Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron



(Art. 35 (1) Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act))

Elected members

Representatives of the Academic Teaching Staff

  • Prof. Dr. Björn Baltzer, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • Prof. Dr. Arndt Balzer, Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Volker Bräutigam, Economics and Business Administration
  • Prof. Dr. Tanja Henking, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel, Faculty of Plastics Engineering and Surveying
  • Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Representative of the Research Academic and Artistic Staff

  • Dipl.-Dolm. Andrea Kreiner-Wegener, Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities

Representative of the Other Employees

  • Maria Grünewald, Department of Public Affairs and Communications

Student Representatives

  • Antonia Dolfen, Faculty of Business and Engineering
  • Mathis Krämer, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Member ex officio

Women's Representative of THWS

Prof. Dr. Christina Völkl-Wolf, Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems


Prof. Dr. Winfried Wilke

Vice chair

Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel

Responsibilities of the senate

(Art. 35 (3) Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act))

The senate

  1. decides upon the regulations to be adopted by THWS, unless otherwise provided for,
  2. decides upon matters of fundamental importance for research, the promotion of junior researchers and artists, and the achievement of equal opportunity,
  3. determines research focuses, and decides upon proposals for the establishment of collaborative research centers, graduate schools, and corresponding institutions,
  4. takes decisions on proposals for the establishment, modification, and discontinuation of degree programmes,
  5. gives its opinion on the appointment proposals agreed on by the appointment committee and dissenting opinions, if any,
  6. issues proposals for the appointment of honorary professors on the basis of the faculty council’s decisions,
  7. decides upon the awarding of the privilege of honorary senator, an honorary citizen, or an honorary member of THWS.
  8. performs the tasks of the faculty council in case the higher education institution is not divided into faculties,
  9. decides upon the confirmation of the proposals for appointment of the non-THWS members of the university council,
  10. is involved in other matters if provided for by law.