art methods of data analysis. The programme aims particularly at equipping students with skills needed to support a company’s management in all areas of business administration and (after an adequate period of induction) to take over managerial tasks in economics and administrative or to manage their own business.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to proceed with the online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please go to
For information on general and specific studying requirements, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs.
Contact person
Programme director:
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Andreas Rükgauer
E-Mail: andreas.ruekgauer[at]
Link to programme page Business Analytics
Programme offered by
Business and Engineering (B.Eng.) [German] [English]
Business and Engineering (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme StructureDuring the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an engineering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, digital business, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, digital business, sales or purchasing.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers in companies. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career PerspectivesDue to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle
Raum 11.E.10
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8684
E-Mail ulrich.deutschle[at]
Business and Engineering (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme StructureDuring the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an enginnering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose purchasing (mainly taught in English), production, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, purchasing, sales or digital business.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career PerspectivesDue to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional InformationPlease follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact personProf. Dr. Elke Stadelmann
Room 6.1.08
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8739
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered byBusiness Information Systems (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Business Information Systems
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
In today’s society the interaction of people and information systems is of primary importance. Therefore, the bachelor’s programme Business Information Systems teaches its students to solve complex problems related to providing and processing business information. Business information systems are the link between modern information/communication technology and their commercial use within companies. Graduates in Business Information Systems can expect multiple tasks in various specialist and management areas within companies. Our comprehensive training teaches skills for methodical problem solving and for quickly familiarizing oneself with the diverse areas of application of business information systems; the curriculum is complemented by comprehensive fundamental knowledge as well as interdisciplinary methodological and social skills.
Programme Structure
During the introductory phase (first four semesters) the focus is on acquiring fundamental knowledge about the subject and methods:
- Business administration (e.g. Economic Basics, Innovation Management and Start-ups, Accounting, Commercial law, Logistics),
- Computer Science (e.g. Programming, Data Bases, Data Communications, Software Engineering),
- Mathematics (e.g. Statistics, Operations Research) and
- Business Information Systems (e.g. Business Software, Business Technologies, IT-Organisation, Project Management).
During the internship (fifth semester), students can apply their acquired knowledge to practical situations.
In the specialisation phase (sixth and seventh semester) students choose one core subject of business information systems and add four more electives from neighbouring disciplines. Core subjects for specialisation: Business Software, Business Technologies, Information Security, Media Informatics, Management of Digital Innovations and Mobile Solutions.
Career Perspectives
Job titles usually connected to business information systems include IT consultant, business analyst, product manager, information systems manager, software architect, multimedia programmer, SEO specialist and many more.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Eva Wedlich
Room I.3.35
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8865
E-Mail eva.wedlich[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Link to programme page Business Information Systems
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Civil Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Students of this programme become application-oriented civil engineers; they are trained to solve the varied tasks in the field of construction within society and the environment by their theoretical and practical abilities independently and autonomously. The degree programme is geared to the expectations and needs of the labour market. Its objective is to qualify excellently trained graduates for work in planning offices, construction companies, and public administration. Therefore, students are taught on the basis of applied science to get a professionally grounded qualification to be able to independently fulfil the full scope of tasks of the building industry. Students learn to work solution-oriented and interdisciplinary. Ability for teamwork is promoted. Additionally, students are trained to work actively on questions related to an increasing globalisation.
Programme Structure
The programme takes seven semesters which consist of a general part (two semesters) and the following subject-specific part (five semesters). During the general part, students are taught the required technical-scientific fundamentals and skills. During the subject-specific part, the focus lies on teaching in-depth competences by applying the knowledge acquired during the first two semesters. Teaching formats include lectures and tutorials supported by practical coursework in university laboratories. Additionally, a 12-week basic internship as well as an internship during the practical semester have to be done. Major fields of study: Building construction, statics, steel construction, reinforced concrete construction, bridge construction, construction operations, hydraulic engineering, sanitary engineering, project management, project development.
Career Perspectives
Civil engineers shape the environment. They design, draw up and calculate buildings, industrial facilities and infrastructure facilities. They plan and supervise the construction implementation taking into consideration security, operability, functionality, and efficiency. A civil engineers main duties are in the fields of
- Structural engineering
- Traffic engineering
- Hydraulic and sanitary engineering
- Construction implementation.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Steinmann
Room D.0.05
Röntgenring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8263
E-Mail gerald.steinmann[at]
Consultation hours upon arrangement
Website of the Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering (German only)
Link to programme page Civil Engineering
Programme offered by
Civil Engineering - Digital Design and Construction (from WS 2023/24) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering - Digital Design and Construction (from WS 2023/24)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Digitisation impacts all areas of our lives, as also the construction industry. Digitisation in civil engineering is an interdisciplinary field building on the content of (civil) engineering and construction informatics. Accordingly, the skills in the portfolio of the degree programme are as wide-ranging.
It is oriented towards the expectations and requirements of the labour market. With its interdisciplinary structure, the aim of the degree programme is for students to develop profound knowledge to provide them with multiple possibilities of continuing academic education. This includes offers from computer science, architecture and integral planning and building. By the close interconnection of engineering and computer science competences, the degree programme lays a sustainable, future-proof and qualified basis for the working market.
Programme Structure
The degree programme “Civil engineering - Digital Design and Construction” is partly combined with the degree programme of civil engineering. In addition to general technical subjects like technical mathematics and construction materials, already in the first semesters, the programming module and the introduction to 3D visualisation provide students with the basic fundamentals of digital approaches in the construction sector, which are also applied to other subjects. In the 5th semester, students complete the practical phase to interlink studies and working life. For this, they choose to work in engineering offices, construction companies, construction management etc.
In the last two semesters (6th and 7th), the focus is increasingly placed on digital construction planning and building processes, and the practical knowledge of planning software is deepened. Traditional engineering subjects are offered as electives and can be chosen according to students’ interests.
Career Perspectives
The structure of the degree programme enables graduates to work as civil engineers/engineers. The programme also lays the foundations for other technical degree programmes. The digital civil engineer shapes their environment. They draft, construct and calculate buildings, industrial plants and infrastructure installations on a digital level. Applying digital construction planning processes, the digital civil engineer manages and supervises the building, respecting safety, functionality, usability and economic efficiency.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Müller de Vries
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8179
E-Mail christoph.meullerdevries[at]
Link to programme page Civil Engineering - Digital Design and Construction (from WS 2023/24)
Programme offered by
Communication Design (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Communication Design
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; aptitude test (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Communication brings people together, it connects, gives information and enthuses. It is always about the goals and desires of its participants. However, it is also often about problems or challenges and their solution. For this, the means of communication follow the objectives mentioned above and they can vary greatly. There are for example, brochures, posters, films, websites, magazines, room concepts and many more. Every communicative result is based on a conception and complements the technical skills acquired during the course of the programme. As a consequence, a widely diversified range of offers is created; these offers are geared to current practical communication so they qualify graduates to successfully work in diverse occupational fields according to their own talent and interests.
Programme Structure
The first half of the programme (first three semesters) is committed to teaching the basics of creative design and technical skills for creating and finalising designs. Additionally, theoretical basics of areas from science and technology relevant for design are taught. The second half of the programme (fourth to seventh semester) focuses on specialisation in individual areas of design. By a project-oriented focus, students can specialise in particular areas of activity or in specific design tools and distribution media. From the fifth to the seventh semester, students learn in semester-overlapping classes to encourage the exchange of experiences between students from different semesters. The degree programme’s distinctive feature is the practical module, which usually takes place during the fifth semester. During the seventh semester, students work on their Bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
The degree "Bachelor of Arts" for the programme Communication Design qualifies graduates for demanding professional activities especially in the following areas: Print media (newspapers, magazines, books); electronic and audio-visual media (web, film, animation); digital applications (UX/UI design, AR/VR, apps, e-commerce); advertising; marketing; branding; corporate design; museums, exhibitions and fairs; photography either as a freelancer or employed by design agencies, press/marketing agencies, or publishers.
Additional Information
In addition to regularly applying/registering for studies, the Bachelor’s programme Communication Design requires submission of a portfolio as well as an aptitude test. Further information is available from the Faculty’s application page.
The assessment of your portfolio and the aptitude test aim at proving your artistic talent and programme-specific aptitude for studying Communication Design at THWS. The result is decisive for admission to the degree programme.
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Christoph Barth
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8458
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Communication Design
Programme offered by
Computer Science (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Computer science is the cornerstone of today’s and future key technologies. After completing the Bachelor’s programme Computer Science, students will be able to analyse and design complex information systems for technical and business applications, and to put them into practice. As computer scientists can work in various areas, the degree programme offers a comprehensive basic training which develops the students’ skills to solve problems methodically and makes it possible that they can quickly familiarize themselves with computer science’s vast occupational fields. Beside a complex basic knowledge, the programme also teaches interdisciplinary methodological and social skills.
Programme Structure
Basic introductory phase – first four semesters:
- Programming and practical programming work
- Technical computer sciences, computer architecture, operation systems, data communications
- Algorithms and data structures, theoretical computer sciences
- Software engineering and data bases
- Mathematics (e.g. algebra, analysis, statistics)
- IT-project management, business administration basics
- English for computer scientists
- Soft and professional skills
Fifth semester: Internship with a company
Specialisation phase – sixth and seventh semester:
Specialisation (three modules) in current topics, among them at the moment: Information security, media and IT, mobile solutions, smart systems, management of digital innovations
- Various electives on current topics in computer science
- International week with modules completely taught in English
- Project work in teams
- Bachelor’s thesis at FHWS or in cooperation with a company
Career Perspectives
Computer scientists have very good job prospects and earn high starting salaries. Jobs can be quite versatile and can differ considerably depending on specialisation and personal preferences. Among others, there is software development, project management, developing software components for hardware, administrating larger networks, programming and testing games, IT-security, consulting and training, sales and distribution, researching, work in all industries, working on future technologies, working in teams.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Peter Braun
Room I.3.2
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
E-Mail peter.braun[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Link to programme page Computer Science
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Digital Rescue Management (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Digital Rescue Management
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below); Pre-Study internship
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Through practice-oriented teaching on a scientific basis in the field of rescue science and the associated related sciences, the degree programme imparts in particular the economic, technical and medical professional, methodological and social competences that enable students to independently apply scientific knowledge and procedures and to act responsibly in the non-clinical and clinical environment of emergency care and disaster control. The professional field of graduates is interdisciplinary and intersectoral, very broad and ranges from operators of rescue services, fire brigades and clinics to authorities and companies in the field of rescue, disaster control and crisis management. Due to the wide range of applications along the entire supply chain, competences in the field of interprofessional and intercultural communication and crisis management are also taught.
Programme Structure
The seven-semester study programme (210 ECTS) of Digital Rescue Management will, in addition to the acquisition of targeted specialist knowledge, train the ability to grasp overarching contexts, to react flexibly and, in particular, to control emergency events and required measures and activities downstream and to take responsibility there. The interlinking of medical and business management issues with questions from the field of leadership and communication is of great importance. Especially the medical-scientific contents and their interlinking with the medical-scientific content and its interlinking with the methodological-scientific approaches enable graduates to deal with the daily issues of the profession in a qualified, constructive and critical manner. Furthermore, the students' decision-making skills, communication skills and willingness to cooperate are (further) developed.
Career Perspectives
- Manager in rescue service companies, aid organisations, control centres, public administration, emergency response authorities
- Consultant for medical technology and software companies
- Expert advisor in municipalities, emergency management, crisis teams, expert committees
- Risk and resource planning for various emergency scenarios in the health sector (emergency manager)
- Case management in the emergency sector (clinic, health insurance companies)
- Quality management, further development of organisational structures, training and further education, process design and optimisation
Graduates of the study programme have a broad range of competences in emergency services, medicine and organisation and are very well qualified in the context of economic issues. They can adequately assess and use the potential of digitalisation. This basis enables graduates to enter Master's programmes in economics and nursing sciences as well as medical-related programmes such as medical process management. Study programmes in education in health and emergency services are also open to graduates. Following a corresponding degree, there is the possibility of postgraduate studies leading to the degree of Dr. rer. pol. or comparable, as well as to the degree of Dr. rer. medic.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue you ronline application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl MHMM
Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Münzstraße 12
97070 Würzburg
Link to programme page Digital Rescue Management
Programme offered by
Digital Society (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Digital Society
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
In the context of digital transformation, there is an increasing demand for interdisciplinary degree programmes that train students at the interfaces of the respective knowledge fields and attach great importance to the ability to familiarise themselves with disciplines outside the subject. The ability of these interdisciplinary experts will steadily increase in the coming decades. This is where the new degree programme Digital Society (Bachelor of Science) comes in, in order to train experts in digitalisation through cooperation between the faculties of Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Applied Social Sciences and Design. In addition to teaching discipline-dependent competences of computer science, social sciences and design, both methodological-empirical competence and the ability to acquire knowledge expertise independently are taught.
Programme Structure
The Bachelor's programme is designed to be completed within 7 semesters. The programme is divided into 6 semesters of attendance at THWS and one semester in practice. The first two semesters will build the foundations for the degree programme. Subjects like information and media psychology combined with design and media theory and the fundamentals of information technology give students a general understanding about the digital transformation. During the third and fourth semester, further modules like human-computer interaction, usability and socio-informatics provide a deeper understanding of digital topics. Subsequent to the practical semester, the sixth and seventh semester offer cross-faculty core elective modules and the opportunity to choose a focus topic for the final degree.
Career Perspectives
The combination of application-related and empirical competences described above, in order to be able to analytically assess related and non-specialist areas, will be increasingly in demand in the national and international business environment in the coming years. This includes industries and companies that are located at the interfaces between technologies and human interaction. The employability of graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme Digital Society can therefore be rated as very good.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Müller
Room I.3.27
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8186
E-mail nicholas.mueller[at]
Link to programme page Digital Society
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
E-Commerce (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme E-Commerce
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
E-Commerce is about all forms of selling via the Internet. It is one of the biggest issues of future importance already showing enormous growth rates! Lectures and seminars are about
- online marketing
- web programming
- interface design and usability
- project management and much more.
Programme Structure
The bachelor’s programme takes seven semesters.Six of them involve face-to-face teaching at FHWS plus one practical semester. The first and second semester teach the basics of the degree programme. Subjects like Web Programming, Interface Design and Usability, Introduction to E-Commerce, etc. provide a basic understanding for the programme. Students create their own individual websites and develop them over the course of their studies.During the third and fourth semester, other modules, e.g. Databases, Online Marketing, Mobile Systems and Applications, Content Engineering, E-Commerce Simulation Game (off-campus team project), create a deeper understanding for the subject area. To prepare for the following practical fifth semester, students attend classes on soft skills as well as professional skills (conflict training, moderation techniques, body language etc.). Having completed a 20-weeks-internship, students can specialise in one subject field of E-Commerce.
Career Perspectives
E-commerce offers a variety of different jobs. The range of its market participants is steadily increasing and companies have quite different demands depending on their size, industry etc. As a consequence, graduates have broad and exciting opportunities to choose from. An Online Marketing Manager, for example, supervises the various activities in online marketing, whereas an Affiliate Manager takes care of distribution together with partners and networks. Digital Analysts or Web Analysts are responsible for monitoring the company’s success.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Rolf Schillinger
Room I.3.37
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
E-Mail rolf.schillinger[at]
Phone +49 931 3511-8373
Office hours upon arrangement
Link to programme page E-Commerce
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Electrical Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Electrical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
By the application of scientific methods geared towards real-world questions, electrical engineers are qualified to work on demanding tasks. A broad basic training resting on the pillars electrical technology/electronics, information technology and mathematics/science leads students toward their goal. A large share of elective modules in the areas of automation engineering, power engineering, medical engineering and communications engineering allow for further specialisation and strengthening of competencies. Students are brought close to professional practice by application-oriented lectures, in-depth practical coursework, a practical semester, and the Bachelor’s thesis. Key qualifications are taught by connecting theory and practice, so that students are perfectly prepared for social and technical requirements in their future corporate or academic environment.
Programme Structure
The programme is divided into three sections: the introductory phase (1st-3rd semester), the specialisation phase (3rd-6th semester) and the final phase (6th + 7th semester). After the basic subjects of the introductory phase, the specific specialisation phase begins as early as the 3rd semester, during which students can combine important core subjects with elective modules from the specialisation fields of automation engineering, electrical power engineering, medical engineering, or communications engineering. The selected specialisations can be extended with further specialisation modules. The programme ends with a practical phase and the final bachelor thesis.
Career Perspectives
As an electrical engineer you are among the highly-skilled top performers in business and society. You will be working in research, product development, production, quality management, or in distribution of electrotechnical devices, technical facilities and systems for various industries. More occupational fields are information process and transfer, analog and digital circuit engineering as well as microelectronic controls, but also complex automation, projecting and implementing of facilities and work related to power supply. Important areas of work today include: renewable energies, energy transmission, industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, autonomous driving, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and electric mobility.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Markus Mathes
Room 1.1.21
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
E-Mail markus.mathes[at]
Prof. Dr. Martin Spiertz
Room 1.1.19
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
E-Mail martin.spiertz[at]
Office hours: Please see the individual contact pages on the faculty's homepage (German only)!
Link to programme page Electrical Engineering
Programme offered by
Geovisualisation (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Geovisualisation
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Route planning and navigation, location-based services on smartphones, virtual sightseeing tours on the Internet, digital hiking maps on mobile devices – today geographic information is available everywhere and at any time in different applications as everyday tools. Applications’ success depends on professionally collecting, modelling and presenting the underlying geographic data. As a graduate you implement models of geovisualisation and applications for different uses and develop new fields of application. The programme is characterised by its application-oriented teaching. Varying in topics and with a focus on the target group, the programme concentrates on visualisation and presentation of geographic information. In addition, methods to collect, administrate and analyse spatial issues are taught. With this, the whole range of processing steps of geographic data is condensed in one single degree programme.
Programme Structure
The bachelor’s programme takes seven semesters and is structured into a fundamental, a main, and a specialisation phase; additionally, there is a practical semester before it concludes with a bachelor’s thesis. Practical relevance in teaching, the practical semester, and the project-oriented as well as interdisciplinary training ensure an application-oriented approach. The targeted use of computer graphics, geographic information systems, and cartography teaches all dimensions of collecting, processing, and presenting information. Among others, there is photorealistic visualisation of 3D-objects, multimedia applications for web-use and mobile devices, time series and simulations, but also virtual reality. By using high-end IT-components and shooting systems students are being prepared for their future jobs with a practical orientation. There is also the possibility to do the master’s programme as a Dual Studies Programme, i.e studies with intensified practice including the degree programme and an intensified practical phase.
Career Perspectives
Due to the increasing importance of geographic information in our society, the possible occupational fields for graduates are diverse and job prospects very good. The geographical data market is still not fully developed. Therefore, processing and visualising geographic information is not only relevant in technical fields, but it also finds its way into various non-technical fields of application. Possible jobs can be found in: GIS industry, (geo-)marketing, energy supply, planning offices, municipalities, print and Internet media.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Jan Wilkening
Room D.0.01e
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8229
E-Mail jan.wilkening[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Geovisualisation (German only)
Link to programme page Geovisualisation
Programme offered by
Healthcare Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Healthcare Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship of at least 10 weeks in a health-related company.
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This full-time programme equips students for general management or lead department roles in healthcare facilities. Therefore, students are taught technical-methodical, but also social-personal management skills. The programme uses an interdisciplinary business- and behaviour-oriented approach. Among the topics is not only the management of organisations, groups and personnel, but also reflecting ones own role in management. To be able to also apply knowledge acquired in a theoretical way, students can gain multiple experiences from healthcare facilities by working on a practical project, by an internship and a practice-oriented final thesis.
Programme Structure
Standard time to degree is seven semesters, the fifth semester being the practical semester. The sixth and seventh semester serves specialisation where students can choose their study focus individually. After completing all modules successfully students will have earned 210 Credit Points and the degree “Bachelor of Arts” (B.A.). The degree opens ways for further academic training – from a master’s programme to doctoral studies.
Career Perspectives
Graduates take on leading roles in clinics and institutions of geriatric care. They work in associations, health insurances, consulting services and other institutions of the healthcare sector. Another important occupational field is quality and risk management in healthcare facilities.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Holger Truckenbrodt
Pavillion I, Room 3
Münzstraße 19, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8501 or -8420
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Nursing and Health Management
Link to programme page Healthcare Management
Programme offered by
Hydrogen Technology (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Hydrogen Technology
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Hydrogen technology is a key technology and paving the way to the CO2-neutral age. Therefore, the demand for appropriately qualified engineers is growing. Through our bachelor's programme in Hydrogen Technology, we want to enable our students to systematically develop, configure and operate hydrogen plants on the basis of engineering processes independently of the sector. In this, the focus is on the entire hydrogen process chain as well as contents tailored to the topic of hydrogen.
Programme Structure
Studies in Hydrogen Technology are divided into several sections. Courses of the 1st semester contain, among others, the basics of mathematics, electrical engineering, mechanics, and thermodynamics. Based on this, specific courses on hydrogen technology will follow. The topics of fuel cells, H2 production as well as H2 storage and transport will be dealt with in particular detail.
In addition, a number of optional courses offer the possibility to accentuate your studies according to your personal interest and career aims. You will spend the 6th semester as an intern in a company. During the internship, you will acquire first professional experiences and establish contacts with possible employers. During your 7th semester, finally, you will work on your bachelor's thesis and finish your studies.
Career Perspectives
The potential uses of hydrogen as an energy carrier are extremely diverse and by no means limited to its use as a battery supplement in electric vehicles. The energy transition is pushing the use of renewable energies in all sectors. This results in a broad spectrum of possible job prospects for you as a graduate of the Hydrogen Technology programme:
- Plant engineering (environmental technology, energy industry, automotive engineering)
- Industrial product development (transportation, combined heat and power plants, infrastructure)
- Plant operation (environmental technology, energy industry)
- Public authorities (municipalities, districts, ministries)
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs (HSST),
- Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Wilke
E-Mail winfried.wilke[at]
Link to programme page Hydrogen Technology
Programme offered by
Hydrogen Technology Transnational (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Hydrogen Technology Transnational
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: Pre-year at German Jordanian University (GJU), prior to registration at THWS proof of language skills in German of B1 or higher (CEFR), and in English of B2 or higher (TOEFL: at least 72).
Language of Instruction: German, English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt, international partner universities (German Jordanian University (GJU) for pre-year and the first 4 semesters)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: yes (see website of the degree programme)
The Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) is offering a transnational bachelor’s degree programme in Hydrogen Technology in cooperation with the German Jordanian University (GJU) in Amman, Jordan. The degree programme is offered at both higher education institutions: the students start their studies in Jordan and complete them in Germany. The graduates develop all skills required for independent and professional conduct in the various practical areas of planning, construction, and operation of hydrogen plants.
The BWTT programme trains hydrogen engineers in the areas of planning, construction, and operation of hydrogen plants. Graduates of the degree programme receive a German higher education degree, which allows them to extend their stay in Germany for up to another 1.5 years to find work and to thus start their career as an engineer in a German company. The programme is accredited by the Jordanian Engineering Association, among others, and internationally recognised. A transnational degree programme is the perfect chance to experience different nationalities and cultures and to develop intercultural competence, that is sought after by prospective employers.
Programme Structure
Students generally complete a pre-year at GJU after which they enrol at THWS. The degree programme Hydrogen Engineering Transnational is a full-time programme of a standard time to degree of seven semesters, one of which is an internship semester.
Students qualifying for the programme through the pre-year, should estimate nine semesters for their studies. Most courses of the pre-year are accredited to the degree programme which reduces the workload of subsequent semesters. The pre-year and the first four semesters of the programme are taught at GJU in Jordan by lecturers of GJU and THWS. The final three semesters are taught at THWS in Germany.
Students participate in an intensive training of the German language and culture which optimally prepares them for their stay abroad. In the 7th programme semester after their practice module or the practice project, students are given the opportunity to write their bachelor's thesis in cooperation with a company. This gives students in-depth insights into current fields of research and development in the industry.
Career Perspectives
Our graduates have multiple opportunities to continue their training: They can continue training in the field of energy technology, mechanical engineering, plant and apparatus design, process engineering, energy economy, and sustainable resource management. Through the close interconnectedness of general engineering skills and skills in the field of carbon-free energy sources, we prepare our graduates of the degree programme Hydrogen Technology Transnational optimally for the challenges of the energy transition.
In the degree programme, our students lay the sustainable and future-proof basis for their further academic development. As hydrogen engineers, our graduates can work in various fields and areas, including the energy sector, engineering firms, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, plant design, technical infrastructure, transport and logistics, energy technology, heat engineering, infrastructure elements, process plant design, electro-chemical plants, vehicle engineering and technology, ...
Additional Information
Admission to the programme B.Eng. Hydrogen Technology Transnational is subject to proof of the following:
- general higher education qualification
- the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife; also obtained during the GJU-Pre-Year)
- the advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) OR
- A higher education entrance qualification rendered equivalent by law or by the competent governmental agency that allows the holder of the qualification to access bachelor’s studies at German higher education institutions
Admission to the degree programme is not restricted. Additional admission requirements of the degree programme are:
- German language skills: Students must provide certificates of German language knowledge:
- at commencement of studies: (or by the end of the GJU-Pre-Year): B1 (CEFR) or better
- by the end of the 4th programme semester: B2 (CEFR) or better
- English language skills: Prior to their first semester, (or prior to the GJU Pre-Year), students must provide proof of English knowledge of level B2 or better (TOEFL: at least 72).
Contact person
Degree programme coordinator
Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke
phone: +49 9721 940-8797
Email: winfried.wilke[at]
Link to programme page Hydrogen Technology Transnational
Programme offered by
Industrial Mathematics (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Industrial Mathematics
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The bachelor's degree programme Industrial Mathematics aims at qualifying students for work based on science in the occupational areas for mathematicians with technical fields of use. With the help of equations, industrial mathematicians usually transform physical and technical issues into mathematical models; after that, computer simulations calculate the solutions. Finally, the solutions to the mathematical models bring forward information about the initial issue. Most of the time this is an iterative process. Further typical activities are the analysis of sensor data and the programming of data evaluations for the control of technical processes.
From the beginning, not only mathematical skills are taught, but also physics and programming as well as technical skills (from mechanical and electrical engineering). Another area of training is group work to develop solutions for questions from a technical field.
Programme Structure
In the first year, mathematical basics like analysis, linear algebra, physics as well as computer science are taught. The teaching of applied mathematics like stochastics, differential equations, numerics begins with the second year. Physics and Computer Science are supplemented by technical subjects (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering). Eventually, students can form their individual profile by choosing from technical, but also mathematical electives. The curriculum is rounded off by practical courses in mathematics and physics, English and elective modules, some of which are chosen by the students. Students will do a practical semester in a company and write a Bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
Industrial mathematics and computer simulations play a role in all areas of technology, especially in mechanical and electrical engineering. Therefore, industrial mathematicians typically work closely with engineers. Due to the programme’s design and mathematically-structured way of thinking and working acquired by it, there are not only jobs in the field of computer simulations and technology-related programming, but also in software development, design and consulting.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Oliver Bletz-Siebert
Room 1.E.43
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8712
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Industrial Mathematics
Link to programme page Industrial Mathematics
Programme offered by
Information security (planned for WS 2023/24) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Information security (planned for WS 2023/24)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor's degree programme “Information security” qualifies holistic information security experts by practice-oriented science-based teaching. In the programme, students develop sound technical and also operative and managerial abilities. Students learn to recognise security-related problems, to analyse them in a business context, and to mitigate them using suitable technical, physical, organisational or personnel measures.
Programme Structure
The focus of the first four semesters is placed on technical and methodological competence:
- Information security (e.g. security engineering, awareness, penetration-testing, security-management, cryptography, ...)
- Computer Science (e.g. programming, databases, computer networks, computer architectures, ...)
During their internship in the 5th semester, students practically apply their theoretical knowledge.
In the subsequent course of studies (6th to 7th semester), students deepen their knowledge of information security and of specialisation areas (e.g. AI, block chain, threat intelligence, ...). They can also choose three electives for interdisciplinary specialisations.
Career Perspectives
Graduates are able to apply their security know-how in technical areas (e.g. security architect, penetration tester, security analyst), while they can also take on organisational tasks or management positions (e.g. security manager, auditor).
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Biedermann
Room I.3.37
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8973
E-Mail sebastian.biedermann[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Link to programme page Information security (planned for WS 2023/24)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Logistics (B.Eng.) [German] [English]
Logistics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, partly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme StructureAmong the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesWith this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693
Logistics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our Twin Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch between programmes/languages and thus acquire a Twin Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, mostly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme StructureAmong the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesWith this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional InformationPlease follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact personProf. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693Email
Programme offered byMechanical Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Mechanical engineers with a broad fundamental knowledge are needed in almost all areas of industry and in the public service. Students acquire this extensive knowledge that opens a multitude of professional opportunities by an intensive training in basic subjects up to the third semester and targeted specialisation during the 4th and 5th semester in the fields of applied materials and production engineering, digital engineering, energy and environmental engineering, automotive systems, automotive engineering, constructive mechanical engineering, mechatronics, lightweight engineering, simulation, and manufacturing engineering. State-of-the-art computer technology as well as economic and ecological aspects are taken into account and integrated into the studies. The general development of the students’ personality (soft skills) is encouraged, especially by projects. The practical semester is bridging the gap between theory and practice. Modern, generously equipped laboratories and collaboration with industry make it possible to offer up-to-date studies that are geared to real-world challenges.
Programme Structure
The degree programme is structured into an introductory/orientation phase (first three semesters, basic and subject-specific studies), a practical phase (fourth or sixth semester), and a specialisation phase (fifth to seventh semester) with classes (and projects) that are characterised by their special focus on application. Writing a Bachelor's thesis completes the programme.
Career Perspectives
Mechanical engineers can perform a multitude of activities as, for example, in development, construction, assembly, manufacturing, commissioning, projecting, quality assurance, but also in the areas of distribution/sales, customer service, and consulting; last but not least their are also job opportunities in public service. Job prospects are excellent, as there is demand in all branches of mechanical and plant engineering. Moreover, the Bachelor's degree is the starting point for an application-oriented, academic qualification by completing a master’s programme.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Retka[at]
Link to programme page Mechanical Engineering
Programme offered by
Mechatronics (B.Eng.) [German] [English]
Mechatronics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A practical orientation in teaching enables the independent use and application of academic knowledge and methods. With regard to the range and diversity of occupational fields, mechatronics engineers need a sound, fundamental knowledge; the programme therefore teaches the necessary subject-specific, methodological and social skills to quickly become familiarised with every application of mechatronics. By choosing from a range of scientific specialisation modules, students have the chance to choose classes according to their interest and occupational expectations, but without having to limit their possible future area of activity. Relevant subjects enable students to realise the impact of technology on the environment and, in accordance, to act responsibly. Character formation and problem-solving skills that follow from acquiring social, cultural and foreign language skills are developed by intensive project work. The degree programme also prepares students to take over executive functions. Moreover, the bachelor's programme is the starting point for further application-oriented, academic qualification by completing a master’s programme.
Programme StructureThe first three semesters serve as introduction/orientation phase with basic and subject-specific studies. These studies involve mathematical-scientific basics as well as technical basics and soft skills. During the specialisation phase (fourth and fifth semester) there are classes, tutorials and practical coursework in mechatronic basics and applications. Additionally, four elective scientific specialisation modules have to be completed. During the practical semester (sixth semester) students do an internship in industrial companies accompanied by various classes. The seventh semester is dedicated to industrial projects and practical coursework involving cross-subject teaching contents as well as writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesMechatronics engineers can perform a multitude of activities as, for example, in development, construction, assembly, manufacturing, commissioning, projecting, quality assurance, but also in the areas of distribution/sales, customer service, and consulting. Job prospects are excellent, as there is demand in all branches of mechanical and plant engineering as well as in electrical engineering and electronics. Being generalists, mechatronics engineers act as mediators in companies between already existing disciplines; by their interdisciplinary knowledge graduates are able to increase the efficiency of specialised teams.
Additional InformationThe degree programme is a cooperation of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (FM) and Electrical Engineering (FE).
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Silke Müller
Room 3.E.02
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8798
E-Mail silke.mueller[at]
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 11:00 h
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (German only)
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in German)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor’s programme Mechatronics is devised to meet the multidisciplinary requirements of today’s industry. This engineering discipline combines the expertise from areas of electrical and mechanical engineering with information processing. In addition to delivering a solid understanding of these areas, this programme aims to develop further skills needed to carry out and manage engineering projects. Specially designed courses enable students to identify the environmental impact of technology and encourage them to act responsibly. Due to elective modules, the students may tailor their courses according to their own inclinations and interests without compromises. The practice-oriented learning environment at THWS makes them capable of applying the know-how and scientific methods to solve engineering problems independently. This programme also focuses on personality development by offering foreign languages, interaction in multicultural teams, soft skills and further social competences. The degree programme can also serve as a solid fundament for graduate studies.
Programme StructureA six-week pre-study internship is a requirement of this Bachelor’s programme. The programme can be divided into three stages. At the first stage, consisting of three semesters, basic and foundation modules are offered. The emphasis is on the fundamentals of engineering, mathematics, computing, natural sciences and soft skills. The second stage of the programme, consisting of the fourth and fifth semester, deals with core modules of mechatronics. The theory and lab courses, offered at this stage, involve control systems, measuring techniques, actuators, software engineering, embedded systems, design & simulation of mechatronic systems etc. A wide range of elective modules with direct industrial relevance to automation, robotics, manufacturing, power engineering and automotive sectors is also offered during the fifth semester. The final stage of the degree programme, consisting of the sixth and seventh semester, involves practical training with real-world problems. The major part of the sixth semester is an internship in industry. During this internship students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the industrial problems. This way they develop a problem-solving approach. The seventh semester involves an engineering project, a Bachelor’s thesis and some interdisciplinary lab work.
