Students in park (c) Jonas Kron

THWS Science Journal

It is an important aim of THWS to strengthen and promote applied research. This also includes establishing an independent scientific journal series in which young researchers and renowned specialists - consisting of students, research assistants, lecturers, professors and partners from the industry - can publish their results and thus creating a bundled research platform for the university. For this reason, the THWS Science Journal was launched.

We will be glad to provide you with printed copies, should you be interested in one. Simply send us an email to scj[at]

All issues for download:

FHWS SCJ 1/2021

Volume 5 (2021) - Issue 1
Second Special edition BEST-FIT

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Volume 4 (2018) - Issue 1
Communication - Ethics - Economics - Establishing Values!

FHWS SCJ 2/2015

Volume 3 (2015) - Issue 2
Special edition subsequent to Information Security Day 2015 of the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems.

FHWS SCJ 1/2015

Volume 3 (2015) - Issue 1
Special edition project BEST-FIT. FHWS launched the project BEST-FIT to enhance the pass rates and to heighten the practice fitness of students. To achieve this measures in five modules are implemented and progress and lessons learnt are documented.

FHWS SCJ 1/2014

Volume2 (2014) - Issue 1
With contributions from electrical engineering and information technology, computer science and business information systems, mechanical engineering, plastic engineering, economics and social work. 

FHWS SCJ 2/2013

Volume 1 (2013) - Issue 2
The second edition focuses on  "Electromobility and Energy Engineering". It shows how the tags energy transition, energy efficiency and electromobility are filled with content in applied research projects at FHWS.
FHWS SCJ 1/2013

Volume1 (2013) - Issue 1
The first issue focuses on topics from the field of business information systems and computer science and was issued after the  Mobility Moves Business Congress.