50 Years 50 Faces
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Löbmann
Dean of Studies, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
At FHWS since 2008
For me, FHWS is …
a place full of eager and interested students and lovely colleagues; a place I enjoy being; a place where I experience new challenges and meet new people all the time.
What do you appreciate about FHWS?
I appreciate the close links to practice, the network of many locally-based former students, and indeed also the international partnerships and the strong support from FHWS for international exchange. In short, the balance between a regional and an international perspective.
What was the best decision in your professional career and why? What has changed since then?
There has been no one decision that was the best in itself: each good decision was made possible by previous decisions. Leaving university after my doctorate and heading to the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony was undoubtedly the best decision at the time. The professional experience I gained there then made a move to FHWS – the next good decision – possible. The role is so wide, so interesting and so varied and there is so much scope for personal initiative that I would describe it as my dream job. After a few years at the faculty, taking on the office of Dean of Studies was in turn also my best decision. It opened up new creative freedom and broadened my perspective beyond my own faculty.
What do you think has shaped FHWS the most over the last 50 years?
I have now been at FHWS for over ten years and it is for that period that I can really respond. The close exchange with students is something I see as a positive development. Both at our “Tag der Lehre” teaching event at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and in our Teaching Quality team, we work in partnership with students and are constantly seeking to improve the quality of teaching and conditions for students. Another aspect is internationalisation: we now have more links than before to higher education institutions abroad, and more international students at the faculty.
What is your vision of the future for FHWS? What might FHWS look like in 50 years’ time?
I hope that FHWS becomes even more of a place of learning and living than it already is. I imagine a campus atmosphere with lots of great places to learn and relax, where teachers and learners all enjoy spending time, and engage with each other outside of class. There would also be a central facility providing comprehensive physical and mental health support and services for both students and staff.
I can see studying being more flexible: more part-time programmes; independent learning semesters that students can put together to suit their needs as an integral part of degree programmes, for example to catch up on missing credits or take time for an internship or period abroad.
What is your insider tip for the cities of Würzburg or Schweinfurt and why?
A great option on a hot summer’s day in Würzburg is a cycle trip along the River Main towards Randersacker. In Ochsenfurt, you can stop off at Lazzaris ice cream café to refuel before heading along the Gaubahnradweg cycle path towards Aub. On the way back, I recommend a visit to Gasthof zum Anker in Sommerhausen or Café Schatztruhe – they have to have the best cake in the Würzburg area.