Career PerspectivesMechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering. Mechatronics engineers can perform a wide variety of jobs such as research and development; hardware and software design; product development; planning, execution and management of engineering projects; installation, testing and commissioning of industrial equipment; quality control; marketing; customer care and consulting. The career prospects are very bright. Potential employers are companies from various industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, robotics, manufacturing, material processing, energy systems, drives, printing, medical systems and consumer products etc. Their multidisciplinary competencies enable them to assume coordination and leading jobs in project teams involving engineers of other disciplines like electrical, mechanical and software engineering. The Bachelor’s programme at THWS is highly practical. The interaction of students with the industry, during the internship and the Bachelor’s thesis, normally paves the path to a fascinating career in a national or multinational enterprise.
Additional InformationApplicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Abid Ali
Room 1.1.64
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940- 8454
E-Mail abid.ali[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in English)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Media Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Media Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Media are constantly changing due to technical progress. The degree programme prepares students to develop, produce, design, and sell content for different kinds of media (print, broadcasting, online media; mobile applications). The central idea is teaching the students skills and knowledge of communication studies, business administration, but also legal issues and design-related matters. Students get to know all methods of media production from a strategic and also an operational perspective so that special skills in managing media projects are being developed.
Programme Structure
At the start of the programme, there is a three-day team training and a focused introduction to project work, i.e. the first-semester project. During the first four semesters, students learn business basics and the fundamentals of media science and journalism. Additionally, their technical English knowledge will be intensified. Many practice-oriented projects support the development of managerial skills. There is not only the possibility for a semester abroad (for an internship or studies abroad), it is highly appreciated and supported. The 5th semester is an internship semester usually spent in media companies, marketing departments or agencies. During the 6th and 7th semester, students can choose from four areas of specialisation to further enhance their skills: Cross-media editing, PR and Corporate Communications, Product and Project Management, Digital Media Marketing. The degree programme is completed by writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
Specialist and executive positions in journalism, PR/corporate communications, in digital media management, video production and social media.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Steffen Hillebrecht
Room S.3.04
Sanderring 8a, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8824
E-Mail steffen.hillebrecht[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website!
Link to programme page Media Management
Programme offered by
THWS Business School
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Applied Polymer Engineering (B.Eng.) [German] [English]
Plastics and Rubber Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Plastics and Rubber Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admisstion requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme offers a traditional engineering training complemented by application-oriented contents for jobs in the relevant industries. Based on the fundamentals of engineering the focus is on processing, component construction, and materials science of plastics and elastomers. Among traditional and modern manufacturing processes, there are many more innovative topics treated like 3D-printing, fibre reinforced plastic, computer aided design, rubber technology, modern methods of analysis, or surface finishing. Throughout the course of study and oarallel to lectures, there is a high share of practical coursework in modern-equipped laboratories where student teams apply and broaden their acquired theoretical knowledge. Furthermore, the degree programme is characterised by its uncomplicated and personal student-teacher relationship in conveniently sized groups.
Programme StructureThe programme takes seven semesters (six theoretical and one practical semester) with 210 CPs in total. The foundation courses take place in two semesters, the main courses in another five semesters. The first two semesters teach the fundamentals of mathematics, engineering and natural science in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, or construction. The third and fourth semester intensify the general engineering knowledge; in addition, the basics of plastics processing as well as the chemistry and materials science of polymers are treated. For their practical semester (in the fifth semester), students already do engineering work at companies in the plastics or elastomer industry. During the sixth and seventh semester, the focus is on specific topics related to plastics and elastomers; relevant knowledge and skills are intensified, for example by a team project. Additionally, basic knowledge of business administration is taught. The degree programme is completed by a bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
As there is an enormous scope for the use of plastics, the range of occupational fields for graduates is vast. International corporations, from the automotive and aerospace to sports and leisure time industry, as well as local medium sized companies or research institutes are always on the lookout for qualified personnel specialised in plastics and rubber engineering. Job prospects are very good at the moment, but also in economically difficult times the demand for the skills and knowledge of dedicated graduates was and will be constantly high.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Website of the Bachelor's programme Plastics and Rubber Engineering (German only)
Programme offered byApplied Polymer Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Polymer Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Applied Polymer Engineering aims to train independent, responsible engineers, who put the technical potential of plastics and elastomers to intelligent use and use them to shape a sustainable future.
By combining theoretical knowledge and with specialised applications of modern devices and machines, the students develop a solid, extensive understanding that enables them to work in every field of plastics and/or elastomer engineering, depending on their personal interest.
The TWIN programme Applied Polymer Engineering/ Kunststoff- und Elastomertechnik enables students to complete their studies in German and English. If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed you studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme StructureFundamentals (1st and 2nd semester):
Mostly natural scientific and engineering foundation modules, lab and practice module, initial plastics module
Main studies (3rd and 4th semester):
Plastics and rubber engineering modules, engineering modules, technical modules, lab and practice module
Internship semester (5th semester)
Specialisation (6th and 7th semester):
Polymer and elastomer engineering modules, technical and business modules, research project, and lab/ practice module
Bachelor's thesis (7th semester)
Career PerspectivesThe career perspectives of our graduates are as diverse as the applications for plastics and elastomers:
- Mechanical and apparatus engineering
- Vehicle manufacturing and shipbuilding
- Aerospace and space engineering
- Environmental protection
- Chemical synthesis
- Medical engineering
- Packaging industry
- Polymer analytics
- Sports and leisure equipment industry
- …
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Robotics (B.Eng.) [German] [English]
Robotics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing. Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
Programme StructureThe Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis. A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career PerspectivesDriven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional InformationGeneral admission requirements apply to all applicants with German higher education entrance qualification. For more information, please see the pages of our Department for Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Volker Willert
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8598
Mail volker.willert[at]
Robotics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing.
Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
This English-taught Bachelor‘s programme is designed as TWIN programme alongside the existing German-taught Bachelor’s programme Robotik. TWIN programmes enable you to complete your studies in both German and English. You will also do cultural and linguistic trainings when studying those TWIN Programmes.
If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed your studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme StructureThe Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis.
A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career PerspectivesDriven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional InformationApplicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Marian Daun
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8552
E-Mail marian.daun[at]
Social Work (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Social Work
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The programme’s objective is training the ability to act professionally in the various practice fields of social work based on scientific knowledge and scientific methods. Its concept is geared towards the rapid changes in the welfare state and the constantly emerging problems, as well as the socially valid claim of quality management in social work. In addition to an undergraduate education, knowledge and skills are taught that stress a behaviour-oriented approach. Social problems are analysed against the background of empirical-scientific findings and methods are used whose effectiveness is testable and verifiable. After the behaviour-oriented approach has long proved to be successful in other countries, the training provides a connection to international practice.
Taught qualifications are oriented towards the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training.
Programme Structure
The first stage of studies covers theoretical issues like the basics of the profession social work, basics of humanities and social sciences, behaviour-oriented action, law and management, and scientific research. The second stage of studies begins with the internship during the fifth semester. During the sixth and seventh semester, there are general courses, but students also choose their specialised area of studies and write their bachelor’s thesis. Possible specialisation: Development and support in early childhood; social service for predelinquents and social re-integration; healthcare counselling; youth and adult education; social support for children, youths and families; music therapy in social work; social work in an immigrant society; social work in an ageing society; social work with mentally ill and addicted persons; social work and disability.
Career Perspectives
The sphere of activity includes measures for children and young people, social services for women and/or mothers, for the married and for families, support for the elderly and/or disabled, offers in healthcare, services for people with a migration background, support against educational disadvantages and for the unemployed and/or poor, and services for delinquents, but also participating in training, teaching and research, in continuing education and advanced training. These tasks are fulfilled by public and non-profit institutions and services.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Löbmann
Mandy Maria Reinhard
E-Mail: bsa-studienfachberatung.fas[at]
Link to programme page Social Work
Programme offered by
Specialized Translation (Technical or Business) (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Specialized Translation (Technical or Business)
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: general and programme specific requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, target languages
Duration: 6 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
In addition to the practical course at a private college for language careers (Fachakademie), students study the academic disciplines of linguistics, intercultural communication and terminology management. Students also receive an introduction to technology as a new area of specialized translation expertise.
Programme Structure
The first four subject semesters are completed in parallel with the programme at the private college for language careers. Per semester, 7.5 ECTS credits are earned at THWS. The courses take place at the weekends and during private college holiday times. In the fifth semester, the students complete an internship abroad. The sixth semester is full-time study in which students have the opportunity to practise translation at a high level. In this semester they also write their BA dissertation.
Career Perspectives
Specialized translators for the subjects technology and economics as free-lancers or within a company or institution.
Additional Information
Programme specific requirements:
Degree is taken in parallel with a training course at a private college for language careers (Fachakademie), or after a completed qualification as a state certified translator or equivalent qualification.
The degree takes three semesters. However, one of these semesters is taken part-time in parallel with the course at the private college for language careers (Fachakademie) and divided over 4-5 actual semesters. Thus the work of 3 semesters is completed over a period of 6-7 actual semesters.
Language requirements:
- A-language: German (C2 – native or near-native)
- B-language: English, Spanish or French (as at the Fachakademie)
- C- language: English, Spanish or French (as at the Fachakademie)
If you apply for the Bachelor’s programme Specialised Translation, you have to present a valid higher education qualification and proof of being currently enrolled at or having successfully completed a state-recognised private college for language careers (Fachakademie für Fremdsprachenberufe) or an interpreter’s school. This also applies to state-certified foreign language correspondents/bilingual secretaries who are now also training to become state-certified translators at a Bavarian college for language careers.
As the required skills and competences acquired during the translator’s training will be recognised, FHWS is not offering the first three semesters.
During the online application process, you will have to upload the form “Anlagenblatt zur Bewerbung” (attachment to the application; only available in German).
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst
Contact via the Dean's office:
Room S.2.17
Sanderring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9122
E-Mail fachuebersetzen[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Specialized Translation (German only)
Link to programme page Specialized Translation (Technical or Business)
Programme offered by
Surveying and Geoinformatics (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Surveying and Geoinformatics
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
For surveying and geoinformatics the earth’s surface with its natural and artificial objects is the sphere of action. This opens up a broad occupational profile: From regulation and remodelling of ownership structures, defining routes and locations for road, bridge, and tunnel construction over satellite-based monitoring systems (GPS) to providing and managing geographic data used in everyday and specific applications. The degree programme teaches all methods that cover the full range of the occupational profile outlined above. The programme especially includes: Tacheometry, levelling, satellite measurement, laser scanning, remote sensing, land management, geographic information systems, CAD and visualisation technologies. In laboratories with excellent technical equipment the methods mentioned above cannot only be taught, but they can also be applied during tutorials and practical courses.
Programme Structure
The bachelor’s programme takes seven semesters and is structured into an introduction, an intensification, and a specialisation phase with two semesters each; it concludes with a bachelor’s thesis. During the introduction phase, students are taught the basic skills they need for the following course of studies. During the second phase, students learn to work independently on different subject-specific tasks. The last two semesters of the programme serve further intensification and specialisation. The fifth semester is a practical semester where students are introduced to work autonomously as interns at, for example, an engineering office or at state survey authorities. By using high-end IT-components and shooting systems students are being prepared for the future jobs with a practical orientation. There is also the possibility to do the bachelor’s programme as a Dual Studies Programme, i.e studies with intensified practice including the degree programme and an intensified practical phase.
Career Perspectives
Graduates' professional future looks very bright. The demand for qualified specialists in the public and private sector is increasing. Job opportunities have developed considerably well, because in our society the importance of geographic information is steadily increasing; this kind of data is not only important for technical uses, but also because non-technical areas of application have been developed ranging from marketing to tourism. Possible employers are: Engineering offices/departments, survey authorities, GIS industry, energy supply providers, municipalities.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Brunn
Room A.1.16
Röntgenring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8212
E-Mail ansgar.brunn[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's degree Surveying and Geoinformatics (German only)
Link to programme page Surveying and Geoinformatics
Programme offered by
Sustainable Energy Systems (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Sustainable Energy Systems
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply is one of the most urgent problems that our society needs to address. The focus here is on the use of different energy sources and storage technologies, which must be systemically coordinated with each other, as well as the creation of a sector coupling between different energy grids (electricity, gas and heat). This exciting task must be carried out by engineers, who need a comprehensive education for it that combines technical knowledge with knowledge from the fields of economics and law as well as the natural sciences.
Through close networking between the professors in the "Center Sustainable Energy Systems" (CENSEY) and the industrial partners, both the latest scientific and practical findings flow into the teaching.
Programme Structure
The programme comprises seven semesters. It is divided into the basic studies (2 semesters) and the subsequent in-depth studies. In order to ensure a comprehensive education, there are lectures from the fields of engineering, mathematics and natural sciences as well as economics and law. Skills are taught in lectures and exercises, partly supported by practical courses in one of our laboratories, e.g. in the module "Renewable Energies and Grid Management" in the 4th semester. The 6th semester must be completed as a practical semester. By attending compulsory elective lectures, students are able to specialise in a subject area and further qualify themselves in this area, e.g. by choosing suitable topics in the practical phase and the Bachelor's thesis directly following this. Following the Bachelor's programme, students can attend a Master's programme.
Career Perspectives
Graduates of the programme will find excellent employment opportunities, both regionally and nationally.
Possible areas of employment are e.g.:
- Energy network operators (gas, heat and electricity)
- Component manufacturers for energy networks (PV or wind power plants, combined heat and power plants, biogas plants, storage systems, etc.)
- Engineering offices for planning and construction of grids / domestic supply systems / storage facilities
- Large-scale industry, e.g. in the field of optimising energy processes
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Anatoli Wellhöfer
Room 1.E.13
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
phone +49 9721 940-8565
Email anatoli.wellhoefer[at]
Link to programme page Sustainable Energy Systems
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Master's programmes
Applied Mathematics and Physics (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Applied Mathematics and Physics
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: special procedure (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 Semester (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: TH Nürnberg, Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This master’s programme is a cooperative programme offered in Schweinfurt by the Faculty of Applied Natural Science and Humanities at the Unversity of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Physics and General Sciences at Nuremberg Tech. Its content is based on the bachelor’s programme Industrial Mathematics at THWS and the bachelor’s programme Applied Mathematics and Physics at Nuremberg Tech, respectively.
The programme provides advanced scientific knowledge in both applied mathematics and physics with the aim of using mathematical models and simulations to illustrate questions from physics, technology and applied natural sciences. Special attention is payed to the processes of model building as well as on the analytical and numerical solution of the resulting mathematical problems.
Programme Structure
Like the two bachelor’s programmes Applied Mathematics and Physics (Nurember) and Industrial Mathematics (Schweinfurt), the master’s programme is designed to be interdisciplinary: The three-pillar model (mathematics, physics, computer science) of the bachelor’s programme Applied Mathematics and Physics and the orientation of Industrial Mathematics (mathematics, technology, computer science) is developed into a two-pillar model (mathematics, physics). Research-based learning serves as the connecting link for project work and master's thesis. The didactic guideline of “research-based learning” places a clear focus on the autonomy of the students.
Career Perspectives
For graduates, there is a wide range of job opportunities, especially in areas aimed at jobs in research and development. Many job advertisements specifically require the skills our programme teaches: Sound knowledge of mathematics, physics and computer science, as well as experience in working and programming independently. A core competence of the master’s programme lies in independent, more extensive projects and thus addresses to a large extent the needs of the labour market. More scientifically oriented students have the opportunity to do their doctorate at a German or foreign university after completing this master’s programme.
Additional Information
Application and enrolment are handled by Nuremberg Tech.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Oliver Bletz-Siebert
Room 1.E.43
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
E-Mail oliver.bletz-siebert[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website
TH Nürnberg:
Prof. Dr. Elke Wilczok
E-Mail elke.wilczok[at]
Programme website at Nuremberg Tech
Link to programme page Applied Mathematics and Physics
Programme offered by
Artificial Intelligence (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Artificial Intelligence
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 Semester (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary field that builds on the content of computer science, mathematics, physics and cognitive science, but also extends to many other areas.
The aim of the new English-language degree programme is to educate AI experts who are familiar with the relevant algorithms, models and social challenges of AI, and who can develop and evaluate software systems with AI functionality.
Having completed their studies, graduates will be able to elaborate solutions for standard and individual AI systems, to use innovative technologies in AI systems in industrial and non-industrial environments, and to strengthen their area of expertise.
Programme Structure
The Master's programme extends over 3 semesters and provides profound knowledge of AI as well as comprehensive competences for the implementation of AI methods and models in practice. For this purpose, practical projects are included into the programme and students are involved in work in the AI laboratories at an early stage. By working in a laboratory environment, students gain an early and intensive insight into the methods of scientific work.
Since the use of AI in everyday life leads to considerable changes in society, students also take courses on AI ethics, law and the sociological consequences of AI in order to be able to responsibly co-design the transformation process.
Since a large number of potential employers in the AI industry operate globally, students are strongly encouraged to complete a stay abroad. The faculty supports this through a large number of collaborations with universities abroad.
Career Perspectives
Graduates of the programme will be able to independently develop, enhance and implement complex AI systems. Furthermore, they will be able to assess and take into account ethical and legal issues in the development and operation of AI systems.
Qualification for professions in the spectrum of AI, data science, cognitive computing.
Additional Information
Admission to the Master’s programme MAI is subject to a number of conditions. Further information can be found on the programme pages.
To check if the requirements are met it is important that the MAI application form provided on the website is completed and uploaded via the THWS Campusportal.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the MAI website in good time.
The course and examination language is English.
For being able to participate in this degree programme, we highly recommend a general English proficiency up to the level C1 (CEFR), sound English proficiency of the level B2 (CEFR) is a requirement.
In the case of applicants with English higher education entrance qualifications, this language proficiency will be assumed.
Furthermore, evidence of proficiency in German on level A2 (CEFR) has to be provided. This level of language command, along with a corresponding certificate, can also be achieved within the first two semesters of the degree programme. (This offer is not available for German native speakers.) For more information regarding Application and Admission, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Schleif
Campus Sanderheinrichsleitenweg (SHL)
Phone +49 931 3511-8127
E-Mail mai.fiw[at]
Link to programme page Artificial Intelligence
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Behavioral Counseling (M.A.)
Master's programme Behavioral Counseling
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; minimum one year professional experience in related field (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 5 semesters while working (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 1,750
Behavioral Counseling, an extra-occupational programme for advanced training, teaches and expands knowledge and skills to pursue and develop demanding counselling activities in mental health and educational facilities; beside taking a behavioural approach, it is also using behavioural methods. All skills taught are closely connected to the students’ daily practice: At first they are trained within the protected teaching environment, then transferred to actual practice under controlled conditions and finally, during the practical semester, implemented into the daily routine. Evaluation and supervision are of particular importance. Behavioural orientation is a forward-looking approach in mental health and educational practice; it takes into account intervention-related and socio-political developments, e.g. demands for basing findings on evidence and for professional quality management; moreover, it can be implemented into all mental health and educational counselling situations.
Programme Structure
The programme takes five semesters and is a combination of self-study, contact periods (every two to three weeks mainly on Fridays and Saturdays) and practical periods. During the first semester, students gain deeper knowledge regarding normative aspects, methodical research and media science. During the second and third semester, students acquire skills in behaviour-oriented counselling of individuals and groups (preparing behavioural analyses; planning, carrying out and evaluating behaviour-oriented interventions). The fourth semester (practical semester) is used to perform supervised behavioural counselling in institutions/facilities. Students will now put their previously acquired skills and expertise into practice. The Master’s thesis will be written during the fifth semester.
Career Perspectives
After completing the programme, graduates will be enabled to take over responsible positions in all areas of mental health and educational counselling. This includes, among others, work with children/youth (e.g. child guidance), counselling within schools, clinical social work (e.g. psychiatric clinics), work with disabled persons or in geriatric institutions, with migrants (e.g. integration support), or counselling for special occasions (e.g. marriage counselling).
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Franz J. Schermer
Phone +49 931 3511-6305
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Behavioral Counseling (German only)
Link to programme page Behavioral Counseling
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Master's programme Brand and Media Management
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; professional experience (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Brands and media shape the world’s global economy. Within three semesters, our Master’s programme Brand and Media Management equips its students to take over and carry out managerial tasks in brand-driven companies, agencies, consultancies, and media companies.
Programme Structure
There are twelve modules taught, e.g. Brand Strategy, Media Planning and Agency Management, that are accompanied by two practical projects working on specific issues from everyday corporate life, e.g. developing brand properties or social media campaigns. At the end, a master’s thesis has to be prepared.
Career Perspectives
Graduates find excellent career options in brand-driven companies (e.g. Audi, dm, L'Oréal), consulting agencies (e.g. Brand-Trust, Interbrand), marketing agencies (e.g. Jung von Matt, Serviceplan), service providers (e.g. BrandMaker, Optimal Media), in traditional media companies (e.g. Axel Springer, RTL), and social media (e.g. YouTube, Instagram).
Additional Information
Admission to our German-taught Master’s programme Brand and Media Management (M3ve) is restricted. Numerus clauses is the overall degree grade 2.5. For more information, please visit the programme’s website (available only in German) The following is vital for your application:
- Bachelor’s degree with 210 ECTS credit points and (very) good grades
- Proof of (very) good business administration knowledge
- Proof of relevant professional experience in theory and practice
Please fill out the form Studienvoraussetzungen (available only in German) and upload it during the online application process to our application portal. Do not forget to add meaningful proof of relevant internships.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Karsten Kilian
Münzstraße 12, Würzburg
E-Mail karsten.kilian[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's website
Website of the Master's programme Brand and Media Management (German only)
Link to programme page Brand and Media Management
Programme offered by
Business and Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Business and Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Graduates of the Master’s programme Business and Engineering are qualified to, on a high level, cover the interface between technology and business which is gaining more and more importance today. Intensifying the scientific, methodical, and professional knowledge in substantial disciplines of business engineering is the basis for a broad range of possible occupational fields; jobs can be found where technical and economical integration into and interaction between business areas need a interdisciplinary solution, such as in the areas of marketing/sales, logistics, materials management/purchasing, production, development, accounting, or organisation and IT. The programme aims at intensifying the students’ technical/economic professional and methodical expertise, but also their social competence; graduates are thus capable to apply methods independently and to act responsibly in the occupational fields technical sales and distribution, or production and logistics.
Programme Structure
Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Corporate IT Systems for Manufacturing Businesses, Business Analytics, Technology Law and Advanced Finance, as well as one project in the 1st and one in the 2nd semester are obligatory. The projects should be based on a research topic or a scientific problem.
For specialisation, there are different lectures; when specialising in Technical Sales and Distribution there are specialist lectures on Service Engineering, Sales Management, and Product Life Cycle Management; for a specialisation in Logistics and Production, there are courses on Advanced Manufacturing, Automation Systems and Virtual Systems. Following this theoretical and project part, there is the master's thesis to be written and the related colloquium.
Career Perspectives
The programme broadens the possible occupational field and equips to master even demanding engineering tasks. Specialisation in Technical Sales/Distribution, System Engineering, or Logistics Engineering not only teaches professional expertise, but also methodical competence. Graduates are qualified to take over management tasks in industry and entitled to German senior civil service (Höherer Dienst). Zudem wird mit dem Masterabschluss die Additionally, the master’s degree is a precondition to apply successfully for doctoral studies at technical universities.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Kurt Schwindl
Room 9.2.07
Konrad-Geiger-Str. 2, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8782
E-Mail kurt.schwindl[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty’s website!
Link to programme page Business and Engineering
Programme offered by
Business and Engineering (in English) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General and special qualification requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Innovation cycles become shorter, the political and economical environment becomes more insecure. The acronym VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – summarises these new conditions. Volatility leads to uncertainty; changes become the rule. Interrelationships are becoming more complex, the information situation becomes more confusing and also more contradictory. Nevertheless, economic actors have to make economic and technical decisions.
The aim of the degree programme is to provide students with the necessary skills to work successfully in a world shaped by VUCA. In addition to specific technical competences, the degree programme teaches the skills to understand problems comprehensively and to solve them in an organised manner in interdisciplinary teams.
Programme Structure
Throughout their studies, students work within the framework of a guiding topic, which is newly selected for each cohort and which is addressed in each module. The research project that the students work on is also within in this context. In the first semester, the focus is not only on applied scientific work, but also on the holistic understanding of complex problems and the framework conditions for finding solutions. In the second semester, concepts are taught with which the students develop their own approaches to solving problems in their research projects. In the third semester, students concentrate on the elaboration of their research project in the master's thesis as well as its scientific presentation and discussion.
Career Perspectives
Graduates can be employed wherever interdisciplinary technical and economic integration and innovation tasks need to be solved in and between companies. The special added value for employers lies in the graduates' ability to develop solutions for complex problems in an environment characterised by volatility and uncertainty. The interdisciplinary education in a multicultural environment makes graduates particularly interesting for employment in international companies.
Additional Information
Completed university studies with 210 credit points and an overall grade of 2.5 or better in the field(s) of business and engineering (“Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen”), engineering sciences, economics, or logistics from a German university or an equivalent degree, of which at least 20 CP from the field of technology, in particular basic competences from the fields of electrical engineering, technical mechanics, material sciences, technical systems, and at least 20 CP from the field of economics, in particular basic competences from the fields of business administration, private law, external and managerial accounting.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peik Bremer
Room 20.1.74
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8667
Email peik.bremer[at]
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered by
Design & Information (former: Information Design) (M.A.)
Master's programme Design & Information (former: Information Design)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; aptitude test (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Information Design is seen as an umbrella term for creative contributions to visual culture. The programme focuses on the multimedia culture of knowledge: visual awareness, education and guideline assistance in the multimedia world we live and work in. The master’s programme is geared towards graduates of design studies who want a qualification for independent, project-oriented work beyond the classic design training. The connection of design and future-oriented research, including applied and fundamental research, is paramount. Therefore, the Würzburg Master Model requires a way of thinking and working that connects practical designing even stronger with scholarly reflection. During the course of the degree programme, structures, models, theories, and languages of design practice, cultural and social sciences are developed - always in relation to the students’ research interests.
Programme Structure
Students apply with their own project and work on it throughout their period of study. The programme is consists of consecutive modules which include theoretical, but also practical subjects. The programme concludes with a successfully completed master’s thesis which should show the practical result of the student’s project and a theoretical and scientific preparation of it. Students plan and structure their course of study with a high degree of autonomy. Among important modules like project theory and project practice, students can also choose from a range of classes on the philosophy of science, methodological, or practical classes according to their individual plan in the different stages of their studies. Interaction with experts from other disciplines, higher education institutions, institutes, and research institutions is vitally important, as today’s design is dependent on multidisciplinary teamwork.
Career Perspectives
A Master of Arts in Information Design particularly qualifies graduates for self-employment or leading positions in relevant enterprises.
Professional priorities are: Interdisciplinary strategy and concept development, classical print media, electronic and audiovisual media (web, film, animation), digital products (UX/UI design, AR/VR, applications, e-commerce); advertising; marketing; branding; corporate design; museums, exhibitions and fairs; photography either as a freelancer or employed in managerial roles by design agencies, press agencies, or publishers.
Additional Information
Admission to this Master’s programme is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website.
In addition to the application via THWS Apply, prospective students must complete a registration form of the Faculty of Design and provide supplementary documents.
Further information on this can be found on the website of the Faculty of Design.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Erich Schöls
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8805
E-Mail erich.schö
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Design & Information (former: Information Design)
Programme offered by
Digital Business Systems (former: Information Systems) (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Digital Business Systems (former: Information Systems)
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; selection process
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Information systems provide a connection between people and computers or technology in general with the aim to make information available in an optimal way and to enable communication between people. No matter whether systems like Facebook or corporate systems like SAP – today information systems play a decisive role in shaping our future. Following an undergraduate degree programme in Computer Science, Business Information Systems, or E-Commerce, the master’s programme Information Systems provides valuable and targeted teaching which opens its highly qualified graduates an even wider range of professional and personal opportunities.
Programme Structure
The master’s programme has two phases: During the first two semesters there are eight obligatory classes and four subject-specific elective modules (FWPM). These FWPMs can be taken at other faculties or universities, if they are part of similar master’s programmes. During the third semester, two scientific papers have to be written (master’s thesis and one independent scientific publication).
Career Perspectives
For graduates with an ambition to leadership and management roles, a master’s degree offers extended job prospects especially in the field of information systems, but also in the field of information technologies or consulting. Moreover, the academic part makes it possible to start a research or academic career, for example at higher education institutions or research institutions. At the same time, a high share of elective modules supports a more individual focus according to the students’ personal preferences.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Karsten Huffstadt
Room I.3.27
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
E-Mail karsten.huffstadt[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Information Systems (German only)
Link to programme page Digital Business Systems (former: Information Systems)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Electrical Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Electrical Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: general and special qualification requirements (see below); interview
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme Electrical Engineering is a so called Master-Research-Programme where students can earn their degree either by working on a technological research project that is closely linked to professional practice and diversely networked, or by taking advanced modules that are individually supervised. Students are to be trained to work independently on scientific projects and acquire interdisciplinary key qualifications by practical experience and in-depth problem-solving skills. Student teams are working within a research network consisting of internal and external partners and get individual support from supervising professors as well as in seminars. This kind of training perfectly meets the labour market’s demand for highly-skilled engineers experienced in project work.
Programme Structure
Together with their respective project supervisor students compile their individual curriculum. The core of this master’s programme is carrying out a practice-oriented research project throughout a three-semester period. The degree programme is a full-time programme. It consists of three project stages and the master’s thesis belongs to the third stage. There is a Master’s Seminar where all student research activities within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and undertaken by partner faculties are brought together in lectures and poster sessions. Students’ engineering, technological, and interdisciplinary skills are completed by additional modules offered by THWS, a partner university or another higher education institution. There is, however, largely freedom of choice to find the perfect combination of modules which depends on the student’s previous education, their research project and their intended specialisation.
Career Perspectives
The degree programme is fully accredited and was successfully re-accredited. It entitles graduates to enter the German senior civil service (höherer öffentlicher Dienst) and has best job prospects in terms of demanding technical and management responsibilities in business and science. Many graduates study in doctoral programmes cooperating with other universities. Several graduates completed their doctoral studies with excellent performance. Moreover, doctoral graduates have already been appointed professors at higher education institutions.
Additional Information
If you submit your application for this Master’s programme via THWS Campusportal, you will confirm that the following requirements have been met:
- You confirm that you have achieved at least 80% of the academic achievements required in your undergraduate studies (calculated in credit points according to ECTS).
- You confirm that you can successfully complete your studies by the next admission period and that you can achieve a grad of 2.5 (good) or better.
- You are aware that if you have the required qualifications you will be invited to a colloquium in Schweinfurt to determine your aptitude for the Master’s programme.
- You are aware that any missing admission requirements must be proven within three months of the start of your studies and that admission is only provisional until then.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Markus H. Zink
Room 2.2.05
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8498
E-Mail markus.zink[at]
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Müller
Room 1.1.20
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8769
E-Mail bernhard.mueller[at]
Office hours:
Please see the individual contact page on the faculty's website (available only in German)!
Link to programme page Electrical Engineering
Programme offered by
Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Part Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Part Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 6 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This interdisciplinary master’s programme aims at providing students with professional competence in the area of journalism and corporate communications. They are trained to employ their skills especially in the area of technology or business. Students have usually already acquired professional expertise in technology/business during previous studies (and/or previous work experience). That is why the major focus is on professional communication. Students without any previous expertise in the relevant subjects will have to do additional learning, usually in the scope of 10 ECTS credits.
The master’s programme has an interdisciplinary approach – not least to enable students to think outside the box of their respective disciplines. Another element of this integrative concept is to teach journalism alongside corporate communications. No matter which side the student chooses to work for, it is always important to know techniques and strategies of the opposite side.
Programme Structure
You need 90 Credit Points to complete our master’s degree. Therefore, standard time to the part-time degree is six semesters. It is a traditional on-site programme. Teaching usually takes place on three or four days during the week and is complemented by block events (Blockseminar) on weekends at the end of the semester. The training is theoretically grounded but at the same time very close to professional practice. Many practical projects about technical and business issues are on the schedule. The programme trains communication experts who are very well acquainted with their field of expertise; graduates know their trade – as journalists or as PR-experts – and understand the nuances and forms of trade journalism; they are experienced in all media (esp. print-online) and, last but not least, possess not only business know-how, but also social awareness. These are the objectives the curriculum aims at.
Career Perspectives
To us, journalism is not in a crisis as it is commonly claimed. First and foremost, we train for trade media who are always on the lookout for experienced trade journalist. Some of our graduates work for daily newspapers, special interest magazines, or online portals. Most graduates join corporate communications, mainly in areas where writing texts is important (content marketing, corporate publishing) and where social media are increasingly used. Job prospects are still very good.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Lutz Frühbrodt
Raum Z.1.09
Münzstraße 19, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8576
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Part Time)
Programme offered by
Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Full Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Full Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This interdisciplinary master’s programme aims at providing students with professional competence in the area of journalism and corporate communications. They are trained to employ their skills especially in the area of technology or business. Students have usually already acquired professional expertise in technology/business during previous studies (and/or previous work experience). That is why the major focus is on professional communication. Students without any previous expertise in the relevant subjects will have to do additional learning, usually in the scope of 10 ECTS credits.
The master’s programme has an interdisciplinary approach – not least to enable students to think outside the box of their respective disciplines. Another element of this integrative concept is to teach journalism alongside corporate communications. No matter which side the student chooses to work for, it is always important to know techniques and strategies of the opposite side.
Programme Structure
You need 90 Credit Points to complete our master’s degree. Therefore, standard time to degree is three semesters. It is a traditional on-site programme. Teaching usually takes place on three or four days during the week and is complemented by block events (Blockseminar) on weekends at the end of the semester. The training is theoretically grounded but at the same time very close to professional practice. Many practical projects about technical and business issues are on the schedule. The programme trains communication experts who are very well acquainted with their field of expertise; graduates know their trade – as journalists or as PR-experts – and understand the nuances and forms of trade journalism; they are experienced in all media (esp. print-online) and, last but not least, possess not only business know-how, but also social awareness. These are the objectives the curriculum aims at.
