FHWS building at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg Würzburg

Centre for Additive Metal Printing

The classic ways of processing metal are enriched by the fast-growing new technology of metal printing, offering new possibilities to design and optimise products. Simultaneously, a high requirement to transfer research findings into application is the result, and the need to develop and evaluate new fields of application.

The Centre for Additive Metal Printing (“CAMP”) is thus concerned with application-oriented research fields which increasingly impact both SMEs, as well as regional large-scale enterprises.

Contact: camp.idee@thws.de

Maps: https://g.page/CAMP-THWS

Research fields

Process monitoring and process data preparation

Metal printing is a relatively new technology that is developing quickly Thus, sensors and approaches to monitor processes are not only driven by the demands of quality assurance and process documentation, but also by the further development of the process understanding and the influences of variable process parameters.

Conclusions drawn from the process information and the preparation of this data helps to take a further step into the direction of flawless, quality-compliant manufacturing at the first attempt - first time right . Numerous sensors, sensor concepts and large amounts of data are the challenges currently worked on.

Sensors for the assessment of a process and a molten bath

Process monitoring always includes the following components: Sensors, processing of measured data, feature extraction, analysis, assessment, and last but not least - decision-making. Sensor arrays thus play a fundamental role in the robust and applied monitoring of processes.

Radiation thermometers represent an approach to contactlessly capture essential process parameters Especially for use in high-temperature environments in the limited space of metal smelters, an interference-free, robust and absolute measuring represents great challenges.

Process chain and innovative applications

The process chain is dividable into pre-process, main process and post-process. On one hand, the challenges are in the continuous integration of digital engineering into data preparation, planning, and quality assurance. On the other hand, the collection of data and measurands creates new potentials for improvement which, in conclusion, flow back into planning and preparation, i. e. the pre-process.

In this research field, the focus lies on integration of technology with laborious process preparation and follow-up into existing production systems. Often, work preparation, production planning and quality management systems are already existing. Now, these systems must also take into account the specific properties of metal printing to be operated efficiently.

Simultaneously, 3D printing technology opens new solution pathways for product design and shaping. Thus, the research field is open to, for example, the topic of functional integration into metallic components.



Head of the CAMP

Profile of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schiffler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schiffler

Research professorship “Manufacturing and Data Technology in Mechanical Engineering”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schiffler

Room 5.E.18

Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940-8559


Link to the GoogleCitation publication list

Head of lab

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Versch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Versch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Versch

Room 5.E.18

Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11
97421 Schweinfurt

Phone +49 9721 940- 8716


ProDiMe - Project group for Digital applications in Metalworking

VALIDAD - Validation of additive manufacturing techniques for application in metalworking

Project funding for the infrastructural measures taken by the Centre for Digital Innovations (ZDI) Mainfranken.

The foundation for these guidelines to promote start-up centres, networking activities and new businesses in the digitisation sector (Announcement of the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics and Media, Energy and Technology)