THWS CampusPortal

Link to the CampusPortal:

The THWS CampusPortal allows you to register for exams, view your academic record, re-enrol, and change your address. Additionally, you can print your current certificate of enrolment as well as a confirmation of your periods of study.

The Student Portal remains active for the purposes of Deutschlandstipendium (German National Scholarship), the university elections, and registration for general elective modules. 

There is a course room named “THWS CampusPortal” in the eLearning.

Logo THWS CampusPortal

Tutorial videos and PDF manuals

Explanatory videos about all functions of the new THWS CampusPortal can be found in the E-Learning course room:
Link to the E-Learning course room for the THWS CampusPortal for students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The THWS CampusPortal will replace our old student portal and offers many functions:

  • Change of address
  • Re-enrolment
  • Registration for exams
  • Student records
  • Download of study-related documents and enrolment certificates

However, the old student portal will remain active for the purposes of registering for general electives and the university elections. These functions will move over to the THWS CampusPortal at a later point in time.

For the CampusPortal, please use the same login details as in the old Student Portal. Enter your k-number as user name and your corresponding password.

Are you new to THWS?

You have received your login credentials (k-number and your preliminary password) in the enrolment process.

I have forgotten my password:

You have the option to change your current password or to assign a new password to the one you have forgotten. Click here to learn how you can change your password. 

If you have been enrolled at THWS before and are now studying a new degree programme, please log in to the THWS CampusPortal with your new matriculation number and the password (chosen by you, the same password as for the k-number).

Technical problems may arise for various reasons. First, please ensure that you are entering the correct login data (k-number and the corresponding password) for your login. 

If you have questions on data regarding your studies, grades, or exams, please contact the responsible contact person of the Department of Student Affairs.

If you have questions regarding your credit certificate, exam registration, or re-enrolment, please refer to your direct contact person at the Department of Student Affairs. Please find a list of the corresponding persons for your degree programme here

You can de-register yourself within the registration period. After the registration period, please ask the responsible contact person at the Department of Student Affairs.

Please find detailed information on this topic on the page re-enrolment and paying the semester fee.

I registered for an examination, but I can no longer see the registration

As soon as the examiners start adding grades, the examination is no longer listed in the category “Show my enrollments“. From now on, the registered examination is listed in the planner of studies and in the category “My achievements” with the annotation “Grade entry in progress”.

Where can I find an overview of passed and failed examinations?

An overview can be found in the “Transcript of exam results – all exams“ under My Studies -> Student Services -> Tab: Requested Reports / Reports. Here you can find successful examinations, failed attempts and approved extensions of deadlines.

Further questions

Questions on the topics of graduation, de-registration from a programme, fees, exams, study plan and teaching are answered on our General FAQ page.