Career Perspectives
To us, journalism is not in a crisis as it is commonly claimed. First and foremost, we train for trade media who are always on the lookout for experienced trade journalist. Some of our graduates work for daily newspapers, special interest magazines, or online portals. Most graduates join corporate communications, mainly in areas where writing texts is important (content marketing, corporate publishing) and where social media are increasingly used. Job prospects are still very good.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Lutz Frühbrodt
Raum Z.1.09
Münzstraße 19, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8576
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Full Time)
Programme offered by
Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Part Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Part Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; attested skills in target languages (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, target languages
Duration: 8 semesters (part time) (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme is suitable for applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree in any of the translational or philological disciplines. If the relevant language skills can be attested, a lateral entry from a bachelor’s degree in any other discipline is possible. The main focus of the degree is on specialized translation for technology and life sciences, and on media translation with classes in software localization, subtitling, audio description and voice-over translation. The programme has a strong practical orientation and is focussed on the demands of the market. We pride ourselves in preparing students for the changing face of the profession in the light of new media and technologies. In class, students are provided with laptops with CAT and subtitling software, and internet access. Some of the classes are held in the professionally equipped studios of the university’s media centre. For the specialized subject medicine we have a cooperative arrangement with the Julius Maximilian University, where our students attend selected lectures. A special feature of the programme is the module “Fit for the Market,” in which guest lecturers from beyond higher education speak from their own experience about the practical demands of the profession. There are regular excursions to technical units, companies, and to the EU in Brussels. We also have a lively exchange with partner universities in Spain.
Programme Structure
Students spend eight semesters in part-time study in Würzburg. Erasmus exchanges, especially with Spain, are possible.
Career Perspectives
This degree programme equips students to undertake demanding tasks in the fields of specialized translation and media translation. Possible careers include translation project management, software and game localization, and of course, the highest level of translation in the fields of technology and medicine.
Additional Information
During the online application process, you will have to upload the form “Anlagenblatt zur Bewerbung” (attachment to the application; only available in German).
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst
Bastienne Blank
Raum S.2.17
Sanderring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9122
E-Mail fachuebersetzen[at]
Office hours: Please send us an e-mail
Website of the Masters's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (German only)
Link to programme page Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Part Time)
Programme offered by
Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Full Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Full Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; attested skills in target languages (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, target languages
Duration: 4 semesters (full time) (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme is suitable for applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree in any of the translational or philological disciplines. If the relevant language skills can be attested, a lateral entry from a bachelor’s degree in any other discipline is possible. The main focus of the degree is on specialized translation for technology and life sciences, and on media translation with classes in software localization, subtitling, audio description and voice-over translation. The programme has a strong practical orientation and is focussed on the demands of the market. We pride ourselves in preparing students for the changing face of the profession in the light of new media and technologies. In class, students are provided with laptops with CAT and subtitling software, and internet access. Some of the classes are held in the professionally equipped studios of the university’s media centre. For the specialized subject medicine we have a cooperative arrangement with the Julius Maximilian University, where our students attend selected lectures. A special feature of the programme is the module “Fit for the Market,” in which guest lecturers from beyond higher education speak from their own experience about the practical demands of the profession. There are regular excursions to technical units, companies, and to the EU in Brussels. We also have a lively exchange with partner universities in Spain.
Programme Structure
Students spend all four semesters in full-time study in Würzburg. Erasmus exchanges, especially with Spain, are possible.
Career Perspectives
This degree programme equips students to undertake demanding tasks in the fields of specialized translation and media translation. Possible careers include translation project management, software and game localization, and of course, the highest level of translation in the fields of technology and medicine.
Additional Information
During the online application process, you will have to upload the form “Anlagenblatt zur Bewerbung” (attachment to the application; only available in German).
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst
Bastienne Blank
Raum S.2.17
Sanderring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9122
E-Mail fachuebersetzen[at]
Office hours: Please send us an e-mail
Website of the Masters's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (German only)
Link to programme page Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Full Time)
Programme offered by
Geodata Technology (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Geodata Technology
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: general (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Geo Data Technology degree programme serves to train engineers on a project- and research-oriented scientific basis. It qualifies its graduates to process geographic data depending on topic and with an orientation to target groups as well as to run and visualize complex analyses. Among others, teaching contents comprise vector- and grid based as well as multidimensional data, computer vision and machine learning of artificial intelligence (AI).
As our graduates can be employed in various areas, the training is comprehensive: it teaches the ability to develop processes, enables quick familiarisation with numerous fields of activities, qualifies for adapting automated procedures in different specialist areas of geographic data processing (environment/nature conservation, healthcare, climate protection etc.) and communicates skills and knowledge for personnel and corporate management.
An orientation towards research is implemented by involving the students in the faculty's research activities at an early stage.
Programme Structure
The master’s programme in Geo Data Technology consists of three semesters and commences in a winter as well as summer semester. It is devised as a research-oriented master's programme which closely connects training with ongoing projects of the subject area.
The first two semesters are dedicated to methodology, subject-specific knowledge as well as soft skills. Modules comprise the following topics: Analysis of geographic data, machine learning, sources of geographic data, entrepreneurship, the system earth, automation of processing geographic data, computer vision, IT systems , key skills, and land management or virtual/augmented reality. Students will become involved in the faculty's research by their project seminars in these two semesters already.
The master’s thesis is scheduled for the 3rd semester. In the accompanying master's seminar, the latest scientific literature will be used to introduce the students to topics of current scientific research.
Career Perspectives
Due to the increasing importance of geographic data for our information society as well as the necessity to develop new application- and user-oriented processes for these data, our graduates can choose from a large number of possible careers. Possible fields of activities:
- environment and nature conservation
- marketing
- industrial surveying
- mechanical engineering
- land management
- surveying
- e-commerce
- tourism
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ansgar Brunn
E-mail ansgar.brunn[at]
Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Jan Wilkening
E-mail jan.wilkening[at]
or the Dean's Office at the Faculty of Plastics Engineering and Surveying
Link to programme page Geodata Technology
Programme offered by
Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS credits) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS credits)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semesters (60 ECTS credits) (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The education in the Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS) is oriented towards the professional profile of the project developer, who as project promoter and project manager designs and is responsible for the entire value chain of buildings. The focus of training is on the interdisciplinary processing of project developments over the entire life cycle: from development and financing, through planning and construction management, to the operation and utilisation of objects. Graduates have an analytical understanding of society and the different markets. Furthermore, they are able to develop projects sustainably and to plan, manage and control complex development and execution processes in an integrated manner. By networking technical knowledge in architecture, construction technology and construction operations, with legal and economic competence in the areas of real estate economics and real estate law as well as key social qualifications, graduates are prepared for management positions in an integral design and construction process.
Programme Structure
The knowledge of planning and building acquired in the Bachelor's programme is expanded to include the topics of project development and object operation. In-depth theoretical knowledge on the design of integral processes in project development is taught at the beginning of the master's programme Integral Design and Construction. Later, the focus is on acquiring in-depth theoretical knowledge in real estate economics in real estate law. The competences in the area of project development are further deepened with exemplary practice-oriented applications.
Career Perspectives
Graduates of the Master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction with a focus on project development are prepared for a wide range of careers in the building and real estate industry. The interdisciplinary competences open up a wide range of career opportunities in the following areas: • Real estate sector (project developer, property developer, real estate management companies, etc.) • Construction sector (classical companies for structural and civil engineering, general contractors, PPP service providers, construction service providers) • Architecture and planning • Project management • Public building administrations • Construction departments of private construction companies • Consulting firms
Additional Information
- Start: Winter semester (1 October)
- Requirement: 240 ECTS
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
- Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office
Contact person
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Room D.4.03
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-mail daniel.halswick[at]
Consultation hours by arrangement Link to the website of the programme Integrated Design and Construction (Study focus: Project development)
Link to programme page Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS credits)
Programme offered by
Integrated Design and Construction (90 CP) (M.Eng.)
Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semester (60 CP) or 3 semester (90 CP) (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The training in the master’s programme Integrated Design and Construction follows the occupational profile of a project developer; as a project executor and manager a project developer initiates, designs and takes responsibility for the entire value chain, i.e. from the stage of development and financing to the construction design and implementation until the operation of sites. The training focuses on the interdisciplinary work of project developments during the entire life cycle of buildings - from development and financing to designing and implementing constructions until the operation and usage of sites. By an analytical understanding of society, the programme qualifies students to design and develop infrastructure projects, urban areas and buildings in a sustainable way and to integrally plan, manage and control development and implementation processes.
Programme StructureThe knowledge about design and construction acquired during the bachelor's programme is complemented by the fields of project development and site operation. A deeper theoretical knowledge about the design of integrated processes in project development is taught at the beginning of the master’s programme. Later the focus is on deeper theoretical knowledge about property management and property law. Competences in the field of project development are deepened even further by exemplary practice-oriented applications.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the master’s programme Integrated Design and Construction are prepared for various job profiles in the construction and property industry. Due to their interdisciplinary competences, graduates can start a career in the following areas:
- Property industry (project developer, building contractors, property management companies, etc.)
- Construction industry (classic construction companies in building and civil engineering, prime contractors, PPP and construction service provider)
- Architecture and design
- Project management
- Public building authorities
- Private builders
- Consulting firms
Please note the different start dates:
- 60 CP programme (2 semesters): Start every winter semester (1 October)
- 90 CP programme (3 semesters): Start every summer semester (15 March)
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Raum D.4.03
Röntgenring 8, 97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (German only)
Link to programme page Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits)
Programme offered byIntegrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (Study focus: Research) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (Study focus: Research)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semester (60 CP) or 3 semester (90 CP) (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS) with a focus on research is a so-called "Master's Research Programme" in which the academic degree of Master of Engineering in the field of planning and building can be acquired through participation in a practice-oriented and diversely networked research project, through in-depth modules as well as through individual supervision. Students are enabled to independently and scientifically develop a well-founded original thesis in the field of Integrated Design and Construction. Studies and research are conducted in small groups and teams in an interdisciplinary research network. Individual supervision is provided by internal and external partners, as well as the professors leading the projects. This enables students of the programme to participate in a research network in an international environment.
Programme StructureThe focus of the training is therefore on qualifying students to independently carry out scientifically based, application-oriented research and development work in the fields of sustainability, building materials science, project management and digital transformation in construction, as well as related disciplines. In the process, students are taught analytical, creative and design skills and trained in technical, methodological and personal competences. They acquire interdisciplinary knowledge in scientific and technical fields with a strong focus on Integrated Design and Construction.
These skills are taught, among other things, through the example of interrelated projects that are integrated into the applied research and development activities of the participating Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Graduates of the master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction with a focus on research have the best prerequisites to work in research and development departments or innovation management in both large and small and medium-sized companies in the construction and real estate industry. The “Master of Engineering” degree is an important requirement for a possible doctorate. Due to the existing contacts in the research project, the research work can be designed for a subsequent cooperative doctorate.
Additional InformationResearch in the area of Integrated Design and Construction includes: • Life cycle and value-added chain • Process management • Digital design and construction • Sustainability and energy efficiency • Life-cycle management/maintenance planning • Building material science On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements: • Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs • Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact personProf. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Room D.4.03
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-Mail daniel.halswick[at]
Consultation hours by arrangement
Link to programme page Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (Study focus: Research)
Programme offered byInnovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (M.A.)
Master's programme Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; selection process
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme “Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises” is geared towards all those interested in designing and shaping new products, services, operating areas and/or organisational changes - either at an operational or management level. Innovation is not only about products and production methods, it is also about strategic and leadership issues within enterprises. Thus, a work climate is supposed to be developed where graduates are able to identify opportunities for change, assess them in terms of market value and initiate relevant means of implementation. Our university puts particular importance on direct application of acquired theoretical knowledge; therefore, the programme offers practical projects cooperating with well-known enterprises. By working well with partner companies, graduates have the chance to set themselves apart and pave the way for a possible career.
Programme Structure
The programme consists of ten coordinated modules accompanied by two practical projects; it is completed by a final thesis. This combination of theory and practice allows the students to learn the theoretical basics, but also to gather necessary practical experiences. The ten modules comprise several coordinated classes specially devised for this degree programme. In terms of content, they concentrate on providing the basics of science/theory and methodology/techniques. Additionally, they have a strong orientation towards real-world topics and problems and so prepare students for their future activities in enterprises. The two practical projects accompany and follow after the modules, respectively. These projects are an opportunity for students to work on innovative projects in small and medium sized enterprises and thus to apply, evaluate and intensify their their professional, methodical, and social expertise as well as their self-competence.
Career Perspectives
The degree programme focuses heavily on strengthening the innovative potential in German small and medium sized enterprises. By the programme’s holistic approach, graduates are able to start their careers in various business departments where they can add their innovation competence. Career options are available in business administration departments, but also technical departments. The master’s programme thus offers a interdisciplinary degree and equips its students to carry out leadership tasks in projects, but also to take over other higher managerial tasks in an innovation-driven environment. Moreover, the programme is a perfect starting point to becoming an entrepreneur; On a regular basis, there are start-ups established by students while still studying or immediately after graduation.
Additional Information
Admission to our German-taught Master’s programme Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (i2m) is restricted. A degree in economics/business administration, technology, social sciences or natural sciences from a German university or equivalent with 210 ECTS credit points and an overall grade of 2.5 or better is required for admission to the master’s programme. Please note that all documents including the degree certificate or an official confirmation that you have successfully completed the degree programme stating the overall degree grade must be available by 15 August.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hube
Room F.1.18
Friedrichstrasse 17a, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8873
E-Mail gerhard.hube[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website
Website of the Master's programme Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (German only)
Link to programme page Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises
Programme offered by
International Business with Regional Focus (MBA)
Master's programme International Business with Regional Focus
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Bachelor's degree, professional experience, English proficiency (details see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg (additionally 4 weeks abroad in Russia, Taiwan or Columbia for students with focus on Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 5,500 per semester plus administrative fee for the Studentenwerk (150 euro/semester, public transport ticket included)
Our advanced training Master’s programme International Business with Regional Focus qualifies its students for taking over leadership positions in companies or similar organisations with international business activities. It is a general management training covering all fields of business administration and all managerial functions. Each course focuses particularly on the specific challenges of business in an international context. Despite being a full-time programme (90 ECTS credits), it is still possible to maintain your professional activity or to acquire practical work experience during your studies, as the courses take place mainly on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition to professional and methodological skills, your social and personal skills will be strengthened, for example by two study-integrated team trainings. The small and international group of students (max. 25 students) fosters the development of intercultural skills on a daily basis.
Programme Structure
Courses are taught in English and held by professors and experienced professionals from renowned companies. For their specialization, students can focus on one of the following regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America. With the help of languages courses in German, Russian, Mandarin or Spanish you are perfectly prepared for a four-week stay at one ouf our partner universities in Moscow (Russia), Taipeh (Taiwan) or in Bogotá (Columbia); there, the module 5 Doing Business in and with Focus Region is taught. Usually after three semesters, you will be awarded the worldwide recognized degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Career Perspectives
The degree programme wants to train specialists for the lower and middle management who intend to take over operative responsibilities in an international business context - independent from their professional background, industry or company size. In addition, graduates are also well prepared to start their own business or commit themselves to science/academia.
Additional Information
Simplified overview of entrance requirements (according to § 3 of the study and examination regulations):
- first degree qualifying for profession (Bachelor's or comparable degree)
- with a scope of 210 ECTS credit points (if less, extra courses are available)
- with a minimum grade of 2.5 (German system)
- in any discipline
- at least one year of qualified professional experience after the first degree (an additional year can be accredited with 30 ECTS credit points)
- English proficiency of the CEFR-level B2
- German proficiency of the CEFR-level A1 (can be documented up to 12 months after start of studies)
Worth knowing about the MBA programme International Business:
- The programme starts in October each year and will be completed after three semesters (18 month) with a Master’s thesis.
- Full-time programme; courses are mainly on Friday and Saturday.
Noteable before you start the application procedure:
- Please consider the above-mentioned admission requirements before starting the application procedure.
- Please make sure that you had provided us with your valid and accessible email address because the system will automatically create your personal entry to the application portal with your e-mail address.
- Application all-year via the programme's Homepage and also between April 15th and July 15th via the THWS application portal.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher and Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch
Office Manager: Laura Wolf
Room K.2.05
Franz-Horn-Str. 2
97082 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-6301
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00-15:00
Link to programme page International Business with Regional Focus
Programme offered by
International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants (M.A.)
Master's programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants is an application-oriented, consecutive, in terms of content and network internationally oriented English-language degree programme. The programme provides professional, social and profession-related competences for the field of action of social work with migrants and refugees in the international and national context. Based on empirical findings and theoretical references, students are qualified with respect to intercultural, legal, educational and psychological matters to develop and implement solution-oriented action for the special situation of refugees and migrants. They are able to operate in the area of policies of local as well as international actors. The professional grasp of social work in the context of migration will be thus further developed.
Programme Structure
The programme consists of six areas of study which will turn the students’ focus to the international level of social work, sensitise them for the work with refugees and migrants, and teach them practice-oriented methodological and decision-making competences. Especially the the fifth area of study ("Exploring the field") strengthens the international focus of the programme. Students learn the language of a typical region of origin or transit and have the opportunity to study abroad or do an internship abroad for one semester, preferably in a region of origin or transit.
Career Perspectives
Graduates are able to act professionally on a national level (e.g. migrants’ advice centres, youth welfare with unaccompanied minor refugees, volunteer management) and to do management tasks. Moreover, they are able to work skilfully and competently in an international environment (e.g. supervision of UNHCR refugee camps, EU Asylum Hotspot Centres or other internationally operating organisations). The steadily growing demand for skilled specialists due to the world-wide increasing migration results in very good job prospects.
Additional Information
Admission to the Master’s programme MRM is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website.
In order to check that these conditions are met, it is important to fill in the MRM application form available on the above website and upload it to THWS Campusportal during the application process.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the programme website in good time.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl
Room T.1.10
Tiepolostraße 6, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8225
E-Mail tanja.kleibl[at]
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants
Programme offered by
Transformation (MBA)
Master's programme Transformation
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Completed higher education degree or comparable degree (with a minimum of 180 - 210 ECTS credits), relevant professional experience of at least 1 year after the first degree, additional professional experience may be used for accreditation of ECTS credits, qualification on an academic and practice-oriented level, good business knowledge
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 16,500 € for 3 semesters plus semester fee and additional fees for exam repetitions
The programme differs from classic MBA programmes in that the focus lies not on managing the status quo of an organisation, but on managing and leading transformation processes. The Master Management of Business Transformation follows the principle that the success of a transformation depends firstly on self-reflection, secondly on empathy and understanding for other people and intelligent machines, and thirdly on understanding the cause-effect relationships of the complex and dynamic ecosystem. A combination of peer and individual coaching flanks the process of understanding and reflection.
Programme Structure
Semester 1:
- Understanding Purpose and Value
- Understanding Complex Ecosystems
- Understanding Humans and Intelligent Machines
Semester 2:
- Business Modelling and Simulation
- Managing Organisational Behaviour
- Managing and Leading Humans
Semester 3:
- Applied Transformation Project
- Master's Thesis and Seminar
Career Perspectives
The Master's degree qualifies students for specialist and management positions as well as for business start-ups in the field of business transformation. The Master's programme is interdisciplinarily- and internationally-oriented and thus offers a solid foundation for a career in globally-operating organisations.
We provide highly practice-oriented training and impart transformation competencies independent of industry and institution. Possible job profiles are: Change Agent, Project Manager in transformation projects up to becoming a Transformation Manager.
Graduates can take on responsibility in a wide range of organisations. Companies, as well as public institutions and NGOs, need transformation management. In addition, there is the possibility of self-employment or work in consultancy and further education. The global orientation of the programme and the fact that English is the language of instruction increase the attractiveness of graduates for potential employers.
Additional Information
Further information on the general and specific degree programm admission requirements are found on the following pages:
- Persons with a German highereducation entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs,
- Persons with a foreign higher education entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand (Head of the degree programme)
E-mail: Master-Transformation[at]
Room: 20.1.53
Campus Ledward
97421 Schweinfurt
Link to programme page Transformation
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Master's programme Managing Global Dynamics
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: NC
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg, international partner universities (Salerno/Sibiu)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The objective of this degree programme is to teach intensive application-oriented knowledge on a scientific basis to graduates of bachelor's programmes, German Diplom programmes or equivalent, which empower them to act independently and responsibly in an international business environment, in particular through intercultural and interdisciplinary competence. This ability is enhanced by, among other things, the compulsory semester abroad. The focus of the programme is on teaching a comprehensive, internationally oriented approach to business administration. The degree programme is designed, in particular, to enable students to develop agile entrepreneurial thinking in an environment that is constantly changing due to globalisation, in order to use this to further develop organisations in an economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable manner.
Programme Structure
The consecutive master’s programme comprises 90 ECTS credits to be earned in three programme semesters. During the first programme semester, in-depth knowledge of international business administration is taught to the extent of 30 ECTS credits. During the semester, students will have their compulsory stay abroad, which will also award 30 ECTS credits. The master thesis will conclude the third semester, which awards 30 ECTS credits in connection with further contents taught during this semester. The second part of studies (2nd semester) is to be completed abroad. Students may choose between two partner universities: ULBS in Sibiu (Romania) or the University of Salerno (Italy).
Career Perspectives
- National and multi-national organisations
- Small and medium-sized enterprises with an international orientation
- Self-employment in an international environment
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Important! Please fill out the form to select the partner university and upload it with your documents.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Markus Engert M.Sc.
Link to programme page Managing Global Dynamics
Programme offered by
Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Master's programme Brand and Media Management
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; professional experience (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Brands and media shape the world’s global economy. Within three semesters, our Master’s programme Brand and Media Management equips its students to take over and carry out managerial tasks in brand-driven companies, agencies, consultancies, and media companies.
Programme Structure
There are twelve modules taught, e.g. Brand Strategy, Media Planning and Agency Management, that are accompanied by two practical projects working on specific issues from everyday corporate life, e.g. developing brand properties or social media campaigns. At the end, a master’s thesis has to be prepared.
Career Perspectives
Graduates find excellent career options in brand-driven companies (e.g. Audi, dm, L'Oréal), consulting agencies (e.g. Brand-Trust, Interbrand), marketing agencies (e.g. Jung von Matt, Serviceplan), service providers (e.g. BrandMaker, Optimal Media), in traditional media companies (e.g. Axel Springer, RTL), and social media (e.g. YouTube, Instagram).
Additional Information
Admission to our German-taught Master’s programme Brand and Media Management (M3ve) is restricted. Numerus clauses is the overall degree grade 2.5. For more information, please visit the programme’s website (available only in German) The following is vital for your application:
- Bachelor’s degree with 210 ECTS credit points and (very) good grades
- Proof of (very) good business administration knowledge
- Proof of relevant professional experience in theory and practice
Please fill out the form Studienvoraussetzungen (available only in German) and upload it during the online application process to our application portal. Do not forget to add meaningful proof of relevant internships.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Karsten Kilian
Münzstraße 12, Würzburg
E-Mail karsten.kilian[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's website
Website of the Master's programme Brand and Media Management (German only)
Link to programme page Brand and Media Management
Programme offered by
Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion (M.A.)
Master's programme Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: 240 ECTS credits (also by transfer), 1 year of professional experience; assessment of aptitude, if no degree in a musical subject
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 2.820 € per semester plus semester fee
The extra-occupational advanced master’s programme qualifies its students for the application and development of music therapy for clients with needs in participation and for the training of formal and informal caregivers in the use of music in daily care. The focus is on affected people and their environment.
Programme Structure
The part-time programme offers eight modules in the course of three semesters. In four modules, students will learn throughout the three semesters to do interventions and how to apply them to clients. For this purposes, three other modules communicate relevant knowledge in psychology, medicine, sociology and economy as well as specialist knowledge in assistive technology. The master's thesis, finally, focuses on applied interdisciplinary research.
Career Perspectives
Graduates can work in specialist and leading positions in healthcare institutions, services and start-ups in the context of music therapy for empowerment and inclusion. In addition, they can employ their skills and competences in fields and activities aimed at teaching techniques based on music therapy for formal and informal care.
Of high importance is the implementation of the Federal Participation Act (Bundes-Teilhabe-Gesetz, BTHG) as well as the National Dementia Strategy for Germany.
Additional Information
An existing Bachelor's degree with at least 240 ECTS credits is required for this master's programme. Possibly missing ECTS credits can be made up for by successfully completing an THWS certificate course, by seeking the accreditation of relevant professional experience, or by further transfer of ECTS credits.
An assessment of aptitude is required, if you cannot provide a degree in field of music.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wosch
E-mail thomas.wosch[at]
Marina Wetterich
Phone +49 (0)931 3511-6302
Link to programme page Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Campus for Professional Development
Product Development and Systems Design (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Product Development and Systems Design
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme Product Development and Systems Design is a consecutive master’s programme, i.e. it builds upon the level of knowledge acquired during a bachelor’s programme in a similar specialist field; it takes three semesters including the final thesis. It is geared to students with a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, or Plastics and Rubber Engineering having graduated from THWSor other higher education institutions. The master’s programme has its focus on a holistic approach to products and systems. It provides intensified knowledge about the full life cycle: from development and production to usage and dismantling/recycling. Thus, the programme includes on one hand modules teaching deeper theoretical knowledge about the development of products and systems; on the other hand, there are modules with a focus on application. Well-known companies are involved in the application oriented modules.
Programme Structure
Studies can be taken up every winter and summer semester. Modules offered in the respective first semester, no matter if a winter or summer semester, do not build upon modules from the previous semester; with the exception of one basic module, modules are offered only once during the academic year. As their elective modules, students choose specification modules according to their prior knowledge. These electives offer in-depth knowledge building upon and geared towards the subject-specific basics acquired during a bachelor’s programme in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, and Plastics and Rubber Engineering. The programme is completed by interdisciplinary non-technical modules. The master’s programme’s methods include tuition in seminars, project work which is conducted in-house and outside THWS together with partners from industry, practical coursework and internships, as well as a master’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
Graduates are able to develop and evaluate new engineering solutions. Students acquire skills to plan and carry out projects as well as to take over demanding and complex project and/or general management tasks. The master’s programme is thus a comprehensive qualification for specialists and managers - also in an international environment. Students are trained for all occupational fields related to the development, optimisation, manufacture, distribution, monitoring and operation of technical products and systems.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor Mengelkamp
Room 4.E.18
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8896
E-Mail gregor.mengelkamp[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website Master's programme Product Development and Systems Design (German only)
Link to programme page Product Development and Systems Design
Programme offered by
Social Work (M.A.)
Master's programme Social Work
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The consecutive Master’s programme Social Work is a complex full-time programme which follows the bachelor’s programme Social Work at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences. Its graduates are qualified for management, higher-level and professional duties on a master’s level. For these, the programme teaches the following competences:
- deeper methodical expertise in terms of receiving and implementing
- research results
- advanced competences in terms of behavioural analysis and intervention
- more detailed knowledge about management
- greater ability to participate in social science discourses and confidently represent a professional position when in contact with future colleagues from other disciplines.
Programme Structure
The Master’s programme takes three semesters consisting of eleven modules. Classes mainly take place during the first two semesters, while the third semester is almost completely dedicated to the master’s thesis. Modules of the first semester are Academia and Social Work I, Behavioural Methods, Law and Social Work , Organisation and Quality Management, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. During the second semester, there are Academia and Social Work II, Finance and Staff Management, Media and Social Work, Behavioural Projects I, Socio-Scientific Specialisation, and Methodological Specialisation. Behavioural Projects are practical projects with four contact hours per week. Practical projects are continued during the third semester (Behavioural Projects II) when also the final thesis is to be written.
Career Perspectives
Graduates are qualified for management, higher-level and professional duties on a master’s level, i.e. for leading roles in social enterprises, child and youth psychotherapy possibly with their own practice, expert and consulting tasks for (social welfare) associations or foundations, but also for jobs in teaching and researching at universities of applied sciences.
Additional Information
Admission to the Master’s programme MSA is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website (available in German only).
In order to check that these conditions are met, it is important to fill in the MSA application form and upload it during the application process.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the programme website in good time.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gartzke
Room T.2.12
Tiepolostraße 6, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8907
E-Mail msa.fas[at]
Office hours by e-mail appointment
Website of the Master's programme Social Work
Link to programme page Social Work
Programme offered by
Behavioral Counseling (M.A.)
Master's programme Behavioral Counseling
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; minimum one year professional experience in related field (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 5 semesters while working (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 1,750
Behavioral Counseling, an extra-occupational programme for advanced training, teaches and expands knowledge and skills to pursue and develop demanding counselling activities in mental health and educational facilities; beside taking a behavioural approach, it is also using behavioural methods. All skills taught are closely connected to the students’ daily practice: At first they are trained within the protected teaching environment, then transferred to actual practice under controlled conditions and finally, during the practical semester, implemented into the daily routine. Evaluation and supervision are of particular importance. Behavioural orientation is a forward-looking approach in mental health and educational practice; it takes into account intervention-related and socio-political developments, e.g. demands for basing findings on evidence and for professional quality management; moreover, it can be implemented into all mental health and educational counselling situations.
Programme Structure
The programme takes five semesters and is a combination of self-study, contact periods (every two to three weeks mainly on Fridays and Saturdays) and practical periods. During the first semester, students gain deeper knowledge regarding normative aspects, methodical research and media science. During the second and third semester, students acquire skills in behaviour-oriented counselling of individuals and groups (preparing behavioural analyses; planning, carrying out and evaluating behaviour-oriented interventions). The fourth semester (practical semester) is used to perform supervised behavioural counselling in institutions/facilities. Students will now put their previously acquired skills and expertise into practice. The Master’s thesis will be written during the fifth semester.
Career Perspectives
After completing the programme, graduates will be enabled to take over responsible positions in all areas of mental health and educational counselling. This includes, among others, work with children/youth (e.g. child guidance), counselling within schools, clinical social work (e.g. psychiatric clinics), work with disabled persons or in geriatric institutions, with migrants (e.g. integration support), or counselling for special occasions (e.g. marriage counselling).
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Franz J. Schermer
Phone +49 931 3511-6305
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Behavioral Counseling (German only)
Link to programme page Behavioral Counseling
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Business and Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Business and Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Graduates of the Master’s programme Business and Engineering are qualified to, on a high level, cover the interface between technology and business which is gaining more and more importance today. Intensifying the scientific, methodical, and professional knowledge in substantial disciplines of business engineering is the basis for a broad range of possible occupational fields; jobs can be found where technical and economical integration into and interaction between business areas need a interdisciplinary solution, such as in the areas of marketing/sales, logistics, materials management/purchasing, production, development, accounting, or organisation and IT. The programme aims at intensifying the students’ technical/economic professional and methodical expertise, but also their social competence; graduates are thus capable to apply methods independently and to act responsibly in the occupational fields technical sales and distribution, or production and logistics.
Programme Structure
Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Corporate IT Systems for Manufacturing Businesses, Business Analytics, Technology Law and Advanced Finance, as well as one project in the 1st and one in the 2nd semester are obligatory. The projects should be based on a research topic or a scientific problem.
For specialisation, there are different lectures; when specialising in Technical Sales and Distribution there are specialist lectures on Service Engineering, Sales Management, and Product Life Cycle Management; for a specialisation in Logistics and Production, there are courses on Advanced Manufacturing, Automation Systems and Virtual Systems. Following this theoretical and project part, there is the master's thesis to be written and the related colloquium.
Career Perspectives
The programme broadens the possible occupational field and equips to master even demanding engineering tasks. Specialisation in Technical Sales/Distribution, System Engineering, or Logistics Engineering not only teaches professional expertise, but also methodical competence. Graduates are qualified to take over management tasks in industry and entitled to German senior civil service (Höherer Dienst). Zudem wird mit dem Masterabschluss die Additionally, the master’s degree is a precondition to apply successfully for doctoral studies at technical universities.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Kurt Schwindl
Room 9.2.07
Konrad-Geiger-Str. 2, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8782
E-Mail kurt.schwindl[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty’s website!
Link to programme page Business and Engineering
Programme offered by
Programmes by faculties
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Applied Mathematics (in English) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real challenges from basically all areas of society, engineering, and business.
Applied Mathematics is about solving complex problems by connecting mathematical analyses with modern computer-aided methods like machine learning and data science.
The degree programme Applied Mathematics is conceptualised as a TWIN programme, which means that there is a German-taught counterpart to the English-taught course. These programmes allow students to complete modules in both German and English. The TWIN programmes are complemented by cultural and linguistic training. In addition to bilingual teaching, the TWIN programme also offers students the opportunity to connect with students from different cultures. That way, linguistic skills and intercultural competence are being promoted which is especially important for companies operating globally.
Programme StructureThe programme contains modules from mathematics and computer science, and depending on the chosen specialisation, engineering or business modules:
Mathematics: In addition to the foundation modules Analysis and Linear Algebra, fields of applied mathematics, among them Numerics, Optimisation, Stochastics, Statistics, and Differential Equations are covered.
Computer Science: The programme includes procedural and object-oriented programming in several programming languages (e.g. C/C++, Python), database systems and programming in mathematical software like Matlab and R.
In addition to expert knowledge in the fields, the degree programme also offers courses in professional English, soft skills like communication and presentation skills, and key competencies that are essential for matching the continuously changing candidate profiles: abstraction abilities, structured approaches, and analytical thinking.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of Applied Mathematics have excellent future-proof career perspectives, e.g. simulation specialist, data scientist, consultant, machine learning engineer, software developer, or as finance or insurance manager.
The degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) also qualifies graduates for consecutive master’s programmes in related areas. One of the options at THWS would be the master’s programme Artificial Intelligence (MAI).
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
The sixth semester is the internship semester and is completed in a company. Students generally also complete their bachelor's thesis with this company.
This programme is optionally also offered as “Academic study with intensive in-company training”. For this, the students spend the lecture-free period and the internship semester working in a company of their choice.
