Students working in a group (c) Jonas Kron

Dr. Georg Schäfer Youth Foundation Schweinfurt

Scholarships and travel allowances for stays and internships abroad at universities and institutes outside of Europe for Schweinfurt students of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt are offered by the Dr. Georg Schäfer Youth Foundation Schweinfurt.

The Dr. Georg Schäfer Youth Foundation was founded in 1961 with the purpose of funding youth welfare and education allowances. Funding study stays is the modern continuation and expansion of this idea.

Students of the following degree programmes are eligble to apply

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Logistics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Business and Engineering

In order to be eligible for funding, students must demonstrate

  • outstanding academic performance
  • financial needs

Funding is primarily provided for students from the city of Schweinfurt, the districts of Schweinfurt, Haßfurt, Rhön-Grabfeld and Bad Kissingen. Applicants must not be older than 26 years during their stay abroad.

Funding must be applied for before starting the journey, namely
by 31 December for the following summer semester and
by 30 June for the following winter semester.

Link to the page "Costs and funding possibilities" of the International Office. They provide you with additional information on scholarships and the download link for the scholarship application for the Dr. Georg Schäfer Youth Foundation Schweinfurt

About Dr.-Ing. E. h. Georg Schäfer

(1896 - 1975)

In 1925, Dr.-Ing. E. h. Georg Schäfer, honorary citizen of his hometown Schweinfurt, co-owner and senior director of the company FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schäfer & Co., had to take on leadership of the company after the early death of his father, Geheimrat Georg Schäfer. The aftermath of WWI, inflation, deflation and the Great Depression, while facing competition in the European rolling bearing industry, were acid tests of unknown dimensions.

During this time, a work community grew, that overcame war economy, bomb devastation and total demounting of several thousand tool machines after 1945. It took hard word to rebuild the factories and to create new national and international branches. In all this hardship, Dr. Georg Schäfer never lost the close, nearly familial contact with his workers and their families.

He especially cared for the support of young people. His many efforts for young people was characterised by the idea of helping young people, of promoting their abilities and talents, especially if their financial means were limited. The Dr. Georg Schäfer Youth Foundation was built in this sense.