FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg



(Art. 25 (1) Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (Bavarian University Law))

Elected members

Representatives of the Academic Teaching Staff

  • Prof. Dr. Björn Baltzer, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • Prof. Dr. Arndt Balzer, Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Volker Bräutigam, Economics and Business Administration
  • Prof. Dr. Tanja Henking, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel, Faculty of Plastics Engineering and Surveying
  • Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Representative of the Research Academic and Artistic Staff

  • Dipl.-Dolm. Andrea Kreiner-Wegener, Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities

Representative of the Other Employees

  • Maria Grünewald, Department of Public Affairs and Communications

Student Representatives

  • Luise Haberland, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
  • Sophia Erhart, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences

Member ex officio

Women's Representative of THWS

Prof. Dr. Christina Völkl-Wolf, Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems


Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke

Vice Chair

Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel

Tasks of the Senate

(Art. 25 (3) Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (Bavarian University Law))

The Senate

  1. determines the statutory regulations the university has to issue, unless stated otherwise,
  2. determines matters of fundamental significance for research and the promotion of scientific and artistic young academics as well as for the realisation of the gender equality mission,
  3. determines research priorities and decides about requests for establishing
    collaborative research centres and post graduate programmes
    as well as corresponding
  4. determines proposals for establishing, altering and abolishing degree courses,
  5. comments on the proposals by the appointment commission for the appointment of professors,
  6. determines, on the basis of the decision made by the faculty board, proposals for the appointment of honorary professors,
  7. decides on the conferral of the dignified titles of honorary senator, honorary citizen or honorary member of the university,
  8. assumes the tasks of the faculty board - should the university not be divided into faculties,
  9. decides on the approval of proposals regarding the appointment of university council members who are not affiliated with the university,
  10. plays a part in other matters, provided this is envisaged by law or based on a law.