Contact personProgramme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
Email michael.bodewig[at]
Applied Mathematics (in German) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: Allgemeine Zulassungsvoraussetzungen (siehe unten)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real-world problems from practically all areas of our highly technical society based on the division of labour: The spectrum ranges from technical problems from the engineering sciences to business management topics such as the simulation and optimisation of production plants to the analysis of financial markets. Applied Mathematics is characterised by the combination of mathematical models with modern computer-based methods, especially from the fields of machine learning and data science. This combination enables the solution of increasingly complex problems. In addition, the programme of Applied Mathematics trains key competences that are of decisive importance in today's constantly changing job profiles: The ability to abstract, a structured approach and analytical thinking.
Programme StructureModulplan: PDF-Download
For the Applied Mathematics degree programme students choose from two application-oriented focus topics:
- Technologies
- Business
The study programme includes the areas:
- Mathematical foundations and specialisations
- Computer science (object-oriented programming, databases)
- Application-oriented focus topics (physics and engineering sciences for the Technologies focus topic, a focus on business administration for the Business focus topic)
- Practical work (mathematical software, simulation modelling, programming)
- Practical phase within a company
- Job-related English classes and soft skills, e.g. communication and presentation competences
The programme roughly comprises of
- 60 % maths
- 20 % computer sciences
- 20 % application-oriented focus topic (Technologies or Business)
There may be slight shifts in the proportions, depending on the electives taken.
Career PerspectivesApplied Mathematics offers excellent career prospects, e.g. in the manufacturing industry, engineering offices, telecommunications and transport companies, energy suppliers or banks and insurance companies.
Depending on the focus topic chosen and the electives taken, the possible career profiles range from classic engineering jobs to the new job profile of data scientist to a career in auditing and consulting.
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office. Programme advisor
Programme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
E-Mail michael.bodewig[at]
Industrial Mathematics (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Industrial Mathematics
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The bachelor's degree programme Industrial Mathematics aims at qualifying students for work based on science in the occupational areas for mathematicians with technical fields of use. With the help of equations, industrial mathematicians usually transform physical and technical issues into mathematical models; after that, computer simulations calculate the solutions. Finally, the solutions to the mathematical models bring forward information about the initial issue. Most of the time this is an iterative process. Further typical activities are the analysis of sensor data and the programming of data evaluations for the control of technical processes.
From the beginning, not only mathematical skills are taught, but also physics and programming as well as technical skills (from mechanical and electrical engineering). Another area of training is group work to develop solutions for questions from a technical field.
In the first year, mathematical basics like analysis, linear algebra, physics as well as computer science are taught. The teaching of applied mathematics like stochastics, differential equations, numerics begins with the second year. Physics and Computer Science are supplemented by technical subjects (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering). Eventually, students can form their individual profile by choosing from technical, but also mathematical electives. The curriculum is rounded off by practical courses in mathematics and physics, English and elective modules, some of which are chosen by the students. Students will do a practical semester in a company and write a Bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
Industrial mathematics and computer simulations play a role in all areas of technology, especially in mechanical and electrical engineering. Therefore, industrial mathematicians typically work closely with engineers. Due to the programme’s design and mathematically-structured way of thinking and working acquired by it, there are not only jobs in the field of computer simulations and technology-related programming, but also in software development, design and consulting.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Bletz-Siebert
Room 1.E.43
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8712
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Industrial Mathematics
Media Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Media Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Media are constantly changing due to technical progress. The degree programme prepares students to develop, produce, design, and sell content for different kinds of media (print, broadcasting, online media; mobile applications). The central idea is teaching the students skills and knowledge of communication studies, business administration, but also legal issues and design-related matters. Students get to know all methods of media production from a strategic and also an operational perspective so that special skills in managing media projects are being developed.
Programme StructureAt the start of the programme, there is a three-day team training and a focused introduction to project work, i.e. the first-semester project. During the first four semesters, students learn business basics and the fundamentals of media science and journalism. Additionally, their technical English knowledge will be intensified. Many practice-oriented projects support the development of managerial skills. There is not only the possibility for a semester abroad (for an internship or studies abroad), it is highly appreciated and supported. The 5th semester is an internship semester usually spent in media companies, marketing departments or agencies. During the 6th and 7th semester, students can choose from four areas of specialisation to further enhance their skills: Cross-media editing, PR and Corporate Communications, Product and Project Management, Digital Media Marketing. The degree programme is completed by writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesSpecialist and executive positions in journalism, PR/corporate communications, in digital media management, video production and social media.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Steffen Hillebrecht
Room S.3.04
Sanderring 8a, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8824
E-Mail steffen.hillebrecht[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website!
Link to programme page Media Management
Programme offered by
THWS Business School
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Specialized Translation (Technical or Business) (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Specialized Translation (Technical or Business)
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: general and programme specific requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, target languages
Duration: 6 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
In addition to the practical course at a private college for language careers (Fachakademie), students study the academic disciplines of linguistics, intercultural communication and terminology management. Students also receive an introduction to technology as a new area of specialized translation expertise.
Programme StructureThe first four subject semesters are completed in parallel with the programme at the private college for language careers. Per semester, 7.5 ECTS credits are earned at THWS. The courses take place at the weekends and during private college holiday times. In the fifth semester, the students complete an internship abroad. The sixth semester is full-time study in which students have the opportunity to practise translation at a high level. In this semester they also write their BA dissertation.
Career PerspectivesSpecialized translators for the subjects technology and economics as free-lancers or within a company or institution.
Additional InformationProgramme specific requirements:
Degree is taken in parallel with a training course at a private college for language careers (Fachakademie), or after a completed qualification as a state certified translator or equivalent qualification.
The degree takes three semesters. However, one of these semesters is taken part-time in parallel with the course at the private college for language careers (Fachakademie) and divided over 4-5 actual semesters. Thus the work of 3 semesters is completed over a period of 6-7 actual semesters.
Language requirements:
- A-language: German (C2 – native or near-native)
- B-language: English, Spanish or French (as at the Fachakademie)
- C- language: English, Spanish or French (as at the Fachakademie)
If you apply for the Bachelor’s programme Specialised Translation, you have to present a valid higher education qualification and proof of being currently enrolled at or having successfully completed a state-recognised private college for language careers (Fachakademie für Fremdsprachenberufe) or an interpreter’s school. This also applies to state-certified foreign language correspondents/bilingual secretaries who are now also training to become state-certified translators at a Bavarian college for language careers.
As the required skills and competences acquired during the translator’s training will be recognised, FHWS is not offering the first three semesters.
During the online application process, you will have to upload the form “Anlagenblatt zur Bewerbung” (attachment to the application; only available in German).
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst
Contact via the Dean's office:
Room S.2.17
Sanderring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9122
E-Mail fachuebersetzen[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Specialized Translation (German only)
Link to programme page Specialized Translation (Technical or Business)
Programme offered bySustainable Energy Systems (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Sustainable Energy Systems
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply is one of the most urgent problems that our society needs to address. The focus here is on the use of different energy sources and storage technologies, which must be systemically coordinated with each other, as well as the creation of a sector coupling between different energy grids (electricity, gas and heat). This exciting task must be carried out by engineers, who need a comprehensive education for it that combines technical knowledge with knowledge from the fields of economics and law as well as the natural sciences.
Through close networking between the professors in the "Center Sustainable Energy Systems" (CENSEY) and the industrial partners, both the latest scientific and practical findings flow into the teaching.
Programme StructureThe programme comprises seven semesters. It is divided into the basic studies (2 semesters) and the subsequent in-depth studies. In order to ensure a comprehensive education, there are lectures from the fields of engineering, mathematics and natural sciences as well as economics and law. Skills are taught in lectures and exercises, partly supported by practical courses in one of our laboratories, e.g. in the module "Renewable Energies and Grid Management" in the 4th semester. The 6th semester must be completed as a practical semester. By attending compulsory elective lectures, students are able to specialise in a subject area and further qualify themselves in this area, e.g. by choosing suitable topics in the practical phase and the Bachelor's thesis directly following this. Following the Bachelor's programme, students can attend a Master's programme.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the programme will find excellent employment opportunities, both regionally and nationally.
Possible areas of employment are e.g.:
- Energy network operators (gas, heat and electricity)
- Component manufacturers for energy networks (PV or wind power plants, combined heat and power plants, biogas plants, storage systems, etc.)
- Engineering offices for planning and construction of grids / domestic supply systems / storage facilities
- Large-scale industry, e.g. in the field of optimising energy processes
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Anatoli Wellhöfer
Room 1.E.13
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
phone +49 9721 940-8565
Email anatoli.wellhoefer[at]
Link to programme page Sustainable Energy Systems
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Applied Mathematics and Physics (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Applied Mathematics and Physics
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: special procedure (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 Semester (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: TH Nürnberg, Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This master’s programme is a cooperative programme offered in Schweinfurt by the Faculty of Applied Natural Science and Humanities at the Unversity of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Physics and General Sciences at Nuremberg Tech. Its content is based on the bachelor’s programme Industrial Mathematics at THWS and the bachelor’s programme Applied Mathematics and Physics at Nuremberg Tech, respectively.
The programme provides advanced scientific knowledge in both applied mathematics and physics with the aim of using mathematical models and simulations to illustrate questions from physics, technology and applied natural sciences. Special attention is payed to the processes of model building as well as on the analytical and numerical solution of the resulting mathematical problems.
Like the two bachelor’s programmes Applied Mathematics and Physics (Nurember) and Industrial Mathematics (Schweinfurt), the master’s programme is designed to be interdisciplinary: The three-pillar model (mathematics, physics, computer science) of the bachelor’s programme Applied Mathematics and Physics and the orientation of Industrial Mathematics (mathematics, technology, computer science) is developed into a two-pillar model (mathematics, physics). Research-based learning serves as the connecting link for project work and master's thesis. The didactic guideline of “research-based learning” places a clear focus on the autonomy of the students.
Career PerspectivesFor graduates, there is a wide range of job opportunities, especially in areas aimed at jobs in research and development. Many job advertisements specifically require the skills our programme teaches: Sound knowledge of mathematics, physics and computer science, as well as experience in working and programming independently. A core competence of the master’s programme lies in independent, more extensive projects and thus addresses to a large extent the needs of the labour market. More scientifically oriented students have the opportunity to do their doctorate at a German or foreign university after completing this master’s programme.
Additional InformationApplication and enrolment are handled by Nuremberg Tech.
Contact personProf. Dr. Oliver Bletz-Siebert
Room 1.E.43
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
E-Mail oliver.bletz-siebert[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website
TH Nürnberg:
Prof. Dr. Elke Wilczok
E-Mail elke.wilczok[at]
Programme website at Nuremberg Tech
Programme offered bySpecialized Translation with Media Translation (Full Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Full Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; attested skills in target languages (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, target languages
Duration: 4 semesters (full time) (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme is suitable for applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree in any of the translational or philological disciplines. If the relevant language skills can be attested, a lateral entry from a bachelor’s degree in any other discipline is possible. The main focus of the degree is on specialized translation for technology and life sciences, and on media translation with classes in software localization, subtitling, audio description and voice-over translation. The programme has a strong practical orientation and is focussed on the demands of the market. We pride ourselves in preparing students for the changing face of the profession in the light of new media and technologies. In class, students are provided with laptops with CAT and subtitling software, and internet access. Some of the classes are held in the professionally equipped studios of the university’s media centre. For the specialized subject medicine we have a cooperative arrangement with the Julius Maximilian University, where our students attend selected lectures. A special feature of the programme is the module “Fit for the Market,” in which guest lecturers from beyond higher education speak from their own experience about the practical demands of the profession. There are regular excursions to technical units, companies, and to the EU in Brussels. We also have a lively exchange with partner universities in Spain.
Programme StructureStudents spend all four semesters in full-time study in Würzburg. Erasmus exchanges, especially with Spain, are possible.
Career PerspectivesThis degree programme equips students to undertake demanding tasks in the fields of specialized translation and media translation. Possible careers include translation project management, software and game localization, and of course, the highest level of translation in the fields of technology and medicine.
Additional InformationDuring the online application process, you will have to upload the form “Anlagenblatt zur Bewerbung” (attachment to the application; only available in German).
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst
Bastienne Blank
Raum S.2.17
Sanderring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9122
E-Mail fachuebersetzen[at]
Office hours: Please send us an e-mail
Website of the Masters's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (German only)
Link to programme page Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Full Time)
Programme offered bySpecialized Translation with Media Translation (Part Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Part Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; attested skills in target languages (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, target languages
Duration: 8 semesters (part time) (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme is suitable for applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree in any of the translational or philological disciplines. If the relevant language skills can be attested, a lateral entry from a bachelor’s degree in any other discipline is possible. The main focus of the degree is on specialized translation for technology and life sciences, and on media translation with classes in software localization, subtitling, audio description and voice-over translation. The programme has a strong practical orientation and is focussed on the demands of the market. We pride ourselves in preparing students for the changing face of the profession in the light of new media and technologies. In class, students are provided with laptops with CAT and subtitling software, and internet access. Some of the classes are held in the professionally equipped studios of the university’s media centre. For the specialized subject medicine we have a cooperative arrangement with the Julius Maximilian University, where our students attend selected lectures. A special feature of the programme is the module “Fit for the Market,” in which guest lecturers from beyond higher education speak from their own experience about the practical demands of the profession. There are regular excursions to technical units, companies, and to the EU in Brussels. We also have a lively exchange with partner universities in Spain.
Programme StructureStudents spend eight semesters in part-time study in Würzburg. Erasmus exchanges, especially with Spain, are possible.
Career PerspectivesThis degree programme equips students to undertake demanding tasks in the fields of specialized translation and media translation. Possible careers include translation project management, software and game localization, and of course, the highest level of translation in the fields of technology and medicine.
Additional InformationDuring the online application process, you will have to upload the form “Anlagenblatt zur Bewerbung” (attachment to the application; only available in German).
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. habil. Heike Elisabeth Jüngst
Bastienne Blank
Raum S.2.17
Sanderring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9122
E-Mail fachuebersetzen[at]
Office hours: Please send us an e-mail
Website of the Masters's programme Specialized Translation with Media Translation (German only)
Link to programme page Specialized Translation with Media Translation (Part Time)
Programme offered byTrade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Full Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Full Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This interdisciplinary master’s programme aims at providing students with professional competence in the area of journalism and corporate communications. They are trained to employ their skills especially in the area of technology or business. Students have usually already acquired professional expertise in technology/business during previous studies (and/or previous work experience). That is why the major focus is on professional communication. Students without any previous expertise in the relevant subjects will have to do additional learning, usually in the scope of 10 ECTS credits.
The master’s programme has an interdisciplinary approach – not least to enable students to think outside the box of their respective disciplines. Another element of this integrative concept is to teach journalism alongside corporate communications. No matter which side the student chooses to work for, it is always important to know techniques and strategies of the opposite side.
Programme StructureYou need 90 Credit Points to complete our master’s degree. Therefore, standard time to degree is three semesters. It is a traditional on-site programme. Teaching usually takes place on three or four days during the week and is complemented by block events (Blockseminar) on weekends at the end of the semester. The training is theoretically grounded but at the same time very close to professional practice. Many practical projects about technical and business issues are on the schedule. The programme trains communication experts who are very well acquainted with their field of expertise; graduates know their trade – as journalists or as PR-experts – and understand the nuances and forms of trade journalism; they are experienced in all media (esp. print-online) and, last but not least, possess not only business know-how, but also social awareness. These are the objectives the curriculum aims at.
Career PerspectivesTo us, journalism is not in a crisis as it is commonly claimed. First and foremost, we train for trade media who are always on the lookout for experienced trade journalist. Some of our graduates work for daily newspapers, special interest magazines, or online portals. Most graduates join corporate communications, mainly in areas where writing texts is important (content marketing, corporate publishing) and where social media are increasingly used. Job prospects are still very good.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Lutz Frühbrodt
Raum Z.1.09
Münzstraße 19, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8576
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Full Time)
Programme offered byTrade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Part Time) (M.A.)
Master's programme Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Part Time)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 6 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This interdisciplinary master’s programme aims at providing students with professional competence in the area of journalism and corporate communications. They are trained to employ their skills especially in the area of technology or business. Students have usually already acquired professional expertise in technology/business during previous studies (and/or previous work experience). That is why the major focus is on professional communication. Students without any previous expertise in the relevant subjects will have to do additional learning, usually in the scope of 10 ECTS credits.
The master’s programme has an interdisciplinary approach – not least to enable students to think outside the box of their respective disciplines. Another element of this integrative concept is to teach journalism alongside corporate communications. No matter which side the student chooses to work for, it is always important to know techniques and strategies of the opposite side.
Programme StructureYou need 90 Credit Points to complete our master’s degree. Therefore, standard time to the part-time degree is six semesters. It is a traditional on-site programme. Teaching usually takes place on three or four days during the week and is complemented by block events (Blockseminar) on weekends at the end of the semester. The training is theoretically grounded but at the same time very close to professional practice. Many practical projects about technical and business issues are on the schedule. The programme trains communication experts who are very well acquainted with their field of expertise; graduates know their trade – as journalists or as PR-experts – and understand the nuances and forms of trade journalism; they are experienced in all media (esp. print-online) and, last but not least, possess not only business know-how, but also social awareness. These are the objectives the curriculum aims at.
Career PerspectivesTo us, journalism is not in a crisis as it is commonly claimed. First and foremost, we train for trade media who are always on the lookout for experienced trade journalist. Some of our graduates work for daily newspapers, special interest magazines, or online portals. Most graduates join corporate communications, mainly in areas where writing texts is important (content marketing, corporate publishing) and where social media are increasingly used. Job prospects are still very good.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Lutz Frühbrodt
Raum Z.1.09
Münzstraße 19, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8576
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Trade Journalism and Corporate Communications (Part Time)
Programme offered byFaculty of Applied Social Sciences
Healthcare Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Healthcare Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship of at least 10 weeks in a health-related company.
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This full-time programme equips students for general management or lead department roles in healthcare facilities. Therefore, students are taught technical-methodical, but also social-personal management skills. The programme uses an interdisciplinary business- and behaviour-oriented approach. Among the topics is not only the management of organisations, groups and personnel, but also reflecting ones own role in management. To be able to also apply knowledge acquired in a theoretical way, students can gain multiple experiences from healthcare facilities by working on a practical project, by an internship and a practice-oriented final thesis.
Programme StructureStandard time to degree is seven semesters, the fifth semester being the practical semester. The sixth and seventh semester serves specialisation where students can choose their study focus individually. After completing all modules successfully students will have earned 210 Credit Points and the degree “Bachelor of Arts” (B.A.). The degree opens ways for further academic training – from a master’s programme to doctoral studies.
Career Perspectives
Graduates take on leading roles in clinics and institutions of geriatric care. They work in associations, health insurances, consulting services and other institutions of the healthcare sector. Another important occupational field is quality and risk management in healthcare facilities.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Holger Truckenbrodt
Pavillion I, Room 3
Münzstraße 19, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8501 or -8420
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Nursing and Health Management
Programme offered byMedia Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Media Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Media are constantly changing due to technical progress. The degree programme prepares students to develop, produce, design, and sell content for different kinds of media (print, broadcasting, online media; mobile applications). The central idea is teaching the students skills and knowledge of communication studies, business administration, but also legal issues and design-related matters. Students get to know all methods of media production from a strategic and also an operational perspective so that special skills in managing media projects are being developed.
Programme StructureAt the start of the programme, there is a three-day team training and a focused introduction to project work, i.e. the first-semester project. During the first four semesters, students learn business basics and the fundamentals of media science and journalism. Additionally, their technical English knowledge will be intensified. Many practice-oriented projects support the development of managerial skills. There is not only the possibility for a semester abroad (for an internship or studies abroad), it is highly appreciated and supported. The 5th semester is an internship semester usually spent in media companies, marketing departments or agencies. During the 6th and 7th semester, students can choose from four areas of specialisation to further enhance their skills: Cross-media editing, PR and Corporate Communications, Product and Project Management, Digital Media Marketing. The degree programme is completed by writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesSpecialist and executive positions in journalism, PR/corporate communications, in digital media management, video production and social media.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Steffen Hillebrecht
Room S.3.04
Sanderring 8a, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8824
E-Mail steffen.hillebrecht[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website!
Link to programme page Media Management
Programme offered by
THWS Business School
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Social Work (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Social Work
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The programme’s objective is training the ability to act professionally in the various practice fields of social work based on scientific knowledge and scientific methods. Its concept is geared towards the rapid changes in the welfare state and the constantly emerging problems, as well as the socially valid claim of quality management in social work. In addition to an undergraduate education, knowledge and skills are taught that stress a behaviour-oriented approach. Social problems are analysed against the background of empirical-scientific findings and methods are used whose effectiveness is testable and verifiable. After the behaviour-oriented approach has long proved to be successful in other countries, the training provides a connection to international practice.
Taught qualifications are oriented towards the Global Standards for Social Work Education and Training.
Programme Structure
The first stage of studies covers theoretical issues like the basics of the profession social work, basics of humanities and social sciences, behaviour-oriented action, law and management, and scientific research. The second stage of studies begins with the internship during the fifth semester. During the sixth and seventh semester, there are general courses, but students also choose their specialised area of studies and write their bachelor’s thesis. Possible specialisation: Development and support in early childhood; social service for predelinquents and social re-integration; healthcare counselling; youth and adult education; social support for children, youths and families; music therapy in social work; social work in an immigrant society; social work in an ageing society; social work with mentally ill and addicted persons; social work and disability.
Career PerspectivesThe sphere of activity includes measures for children and young people, social services for women and/or mothers, for the married and for families, support for the elderly and/or disabled, offers in healthcare, services for people with a migration background, support against educational disadvantages and for the unemployed and/or poor, and services for delinquents, but also participating in training, teaching and research, in continuing education and advanced training. These tasks are fulfilled by public and non-profit institutions and services.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Rebecca Löbmann
Mandy Maria Reinhard
E-Mail: bsa-studienfachberatung.fas[at]
Programme offered byBehavioral Counseling (M.A.)
Master's programme Behavioral Counseling
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; minimum one year professional experience in related field (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 5 semesters while working (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 1,750
Behavioral Counseling, an extra-occupational programme for advanced training, teaches and expands knowledge and skills to pursue and develop demanding counselling activities in mental health and educational facilities; beside taking a behavioural approach, it is also using behavioural methods. All skills taught are closely connected to the students’ daily practice: At first they are trained within the protected teaching environment, then transferred to actual practice under controlled conditions and finally, during the practical semester, implemented into the daily routine. Evaluation and supervision are of particular importance. Behavioural orientation is a forward-looking approach in mental health and educational practice; it takes into account intervention-related and socio-political developments, e.g. demands for basing findings on evidence and for professional quality management; moreover, it can be implemented into all mental health and educational counselling situations.
Programme StructureThe programme takes five semesters and is a combination of self-study, contact periods (every two to three weeks mainly on Fridays and Saturdays) and practical periods. During the first semester, students gain deeper knowledge regarding normative aspects, methodical research and media science. During the second and third semester, students acquire skills in behaviour-oriented counselling of individuals and groups (preparing behavioural analyses; planning, carrying out and evaluating behaviour-oriented interventions). The fourth semester (practical semester) is used to perform supervised behavioural counselling in institutions/facilities. Students will now put their previously acquired skills and expertise into practice. The Master’s thesis will be written during the fifth semester.
Career PerspectivesAfter completing the programme, graduates will be enabled to take over responsible positions in all areas of mental health and educational counselling. This includes, among others, work with children/youth (e.g. child guidance), counselling within schools, clinical social work (e.g. psychiatric clinics), work with disabled persons or in geriatric institutions, with migrants (e.g. integration support), or counselling for special occasions (e.g. marriage counselling).
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Franz J. Schermer
Phone +49 931 3511-6305
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Behavioral Counseling (German only)
Link to programme page Behavioral Counseling
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants (M.A.)
Master's programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants is an application-oriented, consecutive, in terms of content and network internationally oriented English-language degree programme. The programme provides professional, social and profession-related competences for the field of action of social work with migrants and refugees in the international and national context. Based on empirical findings and theoretical references, students are qualified with respect to intercultural, legal, educational and psychological matters to develop and implement solution-oriented action for the special situation of refugees and migrants. They are able to operate in the area of policies of local as well as international actors. The professional grasp of social work in the context of migration will be thus further developed.
Programme StructureThe programme consists of six areas of study which will turn the students’ focus to the international level of social work, sensitise them for the work with refugees and migrants, and teach them practice-oriented methodological and decision-making competences. Especially the the fifth area of study ("Exploring the field") strengthens the international focus of the programme. Students learn the language of a typical region of origin or transit and have the opportunity to study abroad or do an internship abroad for one semester, preferably in a region of origin or transit.
Career PerspectivesGraduates are able to act professionally on a national level (e.g. migrants’ advice centres, youth welfare with unaccompanied minor refugees, volunteer management) and to do management tasks. Moreover, they are able to work skilfully and competently in an international environment (e.g. supervision of UNHCR refugee camps, EU Asylum Hotspot Centres or other internationally operating organisations). The steadily growing demand for skilled specialists due to the world-wide increasing migration results in very good job prospects.
Additional InformationAdmission to the Master’s programme MRM is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website.
In order to check that these conditions are met, it is important to fill in the MRM application form available on the above website and upload it to THWS Campusportal during the application process.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the programme website in good time.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Tanja Kleibl
Room T.1.10
Tiepolostraße 6, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8225
E-Mail tanja.kleibl[at]
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants
Programme offered byMusic Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion (M.A.)
Master's programme Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: 240 ECTS credits (also by transfer), 1 year of professional experience; assessment of aptitude, if no degree in a musical subject
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 2.820 € per semester plus semester fee
The extra-occupational advanced master’s programme qualifies its students for the application and development of music therapy for clients with needs in participation and for the training of formal and informal caregivers in the use of music in daily care. The focus is on affected people and their environment.
Programme Structure
The part-time programme offers eight modules in the course of three semesters. In four modules, students will learn throughout the three semesters to do interventions and how to apply them to clients. For this purposes, three other modules communicate relevant knowledge in psychology, medicine, sociology and economy as well as specialist knowledge in assistive technology. The master's thesis, finally, focuses on applied interdisciplinary research.
Career PerspectivesGraduates can work in specialist and leading positions in healthcare institutions, services and start-ups in the context of music therapy for empowerment and inclusion. In addition, they can employ their skills and competences in fields and activities aimed at teaching techniques based on music therapy for formal and informal care.
Of high importance is the implementation of the Federal Participation Act (Bundes-Teilhabe-Gesetz, BTHG) as well as the National Dementia Strategy for Germany.
An existing Bachelor's degree with at least 240 ECTS credits is required for this master's programme. Possibly missing ECTS credits can be made up for by successfully completing an THWS certificate course, by seeking the accreditation of relevant professional experience, or by further transfer of ECTS credits.
An assessment of aptitude is required, if you cannot provide a degree in field of music.
Contact personProf. Dr. Thomas Wosch
E-mail thomas.wosch[at]
Marina Wetterich
Phone +49 (0)931 3511-6302
Link to programme page Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Campus for Professional Development
Social Work (M.A.)
Master's programme Social Work
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The consecutive Master’s programme Social Work is a complex full-time programme which follows the bachelor’s programme Social Work at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences. Its graduates are qualified for management, higher-level and professional duties on a master’s level. For these, the programme teaches the following competences:
- deeper methodical expertise in terms of receiving and implementing
- research results
- advanced competences in terms of behavioural analysis and intervention
- more detailed knowledge about management
- greater ability to participate in social science discourses and confidently represent a professional position when in contact with future colleagues from other disciplines.
The Master’s programme takes three semesters consisting of eleven modules. Classes mainly take place during the first two semesters, while the third semester is almost completely dedicated to the master’s thesis. Modules of the first semester are Academia and Social Work I, Behavioural Methods, Law and Social Work , Organisation and Quality Management, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. During the second semester, there are Academia and Social Work II, Finance and Staff Management, Media and Social Work, Behavioural Projects I, Socio-Scientific Specialisation, and Methodological Specialisation. Behavioural Projects are practical projects with four contact hours per week. Practical projects are continued during the third semester (Behavioural Projects II) when also the final thesis is to be written.
Career PerspectivesGraduates are qualified for management, higher-level and professional duties on a master’s level, i.e. for leading roles in social enterprises, child and youth psychotherapy possibly with their own practice, expert and consulting tasks for (social welfare) associations or foundations, but also for jobs in teaching and researching at universities of applied sciences.
Additional InformationAdmission to the Master’s programme MSA is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website (available in German only).
In order to check that these conditions are met, it is important to fill in the MSA application form and upload it during the application process.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the programme website in good time.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Ulrich Gartzke
Room T.2.12
Tiepolostraße 6, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8907
E-Mail msa.fas[at]
Office hours by e-mail appointment
Website of the Master's programme Social Work
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Architecture (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Architecture
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; aptitude test (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 8 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
...developing, projecting, designing, drafting, calculating, managing, organising, constructing... Architects’ activity profiles are highly diversified, their tasks varied, and they can work regionally and internationally. Therefore, the programme’s objective is to be able to solve diverse planning tasks with creativity and professionalism after having earned the degree. The degree programme teaches theoretical and practical knowledge, creative and design abilities as well as it offers interdisciplinary insight into the closely related subject areas of the planning and executing process. In present legislation and as the programme takes eight semester graduates are entitled to register with the German Chamber of Architects after two years.
Programme StructureDuring the first semester, or orientation semester, and the following three semesters students learn about designing at all scales. Among planning and design-oriented subjects, there are technical and organisational basics taught as well as the basics of construction economics. Tutorials and workshops serve to train interdisciplinary thinking and necessary abilities. To do so, the model-making workshop, photo and film lab, energy and lighting lab as well as a CAD-Pool are an important basis for contemporary teaching. Field trips, excursions to construction sites and companies are an important part of the training that is closely linked to practice. During the fifth semester, or practical semester, students are required to make their own practical experiences. The following project studies focus on working in an integrative manner by solving complex tasks. To complete the degree programme, a bachelor’s thesis has to be written on a given or freely chosen topic.
Career PerspectivesProfessional tasks of architects are
- creative, technical, and economical design of new or existing buildings
- coordination and supervision of building implementation
- advising and representing owners in all questions related to construction projects
- creation of urban development plans
- participating in state-level and regional planning
In addition to regularly applying for a study place, an aptitude test is required to study Architecture. The registration form for the aptitude test as well as further information (schedule and location) are available from the Faculty’s website (currently only in German).
Please upload the registration form together with your application documents!
The one-day aptitude test aims at proving your artistic talent and programme-specific aptitude for studying Architecture at THWS. The test result is decisive for admission to the degree programme.
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Karl Zankl
Röntgenring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-Mail karl.zankl[at]
Consultation hours by appointment
Programme offered byCivil Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Students of this programme become application-oriented civil engineers; they are trained to solve the varied tasks in the field of construction within society and the environment by their theoretical and practical abilities independently and autonomously. The degree programme is geared to the expectations and needs of the labour market. Its objective is to qualify excellently trained graduates for work in planning offices, construction companies, and public administration. Therefore, students are taught on the basis of applied science to get a professionally grounded qualification to be able to independently fulfil the full scope of tasks of the building industry. Students learn to work solution-oriented and interdisciplinary. Ability for teamwork is promoted. Additionally, students are trained to work actively on questions related to an increasing globalisation.
Programme Structure
The programme takes seven semesters which consist of a general part (two semesters) and the following subject-specific part (five semesters). During the general part, students are taught the required technical-scientific fundamentals and skills. During the subject-specific part, the focus lies on teaching in-depth competences by applying the knowledge acquired during the first two semesters. Teaching formats include lectures and tutorials supported by practical coursework in university laboratories. Additionally, a 12-week basic internship as well as an internship during the practical semester have to be done. Major fields of study: Building construction, statics, steel construction, reinforced concrete construction, bridge construction, construction operations, hydraulic engineering, sanitary engineering, project management, project development.
Career PerspectivesCivil engineers shape the environment. They design, draw up and calculate buildings, industrial facilities and infrastructure facilities. They plan and supervise the construction implementation taking into consideration security, operability, functionality, and efficiency. A civil engineers main duties are in the fields of
- Structural engineering
- Traffic engineering
- Hydraulic and sanitary engineering
- Construction implementation.
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Steinmann
Room D.0.05
Röntgenring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8263
E-Mail gerald.steinmann[at]
Consultation hours upon arrangement
Website of the Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering (German only)
Programme offered byCivil Engineering - Digital Design and Construction (from WS 2023/24) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Civil Engineering - Digital Design and Construction (from WS 2023/24)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Digitisation impacts all areas of our lives, as also the construction industry. Digitisation in civil engineering is an interdisciplinary field building on the content of (civil) engineering and construction informatics. Accordingly, the skills in the portfolio of the degree programme are as wide-ranging.
It is oriented towards the expectations and requirements of the labour market. With its interdisciplinary structure, the aim of the degree programme is for students to develop profound knowledge to provide them with multiple possibilities of continuing academic education. This includes offers from computer science, architecture and integral planning and building. By the close interconnection of engineering and computer science competences, the degree programme lays a sustainable, future-proof and qualified basis for the working market.
The degree programme “Civil engineering - Digital Design and Construction” is partly combined with the degree programme of civil engineering. In addition to general technical subjects like technical mathematics and construction materials, already in the first semesters, the programming module and the introduction to 3D visualisation provide students with the basic fundamentals of digital approaches in the construction sector, which are also applied to other subjects. In the 5th semester, students complete the practical phase to interlink studies and working life. For this, they choose to work in engineering offices, construction companies, construction management etc.
In the last two semesters (6th and 7th), the focus is increasingly placed on digital construction planning and building processes, and the practical knowledge of planning software is deepened. Traditional engineering subjects are offered as electives and can be chosen according to students’ interests.
The structure of the degree programme enables graduates to work as civil engineers/engineers. The programme also lays the foundations for other technical degree programmes. The digital civil engineer shapes their environment. They draft, construct and calculate buildings, industrial plants and infrastructure installations on a digital level. Applying digital construction planning processes, the digital civil engineer manages and supervises the building, respecting safety, functionality, usability and economic efficiency.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Müller de Vries
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8179
E-Mail christoph.meullerdevries[at]
Link to programme page Civil Engineering - Digital Design and Construction (from WS 2023/24)
Programme offered byIntegrated Design and Construction (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semesters (60 CP) or 3 semesters (90 CP) (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The education in the Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS) is oriented towards the professional profile of the project developer, who as project promoter and project manager designs and is responsible for the entire value chain of buildings. The focus of training is on the interdisciplinary processing of project developments over the entire life cycle: from development and financing, through planning and construction management, to the operation and utilisation of objects. Graduates have an analytical understanding of society and the different markets. Furthermore, they are able to develop projects sustainably and to plan, manage and control complex development and execution processes in an integrated manner. By networking technical knowledge in architecture, construction technology and construction operations, with legal and economic competence in the areas of real estate economics and real estate law as well as key social qualifications, graduates are prepared for management positions in an integral design and construction process.
Programme StructureThe knowledge of planning and building acquired in the Bachelor's programme is expanded to include the topics of project development and object operation. In-depth theoretical knowledge on the design of integral processes in project development is taught at the beginning of the master's programme Integral Design and Construction. Later, the focus is on acquiring in-depth theoretical knowledge in real estate economics in real estate law. The competences in the area of project development are further deepened with exemplary practice-oriented applications.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the Master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction with a focus on project development are prepared for a wide range of careers in the building and real estate industry. The interdisciplinary competences open up a wide range of career opportunities in the following areas:
- Real estate sector (project developer, property developer, real estate management companies, etc.)
- Construction sector (classical companies for structural and civil engineering, general contractors, PPP service providers, construction service providers)
- Architecture and planning
- Project management
- Public building administrations
- Construction departments of private construction companies
- Consulting firms
- Starting every summer semester (15 March)
- Requirement: 210 ECTS credits
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
- Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Room D.4.03
Röntgenring 8 97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-mail daniel.halswick[at]
Consultation hours by arrangement
Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS credits) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS credits)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semesters (60 ECTS credits) (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The education in the Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS) is oriented towards the professional profile of the project developer, who as project promoter and project manager designs and is responsible for the entire value chain of buildings. The focus of training is on the interdisciplinary processing of project developments over the entire life cycle: from development and financing, through planning and construction management, to the operation and utilisation of objects. Graduates have an analytical understanding of society and the different markets. Furthermore, they are able to develop projects sustainably and to plan, manage and control complex development and execution processes in an integrated manner. By networking technical knowledge in architecture, construction technology and construction operations, with legal and economic competence in the areas of real estate economics and real estate law as well as key social qualifications, graduates are prepared for management positions in an integral design and construction process.
Programme StructureThe knowledge of planning and building acquired in the Bachelor's programme is expanded to include the topics of project development and object operation. In-depth theoretical knowledge on the design of integral processes in project development is taught at the beginning of the master's programme Integral Design and Construction. Later, the focus is on acquiring in-depth theoretical knowledge in real estate economics in real estate law. The competences in the area of project development are further deepened with exemplary practice-oriented applications.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the Master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction with a focus on project development are prepared for a wide range of careers in the building and real estate industry. The interdisciplinary competences open up a wide range of career opportunities in the following areas: • Real estate sector (project developer, property developer, real estate management companies, etc.) • Construction sector (classical companies for structural and civil engineering, general contractors, PPP service providers, construction service providers) • Architecture and planning • Project management • Public building administrations • Construction departments of private construction companies • Consulting firms
Additional Information- Start: Winter semester (1 October)
- Requirement: 240 ECTS
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
- Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Room D.4.03
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-mail daniel.halswick[at]
Consultation hours by arrangement Link to the website of the programme Integrated Design and Construction (Study focus: Project development)
Link to programme page Integrated Design and Construction (60 ECTS credits)
Programme offered byIntegrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semester (60 CP) or 3 semester (90 CP) (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The training in the master’s programme Integrated Design and Construction follows the occupational profile of a project developer; as a project executor and manager a project developer initiates, designs and takes responsibility for the entire value chain, i.e. from the stage of development and financing to the construction design and implementation until the operation of sites. The training focuses on the interdisciplinary work of project developments during the entire life cycle of buildings - from development and financing to designing and implementing constructions until the operation and usage of sites. By an analytical understanding of society, the programme qualifies students to design and develop infrastructure projects, urban areas and buildings in a sustainable way and to integrally plan, manage and control development and implementation processes.
Programme StructureThe knowledge about design and construction acquired during the bachelor's programme is complemented by the fields of project development and site operation. A deeper theoretical knowledge about the design of integrated processes in project development is taught at the beginning of the master’s programme. Later the focus is on deeper theoretical knowledge about property management and property law. Competences in the field of project development are deepened even further by exemplary practice-oriented applications.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the master’s programme Integrated Design and Construction are prepared for various job profiles in the construction and property industry. Due to their interdisciplinary competences, graduates can start a career in the following areas:
- Property industry (project developer, building contractors, property management companies, etc.)
- Construction industry (classic construction companies in building and civil engineering, prime contractors, PPP and construction service provider)
- Architecture and design
- Project management
- Public building authorities
- Private builders
- Consulting firms
Please note the different start dates:
- 60 CP programme (2 semesters): Start every winter semester (1 October)
- 90 CP programme (3 semesters): Start every summer semester (15 March)
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Raum D.4.03
Röntgenring 8, 97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (German only)
Link to programme page Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits)
Programme offered byIntegrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (Study focus: Research) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (Study focus: Research)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 2 semester (60 CP) or 3 semester (90 CP) (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS) with a focus on research is a so-called "Master's Research Programme" in which the academic degree of Master of Engineering in the field of planning and building can be acquired through participation in a practice-oriented and diversely networked research project, through in-depth modules as well as through individual supervision. Students are enabled to independently and scientifically develop a well-founded original thesis in the field of Integrated Design and Construction. Studies and research are conducted in small groups and teams in an interdisciplinary research network. Individual supervision is provided by internal and external partners, as well as the professors leading the projects. This enables students of the programme to participate in a research network in an international environment.
Programme StructureThe focus of the training is therefore on qualifying students to independently carry out scientifically based, application-oriented research and development work in the fields of sustainability, building materials science, project management and digital transformation in construction, as well as related disciplines. In the process, students are taught analytical, creative and design skills and trained in technical, methodological and personal competences. They acquire interdisciplinary knowledge in scientific and technical fields with a strong focus on Integrated Design and Construction.
These skills are taught, among other things, through the example of interrelated projects that are integrated into the applied research and development activities of the participating Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Graduates of the master's programme in Integrated Design and Construction with a focus on research have the best prerequisites to work in research and development departments or innovation management in both large and small and medium-sized companies in the construction and real estate industry. The “Master of Engineering” degree is an important requirement for a possible doctorate. Due to the existing contacts in the research project, the research work can be designed for a subsequent cooperative doctorate.
Additional InformationResearch in the area of Integrated Design and Construction includes: • Life cycle and value-added chain • Process management • Digital design and construction • Sustainability and energy efficiency • Life-cycle management/maintenance planning • Building material science On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements: • Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs • Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact personProf. Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Halswick
Room D.4.03
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-9002
E-Mail daniel.halswick[at]
Consultation hours by arrangement
Link to programme page Integrated Design and Construction (90 ECTS credits) (Study focus: Research)
Programme offered byFaculty of Business and Engineering
Business and Engineering (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme StructureDuring the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an enginnering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose purchasing (mainly taught in English), production, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, purchasing, sales or digital business.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career PerspectivesDue to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional InformationPlease follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact personProf. Dr. Elke Stadelmann
Room 6.1.08
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8739
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered byBusiness and Engineering (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme StructureDuring the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an engineering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, digital business, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, digital business, sales or purchasing.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers in companies. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career PerspectivesDue to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle
Raum 11.E.10
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8684
E-Mail ulrich.deutschle[at]
Logistics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our Twin Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch between programmes/languages and thus acquire a Twin Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, mostly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme StructureAmong the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesWith this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional InformationPlease follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact personProf. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693Email
Programme offered byLogistics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, partly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme StructureAmong the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesWith this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693
Sustainable Energy Systems (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Sustainable Energy Systems
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply is one of the most urgent problems that our society needs to address. The focus here is on the use of different energy sources and storage technologies, which must be systemically coordinated with each other, as well as the creation of a sector coupling between different energy grids (electricity, gas and heat). This exciting task must be carried out by engineers, who need a comprehensive education for it that combines technical knowledge with knowledge from the fields of economics and law as well as the natural sciences.
Through close networking between the professors in the "Center Sustainable Energy Systems" (CENSEY) and the industrial partners, both the latest scientific and practical findings flow into the teaching.
Programme StructureThe programme comprises seven semesters. It is divided into the basic studies (2 semesters) and the subsequent in-depth studies. In order to ensure a comprehensive education, there are lectures from the fields of engineering, mathematics and natural sciences as well as economics and law. Skills are taught in lectures and exercises, partly supported by practical courses in one of our laboratories, e.g. in the module "Renewable Energies and Grid Management" in the 4th semester. The 6th semester must be completed as a practical semester. By attending compulsory elective lectures, students are able to specialise in a subject area and further qualify themselves in this area, e.g. by choosing suitable topics in the practical phase and the Bachelor's thesis directly following this. Following the Bachelor's programme, students can attend a Master's programme.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the programme will find excellent employment opportunities, both regionally and nationally.
Possible areas of employment are e.g.:
- Energy network operators (gas, heat and electricity)
- Component manufacturers for energy networks (PV or wind power plants, combined heat and power plants, biogas plants, storage systems, etc.)
- Engineering offices for planning and construction of grids / domestic supply systems / storage facilities
- Large-scale industry, e.g. in the field of optimising energy processes
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Anatoli Wellhöfer
Room 1.E.13
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
phone +49 9721 940-8565
Email anatoli.wellhoefer[at]
Link to programme page Sustainable Energy Systems
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Business and Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Business and Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Graduates of the Master’s programme Business and Engineering are qualified to, on a high level, cover the interface between technology and business which is gaining more and more importance today. Intensifying the scientific, methodical, and professional knowledge in substantial disciplines of business engineering is the basis for a broad range of possible occupational fields; jobs can be found where technical and economical integration into and interaction between business areas need a interdisciplinary solution, such as in the areas of marketing/sales, logistics, materials management/purchasing, production, development, accounting, or organisation and IT. The programme aims at intensifying the students’ technical/economic professional and methodical expertise, but also their social competence; graduates are thus capable to apply methods independently and to act responsibly in the occupational fields technical sales and distribution, or production and logistics.
Programme StructureSystems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Corporate IT Systems for Manufacturing Businesses, Business Analytics, Technology Law and Advanced Finance, as well as one project in the 1st and one in the 2nd semester are obligatory. The projects should be based on a research topic or a scientific problem.
For specialisation, there are different lectures; when specialising in Technical Sales and Distribution there are specialist lectures on Service Engineering, Sales Management, and Product Life Cycle Management; for a specialisation in Logistics and Production, there are courses on Advanced Manufacturing, Automation Systems and Virtual Systems. Following this theoretical and project part, there is the master's thesis to be written and the related colloquium.
Career Perspectives
The programme broadens the possible occupational field and equips to master even demanding engineering tasks. Specialisation in Technical Sales/Distribution, System Engineering, or Logistics Engineering not only teaches professional expertise, but also methodical competence. Graduates are qualified to take over management tasks in industry and entitled to German senior civil service (Höherer Dienst). Zudem wird mit dem Masterabschluss die Additionally, the master’s degree is a precondition to apply successfully for doctoral studies at technical universities.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Kurt Schwindl
Room 9.2.07
Konrad-Geiger-Str. 2, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8782
E-Mail kurt.schwindl[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty’s website!
Programme offered byBusiness and Engineering (in English) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General and special qualification requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Innovation cycles become shorter, the political and economical environment becomes more insecure. The acronym VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – summarises these new conditions. Volatility leads to uncertainty; changes become the rule. Interrelationships are becoming more complex, the information situation becomes more confusing and also more contradictory. Nevertheless, economic actors have to make economic and technical decisions.
The aim of the degree programme is to provide students with the necessary skills to work successfully in a world shaped by VUCA. In addition to specific technical competences, the degree programme teaches the skills to understand problems comprehensively and to solve them in an organised manner in interdisciplinary teams.
Throughout their studies, students work within the framework of a guiding topic, which is newly selected for each cohort and which is addressed in each module. The research project that the students work on is also within in this context. In the first semester, the focus is not only on applied scientific work, but also on the holistic understanding of complex problems and the framework conditions for finding solutions. In the second semester, concepts are taught with which the students develop their own approaches to solving problems in their research projects. In the third semester, students concentrate on the elaboration of their research project in the master's thesis as well as its scientific presentation and discussion.
Career PerspectivesGraduates can be employed wherever interdisciplinary technical and economic integration and innovation tasks need to be solved in and between companies. The special added value for employers lies in the graduates' ability to develop solutions for complex problems in an environment characterised by volatility and uncertainty. The interdisciplinary education in a multicultural environment makes graduates particularly interesting for employment in international companies.
Additional InformationCompleted university studies with 210 credit points and an overall grade of 2.5 or better in the field(s) of business and engineering (“Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen”), engineering sciences, economics, or logistics from a German university or an equivalent degree, of which at least 20 CP from the field of technology, in particular basic competences from the fields of electrical engineering, technical mechanics, material sciences, technical systems, and at least 20 CP from the field of economics, in particular basic competences from the fields of business administration, private law, external and managerial accounting.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr.-Ing. Peik Bremer
Room 20.1.74
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8667
Email peik.bremer[at]
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered byTransformation (MBA)
Master's programme Transformation
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Completed higher education degree or comparable degree (with a minimum of 180 - 210 ECTS credits), relevant professional experience of at least 1 year after the first degree, additional professional experience may be used for accreditation of ECTS credits, qualification on an academic and practice-oriented level, good business knowledge
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 16,500 € for 3 semesters plus semester fee and additional fees for exam repetitions
The programme differs from classic MBA programmes in that the focus lies not on managing the status quo of an organisation, but on managing and leading transformation processes. The Master Management of Business Transformation follows the principle that the success of a transformation depends firstly on self-reflection, secondly on empathy and understanding for other people and intelligent machines, and thirdly on understanding the cause-effect relationships of the complex and dynamic ecosystem. A combination of peer and individual coaching flanks the process of understanding and reflection.
Programme StructureSemester 1:
- Understanding Purpose and Value
- Understanding Complex Ecosystems
- Understanding Humans and Intelligent Machines
Semester 2:
- Business Modelling and Simulation
- Managing Organisational Behaviour
- Managing and Leading Humans
Semester 3:
- Applied Transformation Project
- Master's Thesis and Seminar
The Master's degree qualifies students for specialist and management positions as well as for business start-ups in the field of business transformation. The Master's programme is interdisciplinarily- and internationally-oriented and thus offers a solid foundation for a career in globally-operating organisations.
We provide highly practice-oriented training and impart transformation competencies independent of industry and institution. Possible job profiles are: Change Agent, Project Manager in transformation projects up to becoming a Transformation Manager.
Graduates can take on responsibility in a wide range of organisations. Companies, as well as public institutions and NGOs, need transformation management. In addition, there is the possibility of self-employment or work in consultancy and further education. The global orientation of the programme and the fact that English is the language of instruction increase the attractiveness of graduates for potential employers.
Additional InformationFurther information on the general and specific degree programm admission requirements are found on the following pages:
- Persons with a German highereducation entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs,
- Persons with a foreign higher education entrance qualification: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand (Head of the degree programme)
E-mail: Master-Transformation[at]
Room: 20.1.53
Campus Ledward
97421 Schweinfurt
Link to programme page Transformation
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Campus for Professional Development
Behavioral Counseling (M.A.)
Master's programme Behavioral Counseling
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; minimum one year professional experience in related field (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 5 semesters while working (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 1,750
Behavioral Counseling, an extra-occupational programme for advanced training, teaches and expands knowledge and skills to pursue and develop demanding counselling activities in mental health and educational facilities; beside taking a behavioural approach, it is also using behavioural methods. All skills taught are closely connected to the students’ daily practice: At first they are trained within the protected teaching environment, then transferred to actual practice under controlled conditions and finally, during the practical semester, implemented into the daily routine. Evaluation and supervision are of particular importance. Behavioural orientation is a forward-looking approach in mental health and educational practice; it takes into account intervention-related and socio-political developments, e.g. demands for basing findings on evidence and for professional quality management; moreover, it can be implemented into all mental health and educational counselling situations.
Programme StructureThe programme takes five semesters and is a combination of self-study, contact periods (every two to three weeks mainly on Fridays and Saturdays) and practical periods. During the first semester, students gain deeper knowledge regarding normative aspects, methodical research and media science. During the second and third semester, students acquire skills in behaviour-oriented counselling of individuals and groups (preparing behavioural analyses; planning, carrying out and evaluating behaviour-oriented interventions). The fourth semester (practical semester) is used to perform supervised behavioural counselling in institutions/facilities. Students will now put their previously acquired skills and expertise into practice. The Master’s thesis will be written during the fifth semester.
Career PerspectivesAfter completing the programme, graduates will be enabled to take over responsible positions in all areas of mental health and educational counselling. This includes, among others, work with children/youth (e.g. child guidance), counselling within schools, clinical social work (e.g. psychiatric clinics), work with disabled persons or in geriatric institutions, with migrants (e.g. integration support), or counselling for special occasions (e.g. marriage counselling).
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Franz J. Schermer
Phone +49 931 3511-6305
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Behavioral Counseling (German only)
Link to programme page Behavioral Counseling
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
International Business with Regional Focus (MBA)
Master's programme International Business with Regional Focus
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Bachelor's degree, professional experience, English proficiency (details see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg (additionally 4 weeks abroad in Russia, Taiwan or Columbia for students with focus on Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 5,500 per semester plus administrative fee for the Studentenwerk (150 euro/semester, public transport ticket included)
Our advanced training Master’s programme International Business with Regional Focus qualifies its students for taking over leadership positions in companies or similar organisations with international business activities. It is a general management training covering all fields of business administration and all managerial functions. Each course focuses particularly on the specific challenges of business in an international context. Despite being a full-time programme (90 ECTS credits), it is still possible to maintain your professional activity or to acquire practical work experience during your studies, as the courses take place mainly on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition to professional and methodological skills, your social and personal skills will be strengthened, for example by two study-integrated team trainings. The small and international group of students (max. 25 students) fosters the development of intercultural skills on a daily basis.
Programme StructureCourses are taught in English and held by professors and experienced professionals from renowned companies. For their specialization, students can focus on one of the following regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America. With the help of languages courses in German, Russian, Mandarin or Spanish you are perfectly prepared for a four-week stay at one ouf our partner universities in Moscow (Russia), Taipeh (Taiwan) or in Bogotá (Columbia); there, the module 5 Doing Business in and with Focus Region is taught. Usually after three semesters, you will be awarded the worldwide recognized degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Career PerspectivesThe degree programme wants to train specialists for the lower and middle management who intend to take over operative responsibilities in an international business context - independent from their professional background, industry or company size. In addition, graduates are also well prepared to start their own business or commit themselves to science/academia.
Additional InformationSimplified overview of entrance requirements (according to § 3 of the study and examination regulations):
- first degree qualifying for profession (Bachelor's or comparable degree)
- with a scope of 210 ECTS credit points (if less, extra courses are available)
- with a minimum grade of 2.5 (German system)
- in any discipline
- at least one year of qualified professional experience after the first degree (an additional year can be accredited with 30 ECTS credit points)
- English proficiency of the CEFR-level B2
- German proficiency of the CEFR-level A1 (can be documented up to 12 months after start of studies)
Worth knowing about the MBA programme International Business:
- The programme starts in October each year and will be completed after three semesters (18 month) with a Master’s thesis.
- Full-time programme; courses are mainly on Friday and Saturday.
Noteable before you start the application procedure:
- Please consider the above-mentioned admission requirements before starting the application procedure.
- Please make sure that you had provided us with your valid and accessible email address because the system will automatically create your personal entry to the application portal with your e-mail address.
- Application all-year via the programme's Homepage and also between April 15th and July 15th via the THWS application portal.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProgramme Director: Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher and Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch
Office Manager: Laura Wolf
Room K.2.05
Franz-Horn-Str. 2
97082 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-6301
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00-15:00
Link to programme page International Business with Regional Focus
Programme offered byMusic Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion (M.A.)
Master's programme Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: 240 ECTS credits (also by transfer), 1 year of professional experience; assessment of aptitude, if no degree in a musical subject
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 2.820 € per semester plus semester fee
The extra-occupational advanced master’s programme qualifies its students for the application and development of music therapy for clients with needs in participation and for the training of formal and informal caregivers in the use of music in daily care. The focus is on affected people and their environment.
Programme Structure
The part-time programme offers eight modules in the course of three semesters. In four modules, students will learn throughout the three semesters to do interventions and how to apply them to clients. For this purposes, three other modules communicate relevant knowledge in psychology, medicine, sociology and economy as well as specialist knowledge in assistive technology. The master's thesis, finally, focuses on applied interdisciplinary research.
Career PerspectivesGraduates can work in specialist and leading positions in healthcare institutions, services and start-ups in the context of music therapy for empowerment and inclusion. In addition, they can employ their skills and competences in fields and activities aimed at teaching techniques based on music therapy for formal and informal care.
Of high importance is the implementation of the Federal Participation Act (Bundes-Teilhabe-Gesetz, BTHG) as well as the National Dementia Strategy for Germany.
An existing Bachelor's degree with at least 240 ECTS credits is required for this master's programme. Possibly missing ECTS credits can be made up for by successfully completing an THWS certificate course, by seeking the accreditation of relevant professional experience, or by further transfer of ECTS credits.
An assessment of aptitude is required, if you cannot provide a degree in field of music.
Contact personProf. Dr. Thomas Wosch
E-mail thomas.wosch[at]
Marina Wetterich
Phone +49 (0)931 3511-6302
Link to programme page Music Therapy for Empowerment and Inclusion
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Campus for Professional Development
Transformation (MBA)
Master's programme Transformation
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Completed higher education degree or comparable degree (with a minimum of 180 - 210 ECTS credits), relevant professional experience of at least 1 year after the first degree, additional professional experience may be used for accreditation of ECTS credits, qualification on an academic and practice-oriented level, good business knowledge
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 16,500 € for 3 semesters plus semester fee and additional fees for exam repetitions
The programme differs from classic MBA programmes in that the focus lies not on managing the status quo of an organisation, but on managing and leading transformation processes. The Master Management of Business Transformation follows the principle that the success of a transformation depends firstly on self-reflection, secondly on empathy and understanding for other people and intelligent machines, and thirdly on understanding the cause-effect relationships of the complex and dynamic ecosystem. A combination of peer and individual coaching flanks the process of understanding and reflection.
Programme StructureSemester 1:
- Understanding Purpose and Value
- Understanding Complex Ecosystems
- Understanding Humans and Intelligent Machines
Semester 2:
- Business Modelling and Simulation
- Managing Organisational Behaviour
- Managing and Leading Humans
Semester 3:
- Applied Transformation Project
- Master's Thesis and Seminar
The Master's degree qualifies students for specialist and management positions as well as for business start-ups in the field of business transformation. The Master's programme is interdisciplinarily- and internationally-oriented and thus offers a solid foundation for a career in globally-operating organisations.
We provide highly practice-oriented training and impart transformation competencies independent of industry and institution. Possible job profiles are: Change Agent, Project Manager in transformation projects up to becoming a Transformation Manager.
Graduates can take on responsibility in a wide range of organisations. Companies, as well as public institutions and NGOs, need transformation management. In addition, there is the possibility of self-employment or work in consultancy and further education. The global orientation of the programme and the fact that English is the language of instruction increase the attractiveness of graduates for potential employers.
Additional InformationFurther information on the general and specific degree programm admission requirements are found on the following pages:
- Persons with a German highereducation entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs,
- Persons with a foreign higher education entrance qualification: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand (Head of the degree programme)
E-mail: Master-Transformation[at]
Room: 20.1.53
Campus Ledward
97421 Schweinfurt
Link to programme page Transformation
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Business Information Systems (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Business Information Systems
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
In today’s society the interaction of people and information systems is of primary importance. Therefore, the bachelor’s programme Business Information Systems teaches its students to solve complex problems related to providing and processing business information. Business information systems are the link between modern information/communication technology and their commercial use within companies. Graduates in Business Information Systems can expect multiple tasks in various specialist and management areas within companies. Our comprehensive training teaches skills for methodical problem solving and for quickly familiarizing oneself with the diverse areas of application of business information systems; the curriculum is complemented by comprehensive fundamental knowledge as well as interdisciplinary methodological and social skills.
Programme Structure
During the introductory phase (first four semesters) the focus is on acquiring fundamental knowledge about the subject and methods:
- Business administration (e.g. Economic Basics, Innovation Management and Start-ups, Accounting, Commercial law, Logistics),
- Computer Science (e.g. Programming, Data Bases, Data Communications, Software Engineering),
- Mathematics (e.g. Statistics, Operations Research) and
- Business Information Systems (e.g. Business Software, Business Technologies, IT-Organisation, Project Management).
During the internship (fifth semester), students can apply their acquired knowledge to practical situations.
In the specialisation phase (sixth and seventh semester) students choose one core subject of business information systems and add four more electives from neighbouring disciplines. Core subjects for specialisation: Business Software, Business Technologies, Information Security, Media Informatics, Management of Digital Innovations and Mobile Solutions.
Career Perspectives
Job titles usually connected to business information systems include IT consultant, business analyst, product manager, information systems manager, software architect, multimedia programmer, SEO specialist and many more.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Eva Wedlich
Room I.3.35
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8865
E-Mail eva.wedlich[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Link to programme page Business Information Systems
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Computer Science (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Computer science is the cornerstone of today’s and future key technologies. After completing the Bachelor’s programme Computer Science, students will be able to analyse and design complex information systems for technical and business applications, and to put them into practice. As computer scientists can work in various areas, the degree programme offers a comprehensive basic training which develops the students’ skills to solve problems methodically and makes it possible that they can quickly familiarize themselves with computer science’s vast occupational fields. Beside a complex basic knowledge, the programme also teaches interdisciplinary methodological and social skills.
Programme Structure
Basic introductory phase – first four semesters:
- Programming and practical programming work
- Technical computer sciences, computer architecture, operation systems, data communications
- Algorithms and data structures, theoretical computer sciences
- Software engineering and data bases
- Mathematics (e.g. algebra, analysis, statistics)
- IT-project management, business administration basics
- English for computer scientists
- Soft and professional skills
Fifth semester: Internship with a company
Specialisation phase – sixth and seventh semester:
Specialisation (three modules) in current topics, among them at the moment: Information security, media and IT, mobile solutions, smart systems, management of digital innovations
- Various electives on current topics in computer science
- International week with modules completely taught in English
- Project work in teams
- Bachelor’s thesis at FHWS or in cooperation with a company
Computer scientists have very good job prospects and earn high starting salaries. Jobs can be quite versatile and can differ considerably depending on specialisation and personal preferences. Among others, there is software development, project management, developing software components for hardware, administrating larger networks, programming and testing games, IT-security, consulting and training, sales and distribution, researching, work in all industries, working on future technologies, working in teams.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Peter Braun
Room I.3.2
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
E-Mail peter.braun[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Link to programme page Computer Science
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Digital Society (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Digital Society
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
In the context of digital transformation, there is an increasing demand for interdisciplinary degree programmes that train students at the interfaces of the respective knowledge fields and attach great importance to the ability to familiarise themselves with disciplines outside the subject. The ability of these interdisciplinary experts will steadily increase in the coming decades. This is where the new degree programme Digital Society (Bachelor of Science) comes in, in order to train experts in digitalisation through cooperation between the faculties of Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Applied Social Sciences and Design. In addition to teaching discipline-dependent competences of computer science, social sciences and design, both methodological-empirical competence and the ability to acquire knowledge expertise independently are taught.
Programme StructureThe Bachelor's programme is designed to be completed within 7 semesters. The programme is divided into 6 semesters of attendance at THWS and one semester in practice. The first two semesters will build the foundations for the degree programme. Subjects like information and media psychology combined with design and media theory and the fundamentals of information technology give students a general understanding about the digital transformation. During the third and fourth semester, further modules like human-computer interaction, usability and socio-informatics provide a deeper understanding of digital topics. Subsequent to the practical semester, the sixth and seventh semester offer cross-faculty core elective modules and the opportunity to choose a focus topic for the final degree.
Career PerspectivesThe combination of application-related and empirical competences described above, in order to be able to analytically assess related and non-specialist areas, will be increasingly in demand in the national and international business environment in the coming years. This includes industries and companies that are located at the interfaces between technologies and human interaction. The employability of graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme Digital Society can therefore be rated as very good.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Müller
Room I.3.27
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8186
E-mail nicholas.mueller[at]
Link to programme page Digital Society
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
E-Commerce (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme E-Commerce
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
E-Commerce is about all forms of selling via the Internet. It is one of the biggest issues of future importance already showing enormous growth rates! Lectures and seminars are about
- online marketing
- web programming
- interface design and usability
- project management and much more.
The bachelor’s programme takes seven semesters.Six of them involve face-to-face teaching at FHWS plus one practical semester. The first and second semester teach the basics of the degree programme. Subjects like Web Programming, Interface Design and Usability, Introduction to E-Commerce, etc. provide a basic understanding for the programme. Students create their own individual websites and develop them over the course of their studies.During the third and fourth semester, other modules, e.g. Databases, Online Marketing, Mobile Systems and Applications, Content Engineering, E-Commerce Simulation Game (off-campus team project), create a deeper understanding for the subject area. To prepare for the following practical fifth semester, students attend classes on soft skills as well as professional skills (conflict training, moderation techniques, body language etc.). Having completed a 20-weeks-internship, students can specialise in one subject field of E-Commerce.
Career Perspectives
E-commerce offers a variety of different jobs. The range of its market participants is steadily increasing and companies have quite different demands depending on their size, industry etc. As a consequence, graduates have broad and exciting opportunities to choose from. An Online Marketing Manager, for example, supervises the various activities in online marketing, whereas an Affiliate Manager takes care of distribution together with partners and networks. Digital Analysts or Web Analysts are responsible for monitoring the company’s success.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Rolf Schillinger
Room I.3.37
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
E-Mail rolf.schillinger[at]
Phone +49 931 3511-8373
Office hours upon arrangement
Link to programme page E-Commerce
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Information security (planned for WS 2023/24) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Information security (planned for WS 2023/24)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor's degree programme “Information security” qualifies holistic information security experts by practice-oriented science-based teaching. In the programme, students develop sound technical and also operative and managerial abilities. Students learn to recognise security-related problems, to analyse them in a business context, and to mitigate them using suitable technical, physical, organisational or personnel measures.
Programme StructureThe focus of the first four semesters is placed on technical and methodological competence:
- Information security (e.g. security engineering, awareness, penetration-testing, security-management, cryptography, ...)
- Computer Science (e.g. programming, databases, computer networks, computer architectures, ...)
During their internship in the 5th semester, students practically apply their theoretical knowledge.
In the subsequent course of studies (6th to 7th semester), students deepen their knowledge of information security and of specialisation areas (e.g. AI, block chain, threat intelligence, ...). They can also choose three electives for interdisciplinary specialisations.
Career PerspectivesGraduates are able to apply their security know-how in technical areas (e.g. security architect, penetration tester, security analyst), while they can also take on organisational tasks or management positions (e.g. security manager, auditor).
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Biedermann
Room I.3.37
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8973
E-Mail sebastian.biedermann[at]
Office hours: Please send an e-mail!
Link to programme page Information security (planned for WS 2023/24)
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Artificial Intelligence
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 Semester (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary field that builds on the content of computer science, mathematics, physics and cognitive science, but also extends to many other areas.
The aim of the new English-language degree programme is to educate AI experts who are familiar with the relevant algorithms, models and social challenges of AI, and who can develop and evaluate software systems with AI functionality.
Having completed their studies, graduates will be able to elaborate solutions for standard and individual AI systems, to use innovative technologies in AI systems in industrial and non-industrial environments, and to strengthen their area of expertise.
Programme StructureThe Master's programme extends over 3 semesters and provides profound knowledge of AI as well as comprehensive competences for the implementation of AI methods and models in practice. For this purpose, practical projects are included into the programme and students are involved in work in the AI laboratories at an early stage. By working in a laboratory environment, students gain an early and intensive insight into the methods of scientific work.
Since the use of AI in everyday life leads to considerable changes in society, students also take courses on AI ethics, law and the sociological consequences of AI in order to be able to responsibly co-design the transformation process.
Since a large number of potential employers in the AI industry operate globally, students are strongly encouraged to complete a stay abroad. The faculty supports this through a large number of collaborations with universities abroad.
Graduates of the programme will be able to independently develop, enhance and implement complex AI systems. Furthermore, they will be able to assess and take into account ethical and legal issues in the development and operation of AI systems.
Qualification for professions in the spectrum of AI, data science, cognitive computing.
Additional InformationAdmission to the Master’s programme MAI is subject to a number of conditions. Further information can be found on the programme pages.
To check if the requirements are met it is important that the MAI application form provided on the website is completed and uploaded via the THWS Campusportal.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the MAI website in good time.
The course and examination language is English.
For being able to participate in this degree programme, we highly recommend a general English proficiency up to the level C1 (CEFR), sound English proficiency of the level B2 (CEFR) is a requirement.
In the case of applicants with English higher education entrance qualifications, this language proficiency will be assumed.
Furthermore, evidence of proficiency in German on level A2 (CEFR) has to be provided. This level of language command, along with a corresponding certificate, can also be achieved within the first two semesters of the degree programme. (This offer is not available for German native speakers.) For more information regarding Application and Admission, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Frank-Michael Schleif
Campus Sanderheinrichsleitenweg (SHL)
Phone +49 931 3511-8127
E-Mail mai.fiw[at]
Link to programme page Artificial Intelligence
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Digital Business Systems (former: Information Systems) (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Digital Business Systems (former: Information Systems)
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; selection process
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Information systems provide a connection between people and computers or technology in general with the aim to make information available in an optimal way and to enable communication between people. No matter whether systems like Facebook or corporate systems like SAP – today information systems play a decisive role in shaping our future. Following an undergraduate degree programme in Computer Science, Business Information Systems, or E-Commerce, the master’s programme Information Systems provides valuable and targeted teaching which opens its highly qualified graduates an even wider range of professional and personal opportunities.
Programme StructureThe master’s programme has two phases: During the first two semesters there are eight obligatory classes and four subject-specific elective modules (FWPM). These FWPMs can be taken at other faculties or universities, if they are part of similar master’s programmes. During the third semester, two scientific papers have to be written (master’s thesis and one independent scientific publication).
Career PerspectivesFor graduates with an ambition to leadership and management roles, a master’s degree offers extended job prospects especially in the field of information systems, but also in the field of information technologies or consulting. Moreover, the academic part makes it possible to start a research or academic career, for example at higher education institutions or research institutions. At the same time, a high share of elective modules supports a more individual focus according to the students’ personal preferences.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Karsten Huffstadt
Room I.3.27
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
E-Mail karsten.huffstadt[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Master's programme Information Systems (German only)
Link to programme page Digital Business Systems (former: Information Systems)
Programme offered byFaculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Electrical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
By the application of scientific methods geared towards real-world questions, electrical engineers are qualified to work on demanding tasks. A broad basic training resting on the pillars electrical technology/electronics, information technology and mathematics/science leads students toward their goal. A large share of elective modules in the areas of automation engineering, power engineering, medical engineering and communications engineering allow for further specialisation and strengthening of competencies. Students are brought close to professional practice by application-oriented lectures, in-depth practical coursework, a practical semester, and the Bachelor’s thesis. Key qualifications are taught by connecting theory and practice, so that students are perfectly prepared for social and technical requirements in their future corporate or academic environment.
Programme StructureThe programme is divided into three sections: the introductory phase (1st-3rd semester), the specialisation phase (3rd-6th semester) and the final phase (6th + 7th semester). After the basic subjects of the introductory phase, the specific specialisation phase begins as early as the 3rd semester, during which students can combine important core subjects with elective modules from the specialisation fields of automation engineering, electrical power engineering, medical engineering, or communications engineering. The selected specialisations can be extended with further specialisation modules. The programme ends with a practical phase and the final bachelor thesis.
Career PerspectivesAs an electrical engineer you are among the highly-skilled top performers in business and society. You will be working in research, product development, production, quality management, or in distribution of electrotechnical devices, technical facilities and systems for various industries. More occupational fields are information process and transfer, analog and digital circuit engineering as well as microelectronic controls, but also complex automation, projecting and implementing of facilities and work related to power supply. Important areas of work today include: renewable energies, energy transmission, industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, autonomous driving, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and electric mobility.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Markus Mathes
Room 1.1.21
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
E-Mail markus.mathes[at]
Prof. Dr. Martin Spiertz
Room 1.1.19
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
E-Mail martin.spiertz[at]
Office hours: Please see the individual contact pages on the faculty's homepage (German only)!
Programme offered byMechatronics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor’s programme Mechatronics is devised to meet the multidisciplinary requirements of today’s industry. This engineering discipline combines the expertise from areas of electrical and mechanical engineering with information processing. In addition to delivering a solid understanding of these areas, this programme aims to develop further skills needed to carry out and manage engineering projects. Specially designed courses enable students to identify the environmental impact of technology and encourage them to act responsibly. Due to elective modules, the students may tailor their courses according to their own inclinations and interests without compromises. The practice-oriented learning environment at THWS makes them capable of applying the know-how and scientific methods to solve engineering problems independently. This programme also focuses on personality development by offering foreign languages, interaction in multicultural teams, soft skills and further social competences. The degree programme can also serve as a solid fundament for graduate studies.
Programme StructureA six-week pre-study internship is a requirement of this Bachelor’s programme. The programme can be divided into three stages. At the first stage, consisting of three semesters, basic and foundation modules are offered. The emphasis is on the fundamentals of engineering, mathematics, computing, natural sciences and soft skills. The second stage of the programme, consisting of the fourth and fifth semester, deals with core modules of mechatronics. The theory and lab courses, offered at this stage, involve control systems, measuring techniques, actuators, software engineering, embedded systems, design & simulation of mechatronic systems etc. A wide range of elective modules with direct industrial relevance to automation, robotics, manufacturing, power engineering and automotive sectors is also offered during the fifth semester. The final stage of the degree programme, consisting of the sixth and seventh semester, involves practical training with real-world problems. The major part of the sixth semester is an internship in industry. During this internship students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the industrial problems. This way they develop a problem-solving approach. The seventh semester involves an engineering project, a Bachelor’s thesis and some interdisciplinary lab work.
Career PerspectivesMechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering. Mechatronics engineers can perform a wide variety of jobs such as research and development; hardware and software design; product development; planning, execution and management of engineering projects; installation, testing and commissioning of industrial equipment; quality control; marketing; customer care and consulting. The career prospects are very bright. Potential employers are companies from various industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, robotics, manufacturing, material processing, energy systems, drives, printing, medical systems and consumer products etc. Their multidisciplinary competencies enable them to assume coordination and leading jobs in project teams involving engineers of other disciplines like electrical, mechanical and software engineering. The Bachelor’s programme at THWS is highly practical. The interaction of students with the industry, during the internship and the Bachelor’s thesis, normally paves the path to a fascinating career in a national or multinational enterprise.
Additional InformationApplicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Abid Ali
Room 1.1.64
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940- 8454
E-Mail abid.ali[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in English)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A practical orientation in teaching enables the independent use and application of academic knowledge and methods. With regard to the range and diversity of occupational fields, mechatronics engineers need a sound, fundamental knowledge; the programme therefore teaches the necessary subject-specific, methodological and social skills to quickly become familiarised with every application of mechatronics. By choosing from a range of scientific specialisation modules, students have the chance to choose classes according to their interest and occupational expectations, but without having to limit their possible future area of activity. Relevant subjects enable students to realise the impact of technology on the environment and, in accordance, to act responsibly. Character formation and problem-solving skills that follow from acquiring social, cultural and foreign language skills are developed by intensive project work. The degree programme also prepares students to take over executive functions. Moreover, the bachelor's programme is the starting point for further application-oriented, academic qualification by completing a master’s programme.
Programme StructureThe first three semesters serve as introduction/orientation phase with basic and subject-specific studies. These studies involve mathematical-scientific basics as well as technical basics and soft skills. During the specialisation phase (fourth and fifth semester) there are classes, tutorials and practical coursework in mechatronic basics and applications. Additionally, four elective scientific specialisation modules have to be completed. During the practical semester (sixth semester) students do an internship in industrial companies accompanied by various classes. The seventh semester is dedicated to industrial projects and practical coursework involving cross-subject teaching contents as well as writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesMechatronics engineers can perform a multitude of activities as, for example, in development, construction, assembly, manufacturing, commissioning, projecting, quality assurance, but also in the areas of distribution/sales, customer service, and consulting. Job prospects are excellent, as there is demand in all branches of mechanical and plant engineering as well as in electrical engineering and electronics. Being generalists, mechatronics engineers act as mediators in companies between already existing disciplines; by their interdisciplinary knowledge graduates are able to increase the efficiency of specialised teams.
Additional InformationThe degree programme is a cooperation of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (FM) and Electrical Engineering (FE).
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Silke Müller
Room 3.E.02
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8798
E-Mail silke.mueller[at]
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 11:00 h
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (German only)
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in German)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Robotics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing.
Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
This English-taught Bachelor‘s programme is designed as TWIN programme alongside the existing German-taught Bachelor’s programme Robotik. TWIN programmes enable you to complete your studies in both German and English. You will also do cultural and linguistic trainings when studying those TWIN Programmes.
If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed your studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme StructureThe Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis.
A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career PerspectivesDriven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional InformationApplicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Marian Daun
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8552
E-Mail marian.daun[at]
Robotics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing. Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
Programme StructureThe Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis. A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career PerspectivesDriven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional InformationGeneral admission requirements apply to all applicants with German higher education entrance qualification. For more information, please see the pages of our Department for Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Volker Willert
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8598
Mail volker.willert[at]
Sustainable Energy Systems (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Sustainable Energy Systems
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply is one of the most urgent problems that our society needs to address. The focus here is on the use of different energy sources and storage technologies, which must be systemically coordinated with each other, as well as the creation of a sector coupling between different energy grids (electricity, gas and heat). This exciting task must be carried out by engineers, who need a comprehensive education for it that combines technical knowledge with knowledge from the fields of economics and law as well as the natural sciences.
Through close networking between the professors in the "Center Sustainable Energy Systems" (CENSEY) and the industrial partners, both the latest scientific and practical findings flow into the teaching.
Programme StructureThe programme comprises seven semesters. It is divided into the basic studies (2 semesters) and the subsequent in-depth studies. In order to ensure a comprehensive education, there are lectures from the fields of engineering, mathematics and natural sciences as well as economics and law. Skills are taught in lectures and exercises, partly supported by practical courses in one of our laboratories, e.g. in the module "Renewable Energies and Grid Management" in the 4th semester. The 6th semester must be completed as a practical semester. By attending compulsory elective lectures, students are able to specialise in a subject area and further qualify themselves in this area, e.g. by choosing suitable topics in the practical phase and the Bachelor's thesis directly following this. Following the Bachelor's programme, students can attend a Master's programme.
Career PerspectivesGraduates of the programme will find excellent employment opportunities, both regionally and nationally.
Possible areas of employment are e.g.:
- Energy network operators (gas, heat and electricity)
- Component manufacturers for energy networks (PV or wind power plants, combined heat and power plants, biogas plants, storage systems, etc.)
- Engineering offices for planning and construction of grids / domestic supply systems / storage facilities
- Large-scale industry, e.g. in the field of optimising energy processes
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Anatoli Wellhöfer
Room 1.E.13
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
phone +49 9721 940-8565
Email anatoli.wellhoefer[at]
Link to programme page Sustainable Energy Systems
Programme offered by
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Business and Engineering
Electrical Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Electrical Engineering
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: general and special qualification requirements (see below); interview
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme Electrical Engineering is a so called Master-Research-Programme where students can earn their degree either by working on a technological research project that is closely linked to professional practice and diversely networked, or by taking advanced modules that are individually supervised. Students are to be trained to work independently on scientific projects and acquire interdisciplinary key qualifications by practical experience and in-depth problem-solving skills. Student teams are working within a research network consisting of internal and external partners and get individual support from supervising professors as well as in seminars. This kind of training perfectly meets the labour market’s demand for highly-skilled engineers experienced in project work.
Programme StructureTogether with their respective project supervisor students compile their individual curriculum. The core of this master’s programme is carrying out a practice-oriented research project throughout a three-semester period. The degree programme is a full-time programme. It consists of three project stages and the master’s thesis belongs to the third stage. There is a Master’s Seminar where all student research activities within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and undertaken by partner faculties are brought together in lectures and poster sessions. Students’ engineering, technological, and interdisciplinary skills are completed by additional modules offered by THWS, a partner university or another higher education institution. There is, however, largely freedom of choice to find the perfect combination of modules which depends on the student’s previous education, their research project and their intended specialisation.
Career PerspectivesThe degree programme is fully accredited and was successfully re-accredited. It entitles graduates to enter the German senior civil service (höherer öffentlicher Dienst) and has best job prospects in terms of demanding technical and management responsibilities in business and science. Many graduates study in doctoral programmes cooperating with other universities. Several graduates completed their doctoral studies with excellent performance. Moreover, doctoral graduates have already been appointed professors at higher education institutions.
Additional InformationIf you submit your application for this Master’s programme via THWS Campusportal, you will confirm that the following requirements have been met:
- You confirm that you have achieved at least 80% of the academic achievements required in your undergraduate studies (calculated in credit points according to ECTS).
- You confirm that you can successfully complete your studies by the next admission period and that you can achieve a grad of 2.5 (good) or better.
- You are aware that if you have the required qualifications you will be invited to a colloquium in Schweinfurt to determine your aptitude for the Master’s programme.
- You are aware that any missing admission requirements must be proven within three months of the start of your studies and that admission is only provisional until then.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Markus H. Zink
Room 2.2.05
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8498
E-Mail markus.zink[at]
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Müller
Room 1.1.20
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8769
E-Mail bernhard.mueller[at]
Office hours:
Please see the individual contact page on the faculty's website (available only in German)!
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Hydrogen Technology (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Hydrogen Technology
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Hydrogen technology is a key technology and paving the way to the CO2-neutral age. Therefore, the demand for appropriately qualified engineers is growing. Through our bachelor's programme in Hydrogen Technology, we want to enable our students to systematically develop, configure and operate hydrogen plants on the basis of engineering processes independently of the sector. In this, the focus is on the entire hydrogen process chain as well as contents tailored to the topic of hydrogen.
Programme StructureStudies in Hydrogen Technology are divided into several sections. Courses of the 1st semester contain, among others, the basics of mathematics, electrical engineering, mechanics, and thermodynamics. Based on this, specific courses on hydrogen technology will follow. The topics of fuel cells, H2 production as well as H2 storage and transport will be dealt with in particular detail.
In addition, a number of optional courses offer the possibility to accentuate your studies according to your personal interest and career aims. You will spend the 6th semester as an intern in a company. During the internship, you will acquire first professional experiences and establish contacts with possible employers. During your 7th semester, finally, you will work on your bachelor's thesis and finish your studies.
Career PerspectivesThe potential uses of hydrogen as an energy carrier are extremely diverse and by no means limited to its use as a battery supplement in electric vehicles. The energy transition is pushing the use of renewable energies in all sectors. This results in a broad spectrum of possible job prospects for you as a graduate of the Hydrogen Technology programme:
- Plant engineering (environmental technology, energy industry, automotive engineering)
- Industrial product development (transportation, combined heat and power plants, infrastructure)
- Plant operation (environmental technology, energy industry)
- Public authorities (municipalities, districts, ministries)
On the following websites you can find out more about general admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs (HSST),
- Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Wilke
E-Mail winfried.wilke[at]
Hydrogen Technology Transnational (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Hydrogen Technology Transnational
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: Pre-year at German Jordanian University (GJU), prior to registration at THWS proof of language skills in German of B1 or higher (CEFR), and in English of B2 or higher (TOEFL: at least 72).
Language of Instruction: German, English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt, international partner universities (German Jordanian University (GJU) for pre-year and the first 4 semesters)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: yes (see website of the degree programme)
The Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) is offering a transnational bachelor’s degree programme in Hydrogen Technology in cooperation with the German Jordanian University (GJU) in Amman, Jordan. The degree programme is offered at both higher education institutions: the students start their studies in Jordan and complete them in Germany. The graduates develop all skills required for independent and professional conduct in the various practical areas of planning, construction, and operation of hydrogen plants.
The BWTT programme trains hydrogen engineers in the areas of planning, construction, and operation of hydrogen plants. Graduates of the degree programme receive a German higher education degree, which allows them to extend their stay in Germany for up to another 1.5 years to find work and to thus start their career as an engineer in a German company. The programme is accredited by the Jordanian Engineering Association, among others, and internationally recognised. A transnational degree programme is the perfect chance to experience different nationalities and cultures and to develop intercultural competence, that is sought after by prospective employers.
Programme StructureStudents generally complete a pre-year at GJU after which they enrol at THWS. The degree programme Hydrogen Engineering Transnational is a full-time programme of a standard time to degree of seven semesters, one of which is an internship semester.
Students qualifying for the programme through the pre-year, should estimate nine semesters for their studies. Most courses of the pre-year are accredited to the degree programme which reduces the workload of subsequent semesters. The pre-year and the first four semesters of the programme are taught at GJU in Jordan by lecturers of GJU and THWS. The final three semesters are taught at THWS in Germany.
Students participate in an intensive training of the German language and culture which optimally prepares them for their stay abroad. In the 7th programme semester after their practice module or the practice project, students are given the opportunity to write their bachelor's thesis in cooperation with a company. This gives students in-depth insights into current fields of research and development in the industry.
Career PerspectivesOur graduates have multiple opportunities to continue their training: They can continue training in the field of energy technology, mechanical engineering, plant and apparatus design, process engineering, energy economy, and sustainable resource management. Through the close interconnectedness of general engineering skills and skills in the field of carbon-free energy sources, we prepare our graduates of the degree programme Hydrogen Technology Transnational optimally for the challenges of the energy transition.
In the degree programme, our students lay the sustainable and future-proof basis for their further academic development. As hydrogen engineers, our graduates can work in various fields and areas, including the energy sector, engineering firms, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, plant design, technical infrastructure, transport and logistics, energy technology, heat engineering, infrastructure elements, process plant design, electro-chemical plants, vehicle engineering and technology, ...
Additional InformationAdmission to the programme B.Eng. Hydrogen Technology Transnational is subject to proof of the following:
- general higher education qualification
- the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife; also obtained during the GJU-Pre-Year)
- the advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) OR
- A higher education entrance qualification rendered equivalent by law or by the competent governmental agency that allows the holder of the qualification to access bachelor’s studies at German higher education institutions
Admission to the degree programme is not restricted. Additional admission requirements of the degree programme are:
- German language skills: Students must provide certificates of German language knowledge:
- at commencement of studies: (or by the end of the GJU-Pre-Year): B1 (CEFR) or better
- by the end of the 4th programme semester: B2 (CEFR) or better
- English language skills: Prior to their first semester, (or prior to the GJU Pre-Year), students must provide proof of English knowledge of level B2 or better (TOEFL: at least 72).
Degree programme coordinator
Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke
phone: +49 9721 940-8797
Email: winfried.wilke[at]
Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Mechanical engineers with a broad fundamental knowledge are needed in almost all areas of industry and in the public service. Students acquire this extensive knowledge that opens a multitude of professional opportunities by an intensive training in basic subjects up to the third semester and targeted specialisation during the 4th and 5th semester in the fields of applied materials and production engineering, digital engineering, energy and environmental engineering, automotive systems, automotive engineering, constructive mechanical engineering, mechatronics, lightweight engineering, simulation, and manufacturing engineering. State-of-the-art computer technology as well as economic and ecological aspects are taken into account and integrated into the studies. The general development of the students’ personality (soft skills) is encouraged, especially by projects. The practical semester is bridging the gap between theory and practice. Modern, generously equipped laboratories and collaboration with industry make it possible to offer up-to-date studies that are geared to real-world challenges.
Programme StructureThe degree programme is structured into an introductory/orientation phase (first three semesters, basic and subject-specific studies), a practical phase (fourth or sixth semester), and a specialisation phase (fifth to seventh semester) with classes (and projects) that are characterised by their special focus on application. Writing a Bachelor's thesis completes the programme.
Career PerspectivesMechanical engineers can perform a multitude of activities as, for example, in development, construction, assembly, manufacturing, commissioning, projecting, quality assurance, but also in the areas of distribution/sales, customer service, and consulting; last but not least their are also job opportunities in public service. Job prospects are excellent, as there is demand in all branches of mechanical and plant engineering. Moreover, the Bachelor's degree is the starting point for an application-oriented, academic qualification by completing a master’s programme.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Retka[at]
Mechatronics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor’s programme Mechatronics is devised to meet the multidisciplinary requirements of today’s industry. This engineering discipline combines the expertise from areas of electrical and mechanical engineering with information processing. In addition to delivering a solid understanding of these areas, this programme aims to develop further skills needed to carry out and manage engineering projects. Specially designed courses enable students to identify the environmental impact of technology and encourage them to act responsibly. Due to elective modules, the students may tailor their courses according to their own inclinations and interests without compromises. The practice-oriented learning environment at THWS makes them capable of applying the know-how and scientific methods to solve engineering problems independently. This programme also focuses on personality development by offering foreign languages, interaction in multicultural teams, soft skills and further social competences. The degree programme can also serve as a solid fundament for graduate studies.
Programme StructureA six-week pre-study internship is a requirement of this Bachelor’s programme. The programme can be divided into three stages. At the first stage, consisting of three semesters, basic and foundation modules are offered. The emphasis is on the fundamentals of engineering, mathematics, computing, natural sciences and soft skills. The second stage of the programme, consisting of the fourth and fifth semester, deals with core modules of mechatronics. The theory and lab courses, offered at this stage, involve control systems, measuring techniques, actuators, software engineering, embedded systems, design & simulation of mechatronic systems etc. A wide range of elective modules with direct industrial relevance to automation, robotics, manufacturing, power engineering and automotive sectors is also offered during the fifth semester. The final stage of the degree programme, consisting of the sixth and seventh semester, involves practical training with real-world problems. The major part of the sixth semester is an internship in industry. During this internship students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the industrial problems. This way they develop a problem-solving approach. The seventh semester involves an engineering project, a Bachelor’s thesis and some interdisciplinary lab work.
Career PerspectivesMechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering. Mechatronics engineers can perform a wide variety of jobs such as research and development; hardware and software design; product development; planning, execution and management of engineering projects; installation, testing and commissioning of industrial equipment; quality control; marketing; customer care and consulting. The career prospects are very bright. Potential employers are companies from various industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, robotics, manufacturing, material processing, energy systems, drives, printing, medical systems and consumer products etc. Their multidisciplinary competencies enable them to assume coordination and leading jobs in project teams involving engineers of other disciplines like electrical, mechanical and software engineering. The Bachelor’s programme at THWS is highly practical. The interaction of students with the industry, during the internship and the Bachelor’s thesis, normally paves the path to a fascinating career in a national or multinational enterprise.
Additional InformationApplicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Abid Ali
Room 1.1.64
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940- 8454
E-Mail abid.ali[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in English)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A practical orientation in teaching enables the independent use and application of academic knowledge and methods. With regard to the range and diversity of occupational fields, mechatronics engineers need a sound, fundamental knowledge; the programme therefore teaches the necessary subject-specific, methodological and social skills to quickly become familiarised with every application of mechatronics. By choosing from a range of scientific specialisation modules, students have the chance to choose classes according to their interest and occupational expectations, but without having to limit their possible future area of activity. Relevant subjects enable students to realise the impact of technology on the environment and, in accordance, to act responsibly. Character formation and problem-solving skills that follow from acquiring social, cultural and foreign language skills are developed by intensive project work. The degree programme also prepares students to take over executive functions. Moreover, the bachelor's programme is the starting point for further application-oriented, academic qualification by completing a master’s programme.
Programme StructureThe first three semesters serve as introduction/orientation phase with basic and subject-specific studies. These studies involve mathematical-scientific basics as well as technical basics and soft skills. During the specialisation phase (fourth and fifth semester) there are classes, tutorials and practical coursework in mechatronic basics and applications. Additionally, four elective scientific specialisation modules have to be completed. During the practical semester (sixth semester) students do an internship in industrial companies accompanied by various classes. The seventh semester is dedicated to industrial projects and practical coursework involving cross-subject teaching contents as well as writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesMechatronics engineers can perform a multitude of activities as, for example, in development, construction, assembly, manufacturing, commissioning, projecting, quality assurance, but also in the areas of distribution/sales, customer service, and consulting. Job prospects are excellent, as there is demand in all branches of mechanical and plant engineering as well as in electrical engineering and electronics. Being generalists, mechatronics engineers act as mediators in companies between already existing disciplines; by their interdisciplinary knowledge graduates are able to increase the efficiency of specialised teams.
Additional InformationThe degree programme is a cooperation of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (FM) and Electrical Engineering (FE).
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Silke Müller
Room 3.E.02
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8798
E-Mail silke.mueller[at]
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 11:00 h
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (German only)
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in German)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Product Development and Systems Design (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Product Development and Systems Design
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme Product Development and Systems Design is a consecutive master’s programme, i.e. it builds upon the level of knowledge acquired during a bachelor’s programme in a similar specialist field; it takes three semesters including the final thesis. It is geared to students with a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, or Plastics and Rubber Engineering having graduated from THWSor other higher education institutions. The master’s programme has its focus on a holistic approach to products and systems. It provides intensified knowledge about the full life cycle: from development and production to usage and dismantling/recycling. Thus, the programme includes on one hand modules teaching deeper theoretical knowledge about the development of products and systems; on the other hand, there are modules with a focus on application. Well-known companies are involved in the application oriented modules.
Programme StructureStudies can be taken up every winter and summer semester. Modules offered in the respective first semester, no matter if a winter or summer semester, do not build upon modules from the previous semester; with the exception of one basic module, modules are offered only once during the academic year. As their elective modules, students choose specification modules according to their prior knowledge. These electives offer in-depth knowledge building upon and geared towards the subject-specific basics acquired during a bachelor’s programme in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, and Plastics and Rubber Engineering. The programme is completed by interdisciplinary non-technical modules. The master’s programme’s methods include tuition in seminars, project work which is conducted in-house and outside THWS together with partners from industry, practical coursework and internships, as well as a master’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesGraduates are able to develop and evaluate new engineering solutions. Students acquire skills to plan and carry out projects as well as to take over demanding and complex project and/or general management tasks. The master’s programme is thus a comprehensive qualification for specialists and managers - also in an international environment. Students are trained for all occupational fields related to the development, optimisation, manufacture, distribution, monitoring and operation of technical products and systems.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor Mengelkamp
Room 4.E.18
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8896
E-Mail gregor.mengelkamp[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website Master's programme Product Development and Systems Design (German only)
Link to programme page Product Development and Systems Design
Programme offered byFaculty of Plastics Engineering and Surveying
Applied Polymer Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Polymer Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Applied Polymer Engineering aims to train independent, responsible engineers, who put the technical potential of plastics and elastomers to intelligent use and use them to shape a sustainable future.
By combining theoretical knowledge and with specialised applications of modern devices and machines, the students develop a solid, extensive understanding that enables them to work in every field of plastics and/or elastomer engineering, depending on their personal interest.
The TWIN programme Applied Polymer Engineering/ Kunststoff- und Elastomertechnik enables students to complete their studies in German and English. If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed you studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme StructureFundamentals (1st and 2nd semester):
Mostly natural scientific and engineering foundation modules, lab and practice module, initial plastics module
Main studies (3rd and 4th semester):
Plastics and rubber engineering modules, engineering modules, technical modules, lab and practice module
Internship semester (5th semester)
Specialisation (6th and 7th semester):
Polymer and elastomer engineering modules, technical and business modules, research project, and lab/ practice module
Bachelor's thesis (7th semester)
Career PerspectivesThe career perspectives of our graduates are as diverse as the applications for plastics and elastomers:
- Mechanical and apparatus engineering
- Vehicle manufacturing and shipbuilding
- Aerospace and space engineering
- Environmental protection
- Chemical synthesis
- Medical engineering
- Packaging industry
- Polymer analytics
- Sports and leisure equipment industry
- …
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Geovisualisation (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Geovisualisation
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Route planning and navigation, location-based services on smartphones, virtual sightseeing tours on the Internet, digital hiking maps on mobile devices – today geographic information is available everywhere and at any time in different applications as everyday tools. Applications’ success depends on professionally collecting, modelling and presenting the underlying geographic data. As a graduate you implement models of geovisualisation and applications for different uses and develop new fields of application. The programme is characterised by its application-oriented teaching. Varying in topics and with a focus on the target group, the programme concentrates on visualisation and presentation of geographic information. In addition, methods to collect, administrate and analyse spatial issues are taught. With this, the whole range of processing steps of geographic data is condensed in one single degree programme.
Programme StructureThe bachelor’s programme takes seven semesters and is structured into a fundamental, a main, and a specialisation phase; additionally, there is a practical semester before it concludes with a bachelor’s thesis. Practical relevance in teaching, the practical semester, and the project-oriented as well as interdisciplinary training ensure an application-oriented approach. The targeted use of computer graphics, geographic information systems, and cartography teaches all dimensions of collecting, processing, and presenting information. Among others, there is photorealistic visualisation of 3D-objects, multimedia applications for web-use and mobile devices, time series and simulations, but also virtual reality. By using high-end IT-components and shooting systems students are being prepared for their future jobs with a practical orientation. There is also the possibility to do the master’s programme as a Dual Studies Programme, i.e studies with intensified practice including the degree programme and an intensified practical phase.
Career PerspectivesDue to the increasing importance of geographic information in our society, the possible occupational fields for graduates are diverse and job prospects very good. The geographical data market is still not fully developed. Therefore, processing and visualising geographic information is not only relevant in technical fields, but it also finds its way into various non-technical fields of application. Possible jobs can be found in: GIS industry, (geo-)marketing, energy supply, planning offices, municipalities, print and Internet media.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Jan Wilkening
Room D.0.01e
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8229
E-Mail jan.wilkening[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Geovisualisation (German only)
Programme offered byPlastics and Rubber Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Plastics and Rubber Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admisstion requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme offers a traditional engineering training complemented by application-oriented contents for jobs in the relevant industries. Based on the fundamentals of engineering the focus is on processing, component construction, and materials science of plastics and elastomers. Among traditional and modern manufacturing processes, there are many more innovative topics treated like 3D-printing, fibre reinforced plastic, computer aided design, rubber technology, modern methods of analysis, or surface finishing. Throughout the course of study and oarallel to lectures, there is a high share of practical coursework in modern-equipped laboratories where student teams apply and broaden their acquired theoretical knowledge. Furthermore, the degree programme is characterised by its uncomplicated and personal student-teacher relationship in conveniently sized groups.
Programme StructureThe programme takes seven semesters (six theoretical and one practical semester) with 210 CPs in total. The foundation courses take place in two semesters, the main courses in another five semesters. The first two semesters teach the fundamentals of mathematics, engineering and natural science in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, or construction. The third and fourth semester intensify the general engineering knowledge; in addition, the basics of plastics processing as well as the chemistry and materials science of polymers are treated. For their practical semester (in the fifth semester), students already do engineering work at companies in the plastics or elastomer industry. During the sixth and seventh semester, the focus is on specific topics related to plastics and elastomers; relevant knowledge and skills are intensified, for example by a team project. Additionally, basic knowledge of business administration is taught. The degree programme is completed by a bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
As there is an enormous scope for the use of plastics, the range of occupational fields for graduates is vast. International corporations, from the automotive and aerospace to sports and leisure time industry, as well as local medium sized companies or research institutes are always on the lookout for qualified personnel specialised in plastics and rubber engineering. Job prospects are very good at the moment, but also in economically difficult times the demand for the skills and knowledge of dedicated graduates was and will be constantly high.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Website of the Bachelor's programme Plastics and Rubber Engineering (German only)
Programme offered bySurveying and Geoinformatics (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Surveying and Geoinformatics
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
For surveying and geoinformatics the earth’s surface with its natural and artificial objects is the sphere of action. This opens up a broad occupational profile: From regulation and remodelling of ownership structures, defining routes and locations for road, bridge, and tunnel construction over satellite-based monitoring systems (GPS) to providing and managing geographic data used in everyday and specific applications. The degree programme teaches all methods that cover the full range of the occupational profile outlined above. The programme especially includes: Tacheometry, levelling, satellite measurement, laser scanning, remote sensing, land management, geographic information systems, CAD and visualisation technologies. In laboratories with excellent technical equipment the methods mentioned above cannot only be taught, but they can also be applied during tutorials and practical courses.
Programme Structure
The bachelor’s programme takes seven semesters and is structured into an introduction, an intensification, and a specialisation phase with two semesters each; it concludes with a bachelor’s thesis. During the introduction phase, students are taught the basic skills they need for the following course of studies. During the second phase, students learn to work independently on different subject-specific tasks. The last two semesters of the programme serve further intensification and specialisation. The fifth semester is a practical semester where students are introduced to work autonomously as interns at, for example, an engineering office or at state survey authorities. By using high-end IT-components and shooting systems students are being prepared for the future jobs with a practical orientation. There is also the possibility to do the bachelor’s programme as a Dual Studies Programme, i.e studies with intensified practice including the degree programme and an intensified practical phase.
Career PerspectivesGraduates' professional future looks very bright. The demand for qualified specialists in the public and private sector is increasing. Job opportunities have developed considerably well, because in our society the importance of geographic information is steadily increasing; this kind of data is not only important for technical uses, but also because non-technical areas of application have been developed ranging from marketing to tourism. Possible employers are: Engineering offices/departments, survey authorities, GIS industry, energy supply providers, municipalities.
Additional InformationOn the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Brunn
Room A.1.16
Röntgenring 8, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8212
E-Mail ansgar.brunn[at]
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's degree Surveying and Geoinformatics (German only)
Programme offered byGeodata Technology (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Geodata Technology
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: general (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Geo Data Technology degree programme serves to train engineers on a project- and research-oriented scientific basis. It qualifies its graduates to process geographic data depending on topic and with an orientation to target groups as well as to run and visualize complex analyses. Among others, teaching contents comprise vector- and grid based as well as multidimensional data, computer vision and machine learning of artificial intelligence (AI).
As our graduates can be employed in various areas, the training is comprehensive: it teaches the ability to develop processes, enables quick familiarisation with numerous fields of activities, qualifies for adapting automated procedures in different specialist areas of geographic data processing (environment/nature conservation, healthcare, climate protection etc.) and communicates skills and knowledge for personnel and corporate management.
An orientation towards research is implemented by involving the students in the faculty's research activities at an early stage.
Programme StructureThe master’s programme in Geo Data Technology consists of three semesters and commences in a winter as well as summer semester. It is devised as a research-oriented master's programme which closely connects training with ongoing projects of the subject area.
The first two semesters are dedicated to methodology, subject-specific knowledge as well as soft skills. Modules comprise the following topics: Analysis of geographic data, machine learning, sources of geographic data, entrepreneurship, the system earth, automation of processing geographic data, computer vision, IT systems , key skills, and land management or virtual/augmented reality. Students will become involved in the faculty's research by their project seminars in these two semesters already.
The master’s thesis is scheduled for the 3rd semester. In the accompanying master's seminar, the latest scientific literature will be used to introduce the students to topics of current scientific research.
Career Perspectives
Due to the increasing importance of geographic data for our information society as well as the necessity to develop new application- and user-oriented processes for these data, our graduates can choose from a large number of possible careers. Possible fields of activities:
- environment and nature conservation
- marketing
- industrial surveying
- mechanical engineering
- land management
- surveying
- e-commerce
- tourism
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact personProf. Dr.-Ing. Ansgar Brunn
E-mail ansgar.brunn[at]
Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Jan Wilkening
E-mail jan.wilkening[at]
or the Dean's Office at the Faculty of Plastics Engineering and Surveying
Programme offered byTHWS Business School
Business Administration (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Business Administration
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admissioin requirements
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Bachelor Business Administration has the objective to offer a broad and practice-oriented training with a modern academic basis. On graduation, students are able to assist the management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to start their own businesses. Furthermore, due to its academic and quantitative approach this bachelor's programme entitles to take up master’s programmes at all higher education institutions. During the second part of their studies, students concentrate on a specific combination of subject areas; they are thus given the opportunity to intensify skills and knowledge identified and worked on during the first part of their studies.
Programme StructureThe programme is characterised by a broad basic training during the first part of studies followed by a specialised focus on the subject area. During the first part of studies, students are taught the skill to identify, understand, and work towards an solution for complex relations and interdependencies not only within the actual subject area. This is followed by two areas of specialisation so students are able to further improve their knowledge and their problem solving competence in the chosen subject areas. This structure is the theoretical foundation on which students can start building their professional careers in companies.
Career PerspectivesIn contrast to many other degree programmes with a broad approach towards their subject area, our students are being prepared for their future tasks by an extensive hands-on approach that involves project work in cooperation with companies. By order from external companies and especially in the chosen areas of specialisation, student project teams work on real-life questions. Networking is highly encouraged to enhance their professional expertise even further; therefore, students write their bachelor’s theses in colllaboration with companies.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue in our online application portal.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Christian Kille
Room S.3.14
Münzstraße 12
97070 Würzburg
E-Mail: christian.kille[at]
For office hours please visit the Faculty's Website
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business Administration (German)
Programme offered byDigital Rescue Management (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Digital Rescue Management
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C. (see below); Pre-Study internship
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Through practice-oriented teaching on a scientific basis in the field of rescue science and the associated related sciences, the degree programme imparts in particular the economic, technical and medical professional, methodological and social competences that enable students to independently apply scientific knowledge and procedures and to act responsibly in the non-clinical and clinical environment of emergency care and disaster control. The professional field of graduates is interdisciplinary and intersectoral, very broad and ranges from operators of rescue services, fire brigades and clinics to authorities and companies in the field of rescue, disaster control and crisis management. Due to the wide range of applications along the entire supply chain, competences in the field of interprofessional and intercultural communication and crisis management are also taught.
Programme StructureThe seven-semester study programme (210 ECTS) of Digital Rescue Management will, in addition to the acquisition of targeted specialist knowledge, train the ability to grasp overarching contexts, to react flexibly and, in particular, to control emergency events and required measures and activities downstream and to take responsibility there. The interlinking of medical and business management issues with questions from the field of leadership and communication is of great importance. Especially the medical-scientific contents and their interlinking with the medical-scientific content and its interlinking with the methodological-scientific approaches enable graduates to deal with the daily issues of the profession in a qualified, constructive and critical manner. Furthermore, the students' decision-making skills, communication skills and willingness to cooperate are (further) developed.
Career Perspectives- Manager in rescue service companies, aid organisations, control centres, public administration, emergency response authorities
- Consultant for medical technology and software companies
- Expert advisor in municipalities, emergency management, crisis teams, expert committees
- Risk and resource planning for various emergency scenarios in the health sector (emergency manager)
- Case management in the emergency sector (clinic, health insurance companies)
- Quality management, further development of organisational structures, training and further education, process design and optimisation
Graduates of the study programme have a broad range of competences in emergency services, medicine and organisation and are very well qualified in the context of economic issues. They can adequately assess and use the potential of digitalisation. This basis enables graduates to enter Master's programmes in economics and nursing sciences as well as medical-related programmes such as medical process management. Study programmes in education in health and emergency services are also open to graduates. Following a corresponding degree, there is the possibility of postgraduate studies leading to the degree of Dr. rer. pol. or comparable, as well as to the degree of Dr. rer. medic.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue you ronline application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Peter Bradl MHMM
Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Münzstraße 12
97070 Würzburg
International Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme International Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants, N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme “International Management” takes 3.5 years (seven semesters) including one practical semester (usually the fifth semester). Within a modular structure 210 CPs (approx. 30 CPs per semester) can be achieved.
The modules can be assigned to the following topics:
- General basics
- Economic basics
- Business functions
- Subject related specialisation
- General studies
- Specialist modules
The structure of the bachelor’s programme taught in English is similar to the German taught bachelor’s programme Business Administration (following the TWIN concept of FHWS). During the first two semesters, the internationally standardised basic modules are almost identical to the ones in Business Administration. In the 3rd and 4th semester, modules like Intercultural Management or Organizational Structure prepare students for the particularities in international business. An optional semester abroad during the 3rd or 4th semester and and optional internship abroaud during the 5th semester is an opportunity to get to know cultures and subject-specific perspectives of and in other countries. To make credit transfer easier, the subjects of the 3rd and 4th semester are designed and compiled similar to those at all partner universities. Two German or English taught specialisations have to be completed in the 6th and 7th semester.
Career PerspectivesOn graduation, students are able to assist management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to set up their own business. For their personal development students also acquire social and intercultural skills as well as language skills. Classes taught in English, an optional semester abroad, and the integration of international students (mobility at home) are designed to improve students’ competitiveness in the labour market.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Raum Z.2.09
Münzstraße 19
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8836
Email rainer.wehner[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website
Programme offered by
Media Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Media Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Media are constantly changing due to technical progress. The degree programme prepares students to develop, produce, design, and sell content for different kinds of media (print, broadcasting, online media; mobile applications). The central idea is teaching the students skills and knowledge of communication studies, business administration, but also legal issues and design-related matters. Students get to know all methods of media production from a strategic and also an operational perspective so that special skills in managing media projects are being developed.
Programme StructureAt the start of the programme, there is a three-day team training and a focused introduction to project work, i.e. the first-semester project. During the first four semesters, students learn business basics and the fundamentals of media science and journalism. Additionally, their technical English knowledge will be intensified. Many practice-oriented projects support the development of managerial skills. There is not only the possibility for a semester abroad (for an internship or studies abroad), it is highly appreciated and supported. The 5th semester is an internship semester usually spent in media companies, marketing departments or agencies. During the 6th and 7th semester, students can choose from four areas of specialisation to further enhance their skills: Cross-media editing, PR and Corporate Communications, Product and Project Management, Digital Media Marketing. The degree programme is completed by writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesSpecialist and executive positions in journalism, PR/corporate communications, in digital media management, video production and social media.
Additional InformationYou are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Steffen Hillebrecht
Room S.3.04
Sanderring 8a, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8824
E-Mail steffen.hillebrecht[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website!
Link to programme page Media Management
Programme offered by
THWS Business School
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities
Brand and Media Management (M.A.)
Master's programme Brand and Media Management
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; professional experience (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Brands and media shape the world’s global economy. Within three semesters, our Master’s programme Brand and Media Management equips its students to take over and carry out managerial tasks in brand-driven companies, agencies, consultancies, and media companies.
Programme StructureThere are twelve modules taught, e.g. Brand Strategy, Media Planning and Agency Management, that are accompanied by two practical projects working on specific issues from everyday corporate life, e.g. developing brand properties or social media campaigns. At the end, a master’s thesis has to be prepared.
Career PerspectivesGraduates find excellent career options in brand-driven companies (e.g. Audi, dm, L'Oréal), consulting agencies (e.g. Brand-Trust, Interbrand), marketing agencies (e.g. Jung von Matt, Serviceplan), service providers (e.g. BrandMaker, Optimal Media), in traditional media companies (e.g. Axel Springer, RTL), and social media (e.g. YouTube, Instagram).
Additional InformationAdmission to our German-taught Master’s programme Brand and Media Management (M3ve) is restricted. Numerus clauses is the overall degree grade 2.5. For more information, please visit the programme’s website (available only in German) The following is vital for your application:
- Bachelor’s degree with 210 ECTS credit points and (very) good grades
- Proof of (very) good business administration knowledge
- Proof of relevant professional experience in theory and practice
Please fill out the form Studienvoraussetzungen (available only in German) and upload it during the online application process to our application portal. Do not forget to add meaningful proof of relevant internships.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Dr. Karsten Kilian
Münzstraße 12, Würzburg
E-Mail karsten.kilian[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's website
Website of the Master's programme Brand and Media Management (German only)
Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (M.A.)
Master's programme Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; N. C.; selection process
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme “Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises” is geared towards all those interested in designing and shaping new products, services, operating areas and/or organisational changes - either at an operational or management level. Innovation is not only about products and production methods, it is also about strategic and leadership issues within enterprises. Thus, a work climate is supposed to be developed where graduates are able to identify opportunities for change, assess them in terms of market value and initiate relevant means of implementation. Our university puts particular importance on direct application of acquired theoretical knowledge; therefore, the programme offers practical projects cooperating with well-known enterprises. By working well with partner companies, graduates have the chance to set themselves apart and pave the way for a possible career.
Programme StructureThe programme consists of ten coordinated modules accompanied by two practical projects; it is completed by a final thesis. This combination of theory and practice allows the students to learn the theoretical basics, but also to gather necessary practical experiences. The ten modules comprise several coordinated classes specially devised for this degree programme. In terms of content, they concentrate on providing the basics of science/theory and methodology/techniques. Additionally, they have a strong orientation towards real-world topics and problems and so prepare students for their future activities in enterprises. The two practical projects accompany and follow after the modules, respectively. These projects are an opportunity for students to work on innovative projects in small and medium sized enterprises and thus to apply, evaluate and intensify their their professional, methodical, and social expertise as well as their self-competence.
Career PerspectivesThe degree programme focuses heavily on strengthening the innovative potential in German small and medium sized enterprises. By the programme’s holistic approach, graduates are able to start their careers in various business departments where they can add their innovation competence. Career options are available in business administration departments, but also technical departments. The master’s programme thus offers a interdisciplinary degree and equips its students to carry out leadership tasks in projects, but also to take over other higher managerial tasks in an innovation-driven environment. Moreover, the programme is a perfect starting point to becoming an entrepreneur; On a regular basis, there are start-ups established by students while still studying or immediately after graduation.
Additional InformationAdmission to our German-taught Master’s programme Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (i2m) is restricted. A degree in economics/business administration, technology, social sciences or natural sciences from a German university or equivalent with 210 ECTS credit points and an overall grade of 2.5 or better is required for admission to the master’s programme. Please note that all documents including the degree certificate or an official confirmation that you have successfully completed the degree programme stating the overall degree grade must be available by 15 August.
Contact personProf. Dr. Gerhard Hube
Room F.1.18
Friedrichstrasse 17a, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8873
E-Mail gerhard.hube[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website
Website of the Master's programme Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (German only)
Link to programme page Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises
Programme offered byInternational Business with Regional Focus (MBA)
Master's programme International Business with Regional Focus
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Bachelor's degree, professional experience, English proficiency (details see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg (additionally 4 weeks abroad in Russia, Taiwan or Columbia for students with focus on Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 5,500 per semester plus administrative fee for the Studentenwerk (150 euro/semester, public transport ticket included)
Our advanced training Master’s programme International Business with Regional Focus qualifies its students for taking over leadership positions in companies or similar organisations with international business activities. It is a general management training covering all fields of business administration and all managerial functions. Each course focuses particularly on the specific challenges of business in an international context. Despite being a full-time programme (90 ECTS credits), it is still possible to maintain your professional activity or to acquire practical work experience during your studies, as the courses take place mainly on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition to professional and methodological skills, your social and personal skills will be strengthened, for example by two study-integrated team trainings. The small and international group of students (max. 25 students) fosters the development of intercultural skills on a daily basis.
Programme StructureCourses are taught in English and held by professors and experienced professionals from renowned companies. For their specialization, students can focus on one of the following regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America. With the help of languages courses in German, Russian, Mandarin or Spanish you are perfectly prepared for a four-week stay at one ouf our partner universities in Moscow (Russia), Taipeh (Taiwan) or in Bogotá (Columbia); there, the module 5 Doing Business in and with Focus Region is taught. Usually after three semesters, you will be awarded the worldwide recognized degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Career PerspectivesThe degree programme wants to train specialists for the lower and middle management who intend to take over operative responsibilities in an international business context - independent from their professional background, industry or company size. In addition, graduates are also well prepared to start their own business or commit themselves to science/academia.
Additional InformationSimplified overview of entrance requirements (according to § 3 of the study and examination regulations):
- first degree qualifying for profession (Bachelor's or comparable degree)
- with a scope of 210 ECTS credit points (if less, extra courses are available)
- with a minimum grade of 2.5 (German system)
- in any discipline
- at least one year of qualified professional experience after the first degree (an additional year can be accredited with 30 ECTS credit points)
- English proficiency of the CEFR-level B2
- German proficiency of the CEFR-level A1 (can be documented up to 12 months after start of studies)
Worth knowing about the MBA programme International Business:
- The programme starts in October each year and will be completed after three semesters (18 month) with a Master’s thesis.
- Full-time programme; courses are mainly on Friday and Saturday.
Noteable before you start the application procedure:
- Please consider the above-mentioned admission requirements before starting the application procedure.
- Please make sure that you had provided us with your valid and accessible email address because the system will automatically create your personal entry to the application portal with your e-mail address.
- Application all-year via the programme's Homepage and also between April 15th and July 15th via the THWS application portal.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProgramme Director: Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher and Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch
Office Manager: Laura Wolf
Room K.2.05
Franz-Horn-Str. 2
97082 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-6301
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00-15:00
Link to programme page International Business with Regional Focus
Programme offered byManaging Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Master's programme Managing Global Dynamics
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: NC
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg, international partner universities (Salerno/Sibiu)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The objective of this degree programme is to teach intensive application-oriented knowledge on a scientific basis to graduates of bachelor's programmes, German Diplom programmes or equivalent, which empower them to act independently and responsibly in an international business environment, in particular through intercultural and interdisciplinary competence. This ability is enhanced by, among other things, the compulsory semester abroad. The focus of the programme is on teaching a comprehensive, internationally oriented approach to business administration. The degree programme is designed, in particular, to enable students to develop agile entrepreneurial thinking in an environment that is constantly changing due to globalisation, in order to use this to further develop organisations in an economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable manner.
Programme StructureThe consecutive master’s programme comprises 90 ECTS credits to be earned in three programme semesters. During the first programme semester, in-depth knowledge of international business administration is taught to the extent of 30 ECTS credits. During the semester, students will have their compulsory stay abroad, which will also award 30 ECTS credits. The master thesis will conclude the third semester, which awards 30 ECTS credits in connection with further contents taught during this semester. The second part of studies (2nd semester) is to be completed abroad. Students may choose between two partner universities: ULBS in Sibiu (Romania) or the University of Salerno (Italy).
Career Perspectives- National and multi-national organisations
- Small and medium-sized enterprises with an international orientation
- Self-employment in an international environment
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Important! Please fill out the form to select the partner university and upload it with your documents.
Contact personProf. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Markus Engert M.Sc.
Faculty of Visual Design
Communication Design (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Communication Design
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; aptitude test (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Communication brings people together, it connects, gives information and enthuses. It is always about the goals and desires of its participants. However, it is also often about problems or challenges and their solution. For this, the means of communication follow the objectives mentioned above and they can vary greatly. There are for example, brochures, posters, films, websites, magazines, room concepts and many more. Every communicative result is based on a conception and complements the technical skills acquired during the course of the programme. As a consequence, a widely diversified range of offers is created; these offers are geared to current practical communication so they qualify graduates to successfully work in diverse occupational fields according to their own talent and interests.
Programme StructureThe first half of the programme (first three semesters) is committed to teaching the basics of creative design and technical skills for creating and finalising designs. Additionally, theoretical basics of areas from science and technology relevant for design are taught. The second half of the programme (fourth to seventh semester) focuses on specialisation in individual areas of design. By a project-oriented focus, students can specialise in particular areas of activity or in specific design tools and distribution media. From the fifth to the seventh semester, students learn in semester-overlapping classes to encourage the exchange of experiences between students from different semesters. The degree programme’s distinctive feature is the practical module, which usually takes place during the fifth semester. During the seventh semester, students work on their Bachelor’s thesis.
Career PerspectivesThe degree "Bachelor of Arts" for the programme Communication Design qualifies graduates for demanding professional activities especially in the following areas: Print media (newspapers, magazines, books); electronic and audio-visual media (web, film, animation); digital applications (UX/UI design, AR/VR, apps, e-commerce); advertising; marketing; branding; corporate design; museums, exhibitions and fairs; photography either as a freelancer or employed by design agencies, press/marketing agencies, or publishers.
Additional InformationIn addition to regularly applying/registering for studies, the Bachelor’s programme Communication Design requires submission of a portfolio as well as an aptitude test. Further information is available from the Faculty’s application page.
The assessment of your portfolio and the aptitude test aim at proving your artistic talent and programme-specific aptitude for studying Communication Design at THWS. The result is decisive for admission to the degree programme.
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Christoph Barth
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8458
Office hours by appointment
Programme offered byDesign & Information (former: Information Design) (M.A.)
Master's programme Design & Information (former: Information Design)
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; aptitude test (see below)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer and winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Information Design is seen as an umbrella term for creative contributions to visual culture. The programme focuses on the multimedia culture of knowledge: visual awareness, education and guideline assistance in the multimedia world we live and work in. The master’s programme is geared towards graduates of design studies who want a qualification for independent, project-oriented work beyond the classic design training. The connection of design and future-oriented research, including applied and fundamental research, is paramount. Therefore, the Würzburg Master Model requires a way of thinking and working that connects practical designing even stronger with scholarly reflection. During the course of the degree programme, structures, models, theories, and languages of design practice, cultural and social sciences are developed - always in relation to the students’ research interests.
Programme StructureStudents apply with their own project and work on it throughout their period of study. The programme is consists of consecutive modules which include theoretical, but also practical subjects. The programme concludes with a successfully completed master’s thesis which should show the practical result of the student’s project and a theoretical and scientific preparation of it. Students plan and structure their course of study with a high degree of autonomy. Among important modules like project theory and project practice, students can also choose from a range of classes on the philosophy of science, methodological, or practical classes according to their individual plan in the different stages of their studies. Interaction with experts from other disciplines, higher education institutions, institutes, and research institutions is vitally important, as today’s design is dependent on multidisciplinary teamwork.
Career PerspectivesA Master of Arts in Information Design particularly qualifies graduates for self-employment or leading positions in relevant enterprises.
Professional priorities are: Interdisciplinary strategy and concept development, classical print media, electronic and audiovisual media (web, film, animation), digital products (UX/UI design, AR/VR, applications, e-commerce); advertising; marketing; branding; corporate design; museums, exhibitions and fairs; photography either as a freelancer or employed in managerial roles by design agencies, press agencies, or publishers.
Additional InformationAdmission to this Master’s programme is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website.
In addition to the application via THWS Apply, prospective students must complete a registration form of the Faculty of Design and provide supplementary documents.
Further information on this can be found on the website of the Faculty of Design.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact personProf. Erich Schöls
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8805
E-Mail erich.schö
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page Design & Information (former: Information Design)
Programme offered byProgrammes in English
Applied Mathematics (in English) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real challenges from basically all areas of society, engineering, and business.
Applied Mathematics is about solving complex problems by connecting mathematical analyses with modern computer-aided methods like machine learning and data science.
The degree programme Applied Mathematics is conceptualised as a TWIN programme, which means that there is a German-taught counterpart to the English-taught course. These programmes allow students to complete modules in both German and English. The TWIN programmes are complemented by cultural and linguistic training. In addition to bilingual teaching, the TWIN programme also offers students the opportunity to connect with students from different cultures. That way, linguistic skills and intercultural competence are being promoted which is especially important for companies operating globally.
Programme Structure
The programme contains modules from mathematics and computer science, and depending on the chosen specialisation, engineering or business modules:
Mathematics: In addition to the foundation modules Analysis and Linear Algebra, fields of applied mathematics, among them Numerics, Optimisation, Stochastics, Statistics, and Differential Equations are covered.
Computer Science: The programme includes procedural and object-oriented programming in several programming languages (e.g. C/C++, Python), database systems and programming in mathematical software like Matlab and R.
In addition to expert knowledge in the fields, the degree programme also offers courses in professional English, soft skills like communication and presentation skills, and key competencies that are essential for matching the continuously changing candidate profiles: abstraction abilities, structured approaches, and analytical thinking.
Career Perspectives
Graduates of Applied Mathematics have excellent future-proof career perspectives, e.g. simulation specialist, data scientist, consultant, machine learning engineer, software developer, or as finance or insurance manager.
The degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) also qualifies graduates for consecutive master’s programmes in related areas. One of the options at THWS would be the master’s programme Artificial Intelligence (MAI).
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
The sixth semester is the internship semester and is completed in a company. Students generally also complete their bachelor's thesis with this company.
This programme is optionally also offered as “Academic study with intensive in-company training”. For this, the students spend the lecture-free period and the internship semester working in a company of their choice.
Contact person
Programme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
Email michael.bodewig[at]
Link to programme page Applied Mathematics (in English)
Programme offered by
Applied Polymer Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Polymer Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Applied Polymer Engineering aims to train independent, responsible engineers, who put the technical potential of plastics and elastomers to intelligent use and use them to shape a sustainable future.
By combining theoretical knowledge and with specialised applications of modern devices and machines, the students develop a solid, extensive understanding that enables them to work in every field of plastics and/or elastomer engineering, depending on their personal interest.
The TWIN programme Applied Polymer Engineering/ Kunststoff- und Elastomertechnik enables students to complete their studies in German and English. If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed you studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme Structure
Fundamentals (1st and 2nd semester):
Mostly natural scientific and engineering foundation modules, lab and practice module, initial plastics module
Main studies (3rd and 4th semester):
Plastics and rubber engineering modules, engineering modules, technical modules, lab and practice module
Internship semester (5th semester)
Specialisation (6th and 7th semester):
Polymer and elastomer engineering modules, technical and business modules, research project, and lab/ practice module
Bachelor's thesis (7th semester)
Career Perspectives
The career perspectives of our graduates are as diverse as the applications for plastics and elastomers:
- Mechanical and apparatus engineering
- Vehicle manufacturing and shipbuilding
- Aerospace and space engineering
- Environmental protection
- Chemical synthesis
- Medical engineering
- Packaging industry
- Polymer analytics
- Sports and leisure equipment industry
- …
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Programme offered by
Business and Engineering (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme Structure
During the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an enginnering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose purchasing (mainly taught in English), production, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, purchasing, sales or digital business.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career Perspectives
Due to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional Information
Please follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Elke Stadelmann
Room 6.1.08
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8739
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered by
Hydrogen Technology Transnational (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Hydrogen Technology Transnational
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: Pre-year at German Jordanian University (GJU), prior to registration at THWS proof of language skills in German of B1 or higher (CEFR), and in English of B2 or higher (TOEFL: at least 72).
Language of Instruction: German, English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt, international partner universities (German Jordanian University (GJU) for pre-year and the first 4 semesters)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: yes (see website of the degree programme)
The Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) is offering a transnational bachelor’s degree programme in Hydrogen Technology in cooperation with the German Jordanian University (GJU) in Amman, Jordan. The degree programme is offered at both higher education institutions: the students start their studies in Jordan and complete them in Germany. The graduates develop all skills required for independent and professional conduct in the various practical areas of planning, construction, and operation of hydrogen plants.
The BWTT programme trains hydrogen engineers in the areas of planning, construction, and operation of hydrogen plants. Graduates of the degree programme receive a German higher education degree, which allows them to extend their stay in Germany for up to another 1.5 years to find work and to thus start their career as an engineer in a German company. The programme is accredited by the Jordanian Engineering Association, among others, and internationally recognised. A transnational degree programme is the perfect chance to experience different nationalities and cultures and to develop intercultural competence, that is sought after by prospective employers.
Programme Structure
Students generally complete a pre-year at GJU after which they enrol at THWS. The degree programme Hydrogen Engineering Transnational is a full-time programme of a standard time to degree of seven semesters, one of which is an internship semester.
Students qualifying for the programme through the pre-year, should estimate nine semesters for their studies. Most courses of the pre-year are accredited to the degree programme which reduces the workload of subsequent semesters. The pre-year and the first four semesters of the programme are taught at GJU in Jordan by lecturers of GJU and THWS. The final three semesters are taught at THWS in Germany.
Students participate in an intensive training of the German language and culture which optimally prepares them for their stay abroad. In the 7th programme semester after their practice module or the practice project, students are given the opportunity to write their bachelor's thesis in cooperation with a company. This gives students in-depth insights into current fields of research and development in the industry.
Career Perspectives
Our graduates have multiple opportunities to continue their training: They can continue training in the field of energy technology, mechanical engineering, plant and apparatus design, process engineering, energy economy, and sustainable resource management. Through the close interconnectedness of general engineering skills and skills in the field of carbon-free energy sources, we prepare our graduates of the degree programme Hydrogen Technology Transnational optimally for the challenges of the energy transition.
In the degree programme, our students lay the sustainable and future-proof basis for their further academic development. As hydrogen engineers, our graduates can work in various fields and areas, including the energy sector, engineering firms, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, plant design, technical infrastructure, transport and logistics, energy technology, heat engineering, infrastructure elements, process plant design, electro-chemical plants, vehicle engineering and technology, ...
Additional Information
Admission to the programme B.Eng. Hydrogen Technology Transnational is subject to proof of the following:
- general higher education qualification
- the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife; also obtained during the GJU-Pre-Year)
- the advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) OR
- A higher education entrance qualification rendered equivalent by law or by the competent governmental agency that allows the holder of the qualification to access bachelor’s studies at German higher education institutions
Admission to the degree programme is not restricted. Additional admission requirements of the degree programme are:
- German language skills: Students must provide certificates of German language knowledge:
- at commencement of studies: (or by the end of the GJU-Pre-Year): B1 (CEFR) or better
- by the end of the 4th programme semester: B2 (CEFR) or better
- English language skills: Prior to their first semester, (or prior to the GJU Pre-Year), students must provide proof of English knowledge of level B2 or better (TOEFL: at least 72).
Contact person
Degree programme coordinator
Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke
phone: +49 9721 940-8797
Email: winfried.wilke[at]
Link to programme page Hydrogen Technology Transnational
Programme offered by
International Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme International Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants, N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme “International Management” takes 3.5 years (seven semesters) including one practical semester (usually the fifth semester). Within a modular structure 210 CPs (approx. 30 CPs per semester) can be achieved.
The modules can be assigned to the following topics:
- General basics
- Economic basics
- Business functions
- Subject related specialisation
- General studies
- Specialist modules
Programme Structure
The structure of the bachelor’s programme taught in English is similar to the German taught bachelor’s programme Business Administration (following the TWIN concept of FHWS). During the first two semesters, the internationally standardised basic modules are almost identical to the ones in Business Administration. In the 3rd and 4th semester, modules like Intercultural Management or Organizational Structure prepare students for the particularities in international business. An optional semester abroad during the 3rd or 4th semester and and optional internship abroaud during the 5th semester is an opportunity to get to know cultures and subject-specific perspectives of and in other countries. To make credit transfer easier, the subjects of the 3rd and 4th semester are designed and compiled similar to those at all partner universities. Two German or English taught specialisations have to be completed in the 6th and 7th semester.
Career Perspectives
On graduation, students are able to assist management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to set up their own business. For their personal development students also acquire social and intercultural skills as well as language skills. Classes taught in English, an optional semester abroad, and the integration of international students (mobility at home) are designed to improve students’ competitiveness in the labour market.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Raum Z.2.09
Münzstraße 19
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8836
Email rainer.wehner[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website
Link to programme page International Management
Programme offered by
Logistics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our Twin Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch between programmes/languages and thus acquire a Twin Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, mostly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme Structure
Among the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
With this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional Information
Please follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693Email
Link to programme page Logistics (in English)
Programme offered by
Mechatronics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor’s programme Mechatronics is devised to meet the multidisciplinary requirements of today’s industry. This engineering discipline combines the expertise from areas of electrical and mechanical engineering with information processing. In addition to delivering a solid understanding of these areas, this programme aims to develop further skills needed to carry out and manage engineering projects. Specially designed courses enable students to identify the environmental impact of technology and encourage them to act responsibly. Due to elective modules, the students may tailor their courses according to their own inclinations and interests without compromises. The practice-oriented learning environment at THWS makes them capable of applying the know-how and scientific methods to solve engineering problems independently. This programme also focuses on personality development by offering foreign languages, interaction in multicultural teams, soft skills and further social competences. The degree programme can also serve as a solid fundament for graduate studies.
Programme Structure
A six-week pre-study internship is a requirement of this Bachelor’s programme. The programme can be divided into three stages. At the first stage, consisting of three semesters, basic and foundation modules are offered. The emphasis is on the fundamentals of engineering, mathematics, computing, natural sciences and soft skills. The second stage of the programme, consisting of the fourth and fifth semester, deals with core modules of mechatronics. The theory and lab courses, offered at this stage, involve control systems, measuring techniques, actuators, software engineering, embedded systems, design & simulation of mechatronic systems etc. A wide range of elective modules with direct industrial relevance to automation, robotics, manufacturing, power engineering and automotive sectors is also offered during the fifth semester. The final stage of the degree programme, consisting of the sixth and seventh semester, involves practical training with real-world problems. The major part of the sixth semester is an internship in industry. During this internship students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the industrial problems. This way they develop a problem-solving approach. The seventh semester involves an engineering project, a Bachelor’s thesis and some interdisciplinary lab work.
Career Perspectives
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering. Mechatronics engineers can perform a wide variety of jobs such as research and development; hardware and software design; product development; planning, execution and management of engineering projects; installation, testing and commissioning of industrial equipment; quality control; marketing; customer care and consulting. The career prospects are very bright. Potential employers are companies from various industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, robotics, manufacturing, material processing, energy systems, drives, printing, medical systems and consumer products etc. Their multidisciplinary competencies enable them to assume coordination and leading jobs in project teams involving engineers of other disciplines like electrical, mechanical and software engineering. The Bachelor’s programme at THWS is highly practical. The interaction of students with the industry, during the internship and the Bachelor’s thesis, normally paves the path to a fascinating career in a national or multinational enterprise.
Additional Information
Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Abid Ali
Room 1.1.64
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940- 8454
E-Mail abid.ali[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in English)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Robotics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing.
Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
This English-taught Bachelor‘s programme is designed as TWIN programme alongside the existing German-taught Bachelor’s programme Robotik. TWIN programmes enable you to complete your studies in both German and English. You will also do cultural and linguistic trainings when studying those TWIN Programmes.
If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed your studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme Structure
The Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis.
A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career Perspectives
Driven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional Information
Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Marian Daun
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8552
E-Mail marian.daun[at]
Link to programme page Robotics (in English)
Programme offered by
Artificial Intelligence (M. Sc.)
Master's programme Artificial Intelligence
Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 Semester (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary field that builds on the content of computer science, mathematics, physics and cognitive science, but also extends to many other areas.
The aim of the new English-language degree programme is to educate AI experts who are familiar with the relevant algorithms, models and social challenges of AI, and who can develop and evaluate software systems with AI functionality.
Having completed their studies, graduates will be able to elaborate solutions for standard and individual AI systems, to use innovative technologies in AI systems in industrial and non-industrial environments, and to strengthen their area of expertise.
Programme Structure
The Master's programme extends over 3 semesters and provides profound knowledge of AI as well as comprehensive competences for the implementation of AI methods and models in practice. For this purpose, practical projects are included into the programme and students are involved in work in the AI laboratories at an early stage. By working in a laboratory environment, students gain an early and intensive insight into the methods of scientific work.
Since the use of AI in everyday life leads to considerable changes in society, students also take courses on AI ethics, law and the sociological consequences of AI in order to be able to responsibly co-design the transformation process.
Since a large number of potential employers in the AI industry operate globally, students are strongly encouraged to complete a stay abroad. The faculty supports this through a large number of collaborations with universities abroad.
Career Perspectives
Graduates of the programme will be able to independently develop, enhance and implement complex AI systems. Furthermore, they will be able to assess and take into account ethical and legal issues in the development and operation of AI systems.
Qualification for professions in the spectrum of AI, data science, cognitive computing.
Additional Information
Admission to the Master’s programme MAI is subject to a number of conditions. Further information can be found on the programme pages.
To check if the requirements are met it is important that the MAI application form provided on the website is completed and uploaded via the THWS Campusportal.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the MAI website in good time.
The course and examination language is English.
For being able to participate in this degree programme, we highly recommend a general English proficiency up to the level C1 (CEFR), sound English proficiency of the level B2 (CEFR) is a requirement.
In the case of applicants with English higher education entrance qualifications, this language proficiency will be assumed.
Furthermore, evidence of proficiency in German on level A2 (CEFR) has to be provided. This level of language command, along with a corresponding certificate, can also be achieved within the first two semesters of the degree programme. (This offer is not available for German native speakers.) For more information regarding Application and Admission, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Schleif
Campus Sanderheinrichsleitenweg (SHL)
Phone +49 931 3511-8127
E-Mail mai.fiw[at]
Link to programme page Artificial Intelligence
Programme offered by
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Business and Engineering (in English) (M.Eng.)
Master's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General and special qualification requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 Semester (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Innovation cycles become shorter, the political and economical environment becomes more insecure. The acronym VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – summarises these new conditions. Volatility leads to uncertainty; changes become the rule. Interrelationships are becoming more complex, the information situation becomes more confusing and also more contradictory. Nevertheless, economic actors have to make economic and technical decisions.
The aim of the degree programme is to provide students with the necessary skills to work successfully in a world shaped by VUCA. In addition to specific technical competences, the degree programme teaches the skills to understand problems comprehensively and to solve them in an organised manner in interdisciplinary teams.
Programme Structure
Throughout their studies, students work within the framework of a guiding topic, which is newly selected for each cohort and which is addressed in each module. The research project that the students work on is also within in this context. In the first semester, the focus is not only on applied scientific work, but also on the holistic understanding of complex problems and the framework conditions for finding solutions. In the second semester, concepts are taught with which the students develop their own approaches to solving problems in their research projects. In the third semester, students concentrate on the elaboration of their research project in the master's thesis as well as its scientific presentation and discussion.
Career Perspectives
Graduates can be employed wherever interdisciplinary technical and economic integration and innovation tasks need to be solved in and between companies. The special added value for employers lies in the graduates' ability to develop solutions for complex problems in an environment characterised by volatility and uncertainty. The interdisciplinary education in a multicultural environment makes graduates particularly interesting for employment in international companies.
Additional Information
Completed university studies with 210 credit points and an overall grade of 2.5 or better in the field(s) of business and engineering (“Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen”), engineering sciences, economics, or logistics from a German university or an equivalent degree, of which at least 20 CP from the field of technology, in particular basic competences from the fields of electrical engineering, technical mechanics, material sciences, technical systems, and at least 20 CP from the field of economics, in particular basic competences from the fields of business administration, private law, external and managerial accounting.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peik Bremer
Room 20.1.74
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8667
Email peik.bremer[at]
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered by
International Business with Regional Focus (MBA)
Master's programme International Business with Regional Focus
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Bachelor's degree, professional experience, English proficiency (details see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg (additionally 4 weeks abroad in Russia, Taiwan or Columbia for students with focus on Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: € 5,500 per semester plus administrative fee for the Studentenwerk (150 euro/semester, public transport ticket included)
Our advanced training Master’s programme International Business with Regional Focus qualifies its students for taking over leadership positions in companies or similar organisations with international business activities. It is a general management training covering all fields of business administration and all managerial functions. Each course focuses particularly on the specific challenges of business in an international context. Despite being a full-time programme (90 ECTS credits), it is still possible to maintain your professional activity or to acquire practical work experience during your studies, as the courses take place mainly on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition to professional and methodological skills, your social and personal skills will be strengthened, for example by two study-integrated team trainings. The small and international group of students (max. 25 students) fosters the development of intercultural skills on a daily basis.
Programme Structure
Courses are taught in English and held by professors and experienced professionals from renowned companies. For their specialization, students can focus on one of the following regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America. With the help of languages courses in German, Russian, Mandarin or Spanish you are perfectly prepared for a four-week stay at one ouf our partner universities in Moscow (Russia), Taipeh (Taiwan) or in Bogotá (Columbia); there, the module 5 Doing Business in and with Focus Region is taught. Usually after three semesters, you will be awarded the worldwide recognized degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Career Perspectives
The degree programme wants to train specialists for the lower and middle management who intend to take over operative responsibilities in an international business context - independent from their professional background, industry or company size. In addition, graduates are also well prepared to start their own business or commit themselves to science/academia.
Additional Information
Simplified overview of entrance requirements (according to § 3 of the study and examination regulations):
- first degree qualifying for profession (Bachelor's or comparable degree)
- with a scope of 210 ECTS credit points (if less, extra courses are available)
- with a minimum grade of 2.5 (German system)
- in any discipline
- at least one year of qualified professional experience after the first degree (an additional year can be accredited with 30 ECTS credit points)
- English proficiency of the CEFR-level B2
- German proficiency of the CEFR-level A1 (can be documented up to 12 months after start of studies)
Worth knowing about the MBA programme International Business:
- The programme starts in October each year and will be completed after three semesters (18 month) with a Master’s thesis.
- Full-time programme; courses are mainly on Friday and Saturday.
Noteable before you start the application procedure:
- Please consider the above-mentioned admission requirements before starting the application procedure.
- Please make sure that you had provided us with your valid and accessible email address because the system will automatically create your personal entry to the application portal with your e-mail address.
- Application all-year via the programme's Homepage and also between April 15th and July 15th via the THWS application portal.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Christina Zecher and Prof. Dr. Artur Fabisch
Office Manager: Laura Wolf
Room K.2.05
Franz-Horn-Str. 2
97082 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-6301
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00-15:00
Link to programme page International Business with Regional Focus
Programme offered by
International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants (M.A.)
Master's programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The master’s programme International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants is an application-oriented, consecutive, in terms of content and network internationally oriented English-language degree programme. The programme provides professional, social and profession-related competences for the field of action of social work with migrants and refugees in the international and national context. Based on empirical findings and theoretical references, students are qualified with respect to intercultural, legal, educational and psychological matters to develop and implement solution-oriented action for the special situation of refugees and migrants. They are able to operate in the area of policies of local as well as international actors. The professional grasp of social work in the context of migration will be thus further developed.
Programme Structure
The programme consists of six areas of study which will turn the students’ focus to the international level of social work, sensitise them for the work with refugees and migrants, and teach them practice-oriented methodological and decision-making competences. Especially the the fifth area of study ("Exploring the field") strengthens the international focus of the programme. Students learn the language of a typical region of origin or transit and have the opportunity to study abroad or do an internship abroad for one semester, preferably in a region of origin or transit.
Career Perspectives
Graduates are able to act professionally on a national level (e.g. migrants’ advice centres, youth welfare with unaccompanied minor refugees, volunteer management) and to do management tasks. Moreover, they are able to work skilfully and competently in an international environment (e.g. supervision of UNHCR refugee camps, EU Asylum Hotspot Centres or other internationally operating organisations). The steadily growing demand for skilled specialists due to the world-wide increasing migration results in very good job prospects.
Additional Information
Admission to the Master’s programme MRM is subject to a number of conditions. For more information, please visit the programme website.
In order to check that these conditions are met, it is important to fill in the MRM application form available on the above website and upload it to THWS Campusportal during the application process.
You will find further information about the start of studies and the schedule on the programme website in good time.
For more information about application and enrolment, please visit the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl
Room T.1.10
Tiepolostraße 6, Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8225
E-Mail tanja.kleibl[at]
Office hours by appointment
Link to programme page International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants
Programme offered by
Managing Global Dynamics (M.A.)
Master's programme Managing Global Dynamics
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Entrance Requirements: NC
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg, international partner universities (Salerno/Sibiu)
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The objective of this degree programme is to teach intensive application-oriented knowledge on a scientific basis to graduates of bachelor's programmes, German Diplom programmes or equivalent, which empower them to act independently and responsibly in an international business environment, in particular through intercultural and interdisciplinary competence. This ability is enhanced by, among other things, the compulsory semester abroad. The focus of the programme is on teaching a comprehensive, internationally oriented approach to business administration. The degree programme is designed, in particular, to enable students to develop agile entrepreneurial thinking in an environment that is constantly changing due to globalisation, in order to use this to further develop organisations in an economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable manner.
Programme Structure
The consecutive master’s programme comprises 90 ECTS credits to be earned in three programme semesters. During the first programme semester, in-depth knowledge of international business administration is taught to the extent of 30 ECTS credits. During the semester, students will have their compulsory stay abroad, which will also award 30 ECTS credits. The master thesis will conclude the third semester, which awards 30 ECTS credits in connection with further contents taught during this semester. The second part of studies (2nd semester) is to be completed abroad. Students may choose between two partner universities: ULBS in Sibiu (Romania) or the University of Salerno (Italy).
Career Perspectives
- National and multi-national organisations
- Small and medium-sized enterprises with an international orientation
- Self-employment in an international environment
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and programme specific admission requirements:
Persons with German university entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs
Persons with non-German university entrance qualification: International Office.
Important! Please fill out the form to select the partner university and upload it with your documents.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Markus Engert M.Sc.
Link to programme page Managing Global Dynamics
Programme offered by
Transformation (MBA)
Master's programme Transformation
Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Entrance Requirements: Completed higher education degree or comparable degree (with a minimum of 180 - 210 ECTS credits), relevant professional experience of at least 1 year after the first degree, additional professional experience may be used for accreditation of ECTS credits, qualification on an academic and practice-oriented level, good business knowledge
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 3 semesters (start: summer semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: 16,500 € for 3 semesters plus semester fee and additional fees for exam repetitions
The programme differs from classic MBA programmes in that the focus lies not on managing the status quo of an organisation, but on managing and leading transformation processes. The Master Management of Business Transformation follows the principle that the success of a transformation depends firstly on self-reflection, secondly on empathy and understanding for other people and intelligent machines, and thirdly on understanding the cause-effect relationships of the complex and dynamic ecosystem. A combination of peer and individual coaching flanks the process of understanding and reflection.
Programme Structure
Semester 1:
- Understanding Purpose and Value
- Understanding Complex Ecosystems
- Understanding Humans and Intelligent Machines
Semester 2:
- Business Modelling and Simulation
- Managing Organisational Behaviour
- Managing and Leading Humans
Semester 3:
- Applied Transformation Project
- Master's Thesis and Seminar
Career Perspectives
The Master's degree qualifies students for specialist and management positions as well as for business start-ups in the field of business transformation. The Master's programme is interdisciplinarily- and internationally-oriented and thus offers a solid foundation for a career in globally-operating organisations.
We provide highly practice-oriented training and impart transformation competencies independent of industry and institution. Possible job profiles are: Change Agent, Project Manager in transformation projects up to becoming a Transformation Manager.
Graduates can take on responsibility in a wide range of organisations. Companies, as well as public institutions and NGOs, need transformation management. In addition, there is the possibility of self-employment or work in consultancy and further education. The global orientation of the programme and the fact that English is the language of instruction increase the attractiveness of graduates for potential employers.
Additional Information
Further information on the general and specific degree programm admission requirements are found on the following pages:
- Persons with a German highereducation entrance qualification: Department of Student Affairs,
- Persons with a foreign higher education entrance qualification: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ankenbrand (Head of the degree programme)
E-mail: Master-Transformation[at]
Room: 20.1.53
Campus Ledward
97421 Schweinfurt
Link to programme page Transformation
Programme offered by
Campus for Professional Development
Faculty of Business and Engineering
TWIN programmes
Our English-taught Bachelor's programmes at THWS are designed as so called TWIN Programmes alongside the existing German-taught Bachelor's programmes. Those programmes enable you to complete your studies in both German and English. You will also do cultural and linguistic trainings when studying those TWIN Programmes.
They aim is to build a big international community (THWS i-Campus), where German and international students can learn together and from each other.
The TWIN Programmes are to train more top executives in Germany to be competitive on the international labour market, and for that, THWS won the Best Strategy MINTernational Award in 2014.
If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed your studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Which TWIN programmes does THWS offer?
Below, you will find the German degree programme followed by its English-taught twin.
Applied Mathematics (in German) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: Allgemeine Zulassungsvoraussetzungen (siehe unten)
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real-world problems from practically all areas of our highly technical society based on the division of labour: The spectrum ranges from technical problems from the engineering sciences to business management topics such as the simulation and optimisation of production plants to the analysis of financial markets. Applied Mathematics is characterised by the combination of mathematical models with modern computer-based methods, especially from the fields of machine learning and data science. This combination enables the solution of increasingly complex problems. In addition, the programme of Applied Mathematics trains key competences that are of decisive importance in today's constantly changing job profiles: The ability to abstract, a structured approach and analytical thinking.
Programme Structure
Modulplan: PDF-Download
For the Applied Mathematics degree programme students choose from two application-oriented focus topics:
- Technologies
- Business
The study programme includes the areas:
- Mathematical foundations and specialisations
- Computer science (object-oriented programming, databases)
- Application-oriented focus topics (physics and engineering sciences for the Technologies focus topic, a focus on business administration for the Business focus topic)
- Practical work (mathematical software, simulation modelling, programming)
- Practical phase within a company
- Job-related English classes and soft skills, e.g. communication and presentation competences
The programme roughly comprises of
- 60 % maths
- 20 % computer sciences
- 20 % application-oriented focus topic (Technologies or Business)
There may be slight shifts in the proportions, depending on the electives taken.
Career Perspectives
Applied Mathematics offers excellent career prospects, e.g. in the manufacturing industry, engineering offices, telecommunications and transport companies, energy suppliers or banks and insurance companies.
Depending on the focus topic chosen and the electives taken, the possible career profiles range from classic engineering jobs to the new job profile of data scientist to a career in auditing and consulting.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office. Programme advisor
Contact person
Programme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
E-Mail michael.bodewig[at]
Link to programme page Applied Mathematics (in German)
Programme offered by
Applied Mathematics (in English) (B.Sc.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Mathematics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Applied Mathematics is a key discipline for solving real challenges from basically all areas of society, engineering, and business.
Applied Mathematics is about solving complex problems by connecting mathematical analyses with modern computer-aided methods like machine learning and data science.
The degree programme Applied Mathematics is conceptualised as a TWIN programme, which means that there is a German-taught counterpart to the English-taught course. These programmes allow students to complete modules in both German and English. The TWIN programmes are complemented by cultural and linguistic training. In addition to bilingual teaching, the TWIN programme also offers students the opportunity to connect with students from different cultures. That way, linguistic skills and intercultural competence are being promoted which is especially important for companies operating globally.
Programme Structure
The programme contains modules from mathematics and computer science, and depending on the chosen specialisation, engineering or business modules:
Mathematics: In addition to the foundation modules Analysis and Linear Algebra, fields of applied mathematics, among them Numerics, Optimisation, Stochastics, Statistics, and Differential Equations are covered.
Computer Science: The programme includes procedural and object-oriented programming in several programming languages (e.g. C/C++, Python), database systems and programming in mathematical software like Matlab and R.
In addition to expert knowledge in the fields, the degree programme also offers courses in professional English, soft skills like communication and presentation skills, and key competencies that are essential for matching the continuously changing candidate profiles: abstraction abilities, structured approaches, and analytical thinking.
Career Perspectives
Graduates of Applied Mathematics have excellent future-proof career perspectives, e.g. simulation specialist, data scientist, consultant, machine learning engineer, software developer, or as finance or insurance manager.
The degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) also qualifies graduates for consecutive master’s programmes in related areas. One of the options at THWS would be the master’s programme Artificial Intelligence (MAI).
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
The sixth semester is the internship semester and is completed in a company. Students generally also complete their bachelor's thesis with this company.
This programme is optionally also offered as “Academic study with intensive in-company training”. For this, the students spend the lecture-free period and the internship semester working in a company of their choice.
Contact person
Programme advisor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Bodewig
Room 1.E.41.3
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8530
Email michael.bodewig[at]
Link to programme page Applied Mathematics (in English)
Programme offered by
Business Administration (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme Business Administration
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admissioin requirements
Language of Instruction: German, partly English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Bachelor Business Administration has the objective to offer a broad and practice-oriented training with a modern academic basis. On graduation, students are able to assist the management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to start their own businesses. Furthermore, due to its academic and quantitative approach this bachelor's programme entitles to take up master’s programmes at all higher education institutions. During the second part of their studies, students concentrate on a specific combination of subject areas; they are thus given the opportunity to intensify skills and knowledge identified and worked on during the first part of their studies.
Programme Structure
The programme is characterised by a broad basic training during the first part of studies followed by a specialised focus on the subject area. During the first part of studies, students are taught the skill to identify, understand, and work towards an solution for complex relations and interdependencies not only within the actual subject area. This is followed by two areas of specialisation so students are able to further improve their knowledge and their problem solving competence in the chosen subject areas. This structure is the theoretical foundation on which students can start building their professional careers in companies.
Career Perspectives
In contrast to many other degree programmes with a broad approach towards their subject area, our students are being prepared for their future tasks by an extensive hands-on approach that involves project work in cooperation with companies. By order from external companies and especially in the chosen areas of specialisation, student project teams work on real-life questions. Networking is highly encouraged to enhance their professional expertise even further; therefore, students write their bachelor’s theses in colllaboration with companies.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue in our online application portal.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Christian Kille
Room S.3.14
Münzstraße 12
97070 Würzburg
E-Mail: christian.kille[at]
For office hours please visit the Faculty's Website
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business Administration (German)
Link to programme page Business Administration
Programme offered by
International Management (B.A.)
Bachelor's programme International Management
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants, N. C. (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme “International Management” takes 3.5 years (seven semesters) including one practical semester (usually the fifth semester). Within a modular structure 210 CPs (approx. 30 CPs per semester) can be achieved.
The modules can be assigned to the following topics:
- General basics
- Economic basics
- Business functions
- Subject related specialisation
- General studies
- Specialist modules
Programme Structure
The structure of the bachelor’s programme taught in English is similar to the German taught bachelor’s programme Business Administration (following the TWIN concept of FHWS). During the first two semesters, the internationally standardised basic modules are almost identical to the ones in Business Administration. In the 3rd and 4th semester, modules like Intercultural Management or Organizational Structure prepare students for the particularities in international business. An optional semester abroad during the 3rd or 4th semester and and optional internship abroaud during the 5th semester is an opportunity to get to know cultures and subject-specific perspectives of and in other countries. To make credit transfer easier, the subjects of the 3rd and 4th semester are designed and compiled similar to those at all partner universities. Two German or English taught specialisations have to be completed in the 6th and 7th semester.
Career Perspectives
On graduation, students are able to assist management in all questions related to business administration, to take over management functions in internationally operating companies, or to set up their own business. For their personal development students also acquire social and intercultural skills as well as language skills. Classes taught in English, an optional semester abroad, and the integration of international students (mobility at home) are designed to improve students’ competitiveness in the labour market.
Additional Information
You are interested in entering the first semester of a degree programme with restricted admission? Then your way into it starts with registering at In order to register, please enter your personal data. In the next step you will get an applicant ID (Bewerber-Identifikations-Nummer, BID) and an applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungs-Nummer, BAN). You will need both to continue your online application.
For detailed information about the application procedure, please follow this link to
Detailed information about application and enrolment is available on the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Raum Z.2.09
Münzstraße 19
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8836
Email rainer.wehner[at]
Office hours: Please see the Faculty's Website
Link to programme page International Management
Programme offered by
Plastics and Rubber Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Plastics and Rubber Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admisstion requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme offers a traditional engineering training complemented by application-oriented contents for jobs in the relevant industries. Based on the fundamentals of engineering the focus is on processing, component construction, and materials science of plastics and elastomers. Among traditional and modern manufacturing processes, there are many more innovative topics treated like 3D-printing, fibre reinforced plastic, computer aided design, rubber technology, modern methods of analysis, or surface finishing. Throughout the course of study and oarallel to lectures, there is a high share of practical coursework in modern-equipped laboratories where student teams apply and broaden their acquired theoretical knowledge. Furthermore, the degree programme is characterised by its uncomplicated and personal student-teacher relationship in conveniently sized groups.
Programme Structure
The programme takes seven semesters (six theoretical and one practical semester) with 210 CPs in total. The foundation courses take place in two semesters, the main courses in another five semesters. The first two semesters teach the fundamentals of mathematics, engineering and natural science in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, or construction. The third and fourth semester intensify the general engineering knowledge; in addition, the basics of plastics processing as well as the chemistry and materials science of polymers are treated. For their practical semester (in the fifth semester), students already do engineering work at companies in the plastics or elastomer industry. During the sixth and seventh semester, the focus is on specific topics related to plastics and elastomers; relevant knowledge and skills are intensified, for example by a team project. Additionally, basic knowledge of business administration is taught. The degree programme is completed by a bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
As there is an enormous scope for the use of plastics, the range of occupational fields for graduates is vast. International corporations, from the automotive and aerospace to sports and leisure time industry, as well as local medium sized companies or research institutes are always on the lookout for qualified personnel specialised in plastics and rubber engineering. Job prospects are very good at the moment, but also in economically difficult times the demand for the skills and knowledge of dedicated graduates was and will be constantly high.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Website of the Bachelor's programme Plastics and Rubber Engineering (German only)
Link to programme page Plastics and Rubber Engineering
Programme offered by
Applied Polymer Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Applied Polymer Engineering
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; pre-study internship (see below)
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Würzburg
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The degree programme Applied Polymer Engineering aims to train independent, responsible engineers, who put the technical potential of plastics and elastomers to intelligent use and use them to shape a sustainable future.
By combining theoretical knowledge and with specialised applications of modern devices and machines, the students develop a solid, extensive understanding that enables them to work in every field of plastics and/or elastomer engineering, depending on their personal interest.
The TWIN programme Applied Polymer Engineering/ Kunststoff- und Elastomertechnik enables students to complete their studies in German and English. If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed you studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme Structure
Fundamentals (1st and 2nd semester):
Mostly natural scientific and engineering foundation modules, lab and practice module, initial plastics module
Main studies (3rd and 4th semester):
Plastics and rubber engineering modules, engineering modules, technical modules, lab and practice module
Internship semester (5th semester)
Specialisation (6th and 7th semester):
Polymer and elastomer engineering modules, technical and business modules, research project, and lab/ practice module
Bachelor's thesis (7th semester)
Career Perspectives
The career perspectives of our graduates are as diverse as the applications for plastics and elastomers:
- Mechanical and apparatus engineering
- Vehicle manufacturing and shipbuilding
- Aerospace and space engineering
- Environmental protection
- Chemical synthesis
- Medical engineering
- Packaging industry
- Polymer analytics
- Sports and leisure equipment industry
- …
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schuck
Röntgenring 8
97070 Würzburg
Phone +49 931 3511-8361
Email marcus.schuck[at]
Programme offered by
Logistics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, partly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme Structure
Among the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
With this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693
Link to programme page Logistics (in German)
Programme offered by
Logistics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Logistics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This bachelor’s programme is one of our Twin Programmes, i.e. the Logistics programme taught in English (IBL) is basically identical to the Logistics programme mainly taught in German (BL). During the course of studies, students may switch between programmes/languages and thus acquire a Twin Certificate at the end.
By intertwining logistic content with technical subject areas, the Bachelor's programme Logistics - independent from the language of instruction - has above-average career perspectives and employment security. Our lecturers - previously often in top management positions of companies with lots of opportunity to gather ample experience - are teaching not only current, but also future-oriented skills and knowledge. Teaching contents are provided in internationally oriented, mostly English taught classes (BL) or completely English taught classes (IBL) by seminar-like lectures and projects. Among various case studies and to prepare students as good and as practice-oriented as possible for their future careers, there are two comprehensive projects carried out throughout a whole semester. These projects take place in cooperation with companies so that a student group solves an actual and current logistic challenge within the respective company.
Programme Structure
Among the basics of economics, natural sciences, and engineering, the seven-semester-programme teaches specialist knowledge of logistics and transportation in international corporate networks. It aims at qualifying students for their profession in basic subjects, e.g. mathematics, physics, technical mechanics, operations management, as well as transport logistics (semesters 1 to 3). Additionally, there are modular classes like material flow systems, technical logistics, supply chain management, international logistics, strategic purchasing, logistics services (semesters 4 to 6). Moreover, the programme includes two projects in industry and a 20-week internship plus seminar in the sixth semester. During the seventh semester, students complete their studies with classes on core competences and their individual Bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
With this degree you can choose from a wide variety of occupational fields. Here, "Supply Chain Management" is the formative concept: planning, implementing and controlling supply chains between industry, commerce, service providers, logistics services and the final users. In material flows, in-house logistics departments and external logistics service providers take over functions in transporting, storing and turnover of materials. In these value chains, logistics experts are responsible to plan and continuously improve technical and organisational logistics system in such a way that stocks are as low as possible, their availabilty, however, high while at the same time costs are to be as low as possible.
Additional Information
Please follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt
Room 20.1.69
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8693Email
Link to programme page Logistics (in English)
Programme offered by
Mechatronics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
A practical orientation in teaching enables the independent use and application of academic knowledge and methods. With regard to the range and diversity of occupational fields, mechatronics engineers need a sound, fundamental knowledge; the programme therefore teaches the necessary subject-specific, methodological and social skills to quickly become familiarised with every application of mechatronics. By choosing from a range of scientific specialisation modules, students have the chance to choose classes according to their interest and occupational expectations, but without having to limit their possible future area of activity. Relevant subjects enable students to realise the impact of technology on the environment and, in accordance, to act responsibly. Character formation and problem-solving skills that follow from acquiring social, cultural and foreign language skills are developed by intensive project work. The degree programme also prepares students to take over executive functions. Moreover, the bachelor's programme is the starting point for further application-oriented, academic qualification by completing a master’s programme.
Programme Structure
The first three semesters serve as introduction/orientation phase with basic and subject-specific studies. These studies involve mathematical-scientific basics as well as technical basics and soft skills. During the specialisation phase (fourth and fifth semester) there are classes, tutorials and practical coursework in mechatronic basics and applications. Additionally, four elective scientific specialisation modules have to be completed. During the practical semester (sixth semester) students do an internship in industrial companies accompanied by various classes. The seventh semester is dedicated to industrial projects and practical coursework involving cross-subject teaching contents as well as writing a bachelor’s thesis.
Career Perspectives
Mechatronics engineers can perform a multitude of activities as, for example, in development, construction, assembly, manufacturing, commissioning, projecting, quality assurance, but also in the areas of distribution/sales, customer service, and consulting. Job prospects are excellent, as there is demand in all branches of mechanical and plant engineering as well as in electrical engineering and electronics. Being generalists, mechatronics engineers act as mediators in companies between already existing disciplines; by their interdisciplinary knowledge graduates are able to increase the efficiency of specialised teams.
Additional Information
The degree programme is a cooperation of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (FM) and Electrical Engineering (FE).
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Silke Müller
Room 3.E.02
Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8798
E-Mail silke.mueller[at]
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 11:00 h
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (German only)
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in German)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
The Bachelor’s programme Mechatronics is devised to meet the multidisciplinary requirements of today’s industry. This engineering discipline combines the expertise from areas of electrical and mechanical engineering with information processing. In addition to delivering a solid understanding of these areas, this programme aims to develop further skills needed to carry out and manage engineering projects. Specially designed courses enable students to identify the environmental impact of technology and encourage them to act responsibly. Due to elective modules, the students may tailor their courses according to their own inclinations and interests without compromises. The practice-oriented learning environment at THWS makes them capable of applying the know-how and scientific methods to solve engineering problems independently. This programme also focuses on personality development by offering foreign languages, interaction in multicultural teams, soft skills and further social competences. The degree programme can also serve as a solid fundament for graduate studies.
Programme Structure
A six-week pre-study internship is a requirement of this Bachelor’s programme. The programme can be divided into three stages. At the first stage, consisting of three semesters, basic and foundation modules are offered. The emphasis is on the fundamentals of engineering, mathematics, computing, natural sciences and soft skills. The second stage of the programme, consisting of the fourth and fifth semester, deals with core modules of mechatronics. The theory and lab courses, offered at this stage, involve control systems, measuring techniques, actuators, software engineering, embedded systems, design & simulation of mechatronic systems etc. A wide range of elective modules with direct industrial relevance to automation, robotics, manufacturing, power engineering and automotive sectors is also offered during the fifth semester. The final stage of the degree programme, consisting of the sixth and seventh semester, involves practical training with real-world problems. The major part of the sixth semester is an internship in industry. During this internship students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the industrial problems. This way they develop a problem-solving approach. The seventh semester involves an engineering project, a Bachelor’s thesis and some interdisciplinary lab work.
Career Perspectives
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering. Mechatronics engineers can perform a wide variety of jobs such as research and development; hardware and software design; product development; planning, execution and management of engineering projects; installation, testing and commissioning of industrial equipment; quality control; marketing; customer care and consulting. The career prospects are very bright. Potential employers are companies from various industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, robotics, manufacturing, material processing, energy systems, drives, printing, medical systems and consumer products etc. Their multidisciplinary competencies enable them to assume coordination and leading jobs in project teams involving engineers of other disciplines like electrical, mechanical and software engineering. The Bachelor’s programme at THWS is highly practical. The interaction of students with the industry, during the internship and the Bachelor’s thesis, normally paves the path to a fascinating career in a national or multinational enterprise.
Additional Information
Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Abid Ali
Room 1.1.64
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940- 8454
E-Mail abid.ali[at]
Office hours by appointment
Website of the Bachelor's programme Mechatronics
Link to programme page Mechatronics (in English)
Programme offered by
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Robotics (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing. Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
Programme Structure
The Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis. A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career Perspectives
Driven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional Information
General admission requirements apply to all applicants with German higher education entrance qualification. For more information, please see the pages of our Department for Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Volker Willert
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8598
Mail volker.willert[at]
Link to programme page Robotics (in German)
Programme offered by
Robotics (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Robotics (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; TestAS (see additional informations) or SAT, German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
Robotics is an innovative and rapidly growing field of technology. Today, robots can be found in many areas of industry and everyday life and their importance is steadily growing.
Since the the introduction in the second half of the last century, robots have developed into sophisticated and highly complex systems. More than ever, the design and implementation of robot systems requires a sound academic education. For this purpose, the THWS and industrial partners have developed the Bachelor's programme Robotics. The bachelor’s programme prepares prospective engineers for future challenges in the area of robotics with a mix of theoretical and practical education and opens the door to a promising field of employment.
This English-taught Bachelor‘s programme is designed as TWIN programme alongside the existing German-taught Bachelor’s programme Robotik. TWIN programmes enable you to complete your studies in both German and English. You will also do cultural and linguistic trainings when studying those TWIN Programmes.
If you fulfil all requirements for a TWIN Programme, you will receive a TWIN Certificate at the end of your studies. It proves that you completed your studies in both languages and are more than qualified for a successful career on the German and international labour market.
Programme Structure
The Bachelor’s programme Robotics is divided into three sections. The first section covers the basic study period from the 1st to the 4th semester. In this section, students learn about the basics of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as soft skills. In the following practical semester (5th semester) students gain professional experience in a company. Finally, there is the specialisation study period in the 6th and 7th semester. In this section, students have the opportunity to accentuate their education with lectures in a special areas of robotics. In addition, the 7th semester includes the preparation of the bachelor thesis.
A central component of the study programme are practical courses, which take place in each semester of the basic and specialisation study period. True to the motto "Learning by doing", students consolidate their theoretical knowledge through practical training.
Career Perspectives
Driven by the digitisation of production (Industry 4.0) and recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for robots. This results in a high and long-term demand for academically qualified robotics engineers. In addition to robotics, the bachelor‘s programme also qualifies students for cross-sectional activities in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Additional Information
Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired outside the EU require the scholastic aptitude test TestAS or SAT (exceptions: graduates of a Studienkolleg as well as graduates of German schools in non-European countries leaving school with an Abitur).
TestAS involves completing the Core Test as well as the subject specific Engineering Module. In both parts, a standard value/TestAS score of 100 is assumed in order to enrol. The value 100 in both test parts applies to both the paper-based and the digital TestAS.
The SAT test requires a minimum composite score of 1050 in order to enrol.
For more information about general admission requirements, please refer to the pages of our Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Marian Daun
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11
97421 Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8552
E-Mail marian.daun[at]
Link to programme page Robotics (in English)
Programme offered by
Business and Engineering (in German) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in German)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: German
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme Structure
During the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an engineering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, digital business, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, digital business, sales or purchasing.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers in companies. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career Perspectives
Due to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional Information
On the following websites you can find out more about general and progamme specific admission requirements:
- Persons with German university entrance certificates: Department of Student Affairs (HSST)
- Persons with other university entrance certificates: International Office.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle
Raum 11.E.10
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8684
E-Mail ulrich.deutschle[at]
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in German)
Programme offered by
Business and Engineering (in English) (B.Eng.)
Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering (in English)
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Entrance Requirements: General admission requirements; German A2 & English B2 for international applicants
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 7 semesters (start: winter semester)
FHWS location: Schweinfurt
Diploma Supplement: yes
Tuition fees: none
This Bachelor’s programme is one of our TWIN Programmes, i.e. the Business and Engineering programme taught in English (IBE) is basically identical to the programme mainly taught in German (BWW). During the course of studies, students may switch languages and so acquire a TWIN Certificate at the end.
Due to the teaching’s orientation towards economic and technical matters, the programme offers above-average career opportunities and security of employment. Lecturers who often gathered there experience in top management positions of companies teach up-to-date and future-oriented knowledge. To prepare students for their careers as good and practically as possible, many classes apply their learning content to issues in small, medium sized and big companies by cooperating with these companies. Students learn to meet managerial challenges with up-to-date skills in the economic-technical field as well as with professional, methodological, and social competence.
Programme Structure
During the first three semesters, teaching concentrates on the basics of substantial sub-disciplines of business engineering: Natural sciences, engineering, economics, project management and scientific/academic techniques.
From the 4th semester specialisation modules from the field of engineering or business can be chosen.
BWW: for an enginnering specialisation, students can choose mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or mechatronics; for a business specialisation, students can choose purchasing (mainly taught in English), production, sales or controlling.
IBE: An engineering specialisation is possible in mechatronics or mechanical engineering; for a business specialisation, students can choose production, purchasing, sales or digital business.
There is an internship module (6th semester) that introduces students to the actual work of business engineers. Studies are completed by a bachelor’s thesis (7th semester) that discusses a (often practical) problem on a scientific basis.
Career Perspectives
Due to the programme’s mixture of technical and non-technical elements, graduates can choose from a broad variety of occupational fields to start their career: Marketing/distribution, logistics, materials management/purchasing; production, controlling, accounting, administration/organisation, or data processing. Possible fields of activity are, for example, in producing and trading companies, engineering offices, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, but also in the public sector or when establishing one’s own company.
Additional Information
Please follow the link for more details regarding general and programme specific admission requirements.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Elke Stadelmann
Room 6.1.08
Ignaz-Schön-Str. 11, Schweinfurt
Phone +49 9721 940-8739
Office hours: Please see the faculty's website!
Website of the Bachelor's programme Business and Engineering
Link to programme page Business and Engineering (in English)
Programme offered by
Which requirements do I have to meet to receive the TWIN certificate?
To receive a TWIN certificate, you have to prove the following:
- Language proficiency at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in English and German. For more information, please read about the language courses offered by the Campus for Language Proficiency at THWS.
- At least 10 ECTS points for modules that teach intercultural skills.
- At least 60 ECTS points for modules in both languages (English/German) of the TWIN Progamme (applies to students who started their studies on 1 October 2016 or later).
- Graduation in a degree programme offered as a TWIN Programme.
Please refer to the website of your degree programmes or to your faculty to find out which modules you can study within the TWIN Programme.
How can I apply for a TWIN programme?
If you already have an admission, please refer to your faculty to find out which modules you can study within the TWIN programme. Once you have fulfilled all requirements for a TWIN Certificate, please contact the Department of Student Affairs (HSST). They will hand out the TWIN Certificate after you handed in all required documents.